boleh liat pict ny g bos??tertarik gw nih,,
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - room507 #326
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIJUAL MURAH, MIXER NUMARK DM 100 2X12/08/08, 22:45
boleh liat pict ny g bos??tertarik gw nih,,
thnks Z #327
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Room507 family production12/08/08, 19:38
trima kasih bung adit hehhe sukses trus nih keliatanny hehehhe,,, sukses jug abuat wushtuffle ya hehhe #329
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: For Sale: Soundcard 'ECHO Audiofire 4 Firewire Interface' hanya 1,9juta11/08/08, 22:54
PM harga nettnya dong,,ok thanks
Z #330
Jakarta Events / Re: Room507 proudly present ZERO GRAVITY @ J Lounge09/08/08, 19:31
c u guys tunite...
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Buat semua LABEL/EO/PROMOTOR !!! Sepakat 20% aja yuk (profit Sharing!!)06/08/08, 12:25
setuju bgt tuh..trus gmn cara ngmng sm pihak club ny nih??
Jakarta Events / Re: Trance4Life's "DRAMATICA" at Wonderbar 20 August 200806/08/08, 12:22
gokil fer designnya,, support dah buat acara ny trance4life hehhehehe
kaos uda mw jadi yah??mw dong hehehe #333
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: Sale Courierbag UDG @ earthquakeshop04/08/08, 01:17
bos guntur,,,uda bs pake CC g tmpat lo??hehhe
Label / Event Organizing / Re: ***TRANCE 4 LIFE*** (T4L)31/07/08, 12:30
oii roobbbb ktnya gw mw d maenin,,manaaaaaaaaa??? #335
Jakarta Events / Re: Room507 proudly present ZERO GRAVITY @ J Lounge30/07/08, 16:48
thanks Z #336
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Room507 family production30/07/08, 16:47
dateng yah smwaa..hehhehe,,
echa 1945MFgokil pancen oyeeeee... klo g dtg nyesel loh hehhehe,, c u soon #337
Gears and Technology / Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ25/07/08, 13:54
@urban victim
nah itu dya bro masalhny klo second alat2 gtu agak riskan aj, dan lo bner2 harus nyari sm org yg terpercya,sebnerny g wasting money sih sob buat bli cdj ato mixer gw juga skrg lagi nyari tuh alat2 buat d rumh,,cmn klo ad yg lebih gampng kenpa harus milih yg ag ribet,,hehehhe,,g kok g ribet tergntung lo milih console ny aj, gw blom tau soal hercules rmx tp gw kurang suka sm software ny sob, virtual dj kurang asik sob mnturt gw heheh set up gw tuh laptop macbook, soundcard u46dj, sm numark headphone. gw mixing lasg d mixer sob, dulu gw pake bcd 2000 tp skrg uda g d pake lagi gtu sob eheh,, Welcome to HDJ sob heheh Z #338
Gears and Technology / Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ25/07/08, 11:04
dua2 ny punya kelebihan dan kekurangn..
turntable & cdj kelebihnny club smwa ad jadi kita tnggl bw cd ato vinyl, nah klo kelebihan console itu kita cmn bw console dan laptop, klo buat masalh settingn biasanya gmpang cmn ngmbil 2 cannel dr mixer yg biasany channel turntable sih..dan kita g usah repot2 bw cd, kekurangnnny dr cdj ato turntable,, berat dan kadang2 cdj g bs ng baca cd yg uda ad baret2 nya,tp smwa tergntung kualitas cdj ato turntable itu sndri,dan kdg2 juga setlah lagu d burn k cd kualitas suarany kadg2 jadi turun bro,, nah klo kekurangn dr console ato laptop space buat naro laptop dan console d club jrg bgt d sedia in, dan juga klo laptop lo kbnykn program yg nyala kdg2 pas lo maen bs stuck diem gtu.dan bkl ng ganggu lo maen.dan software kdg2 bnyk yg bermsalah,,example like BCD 2000 software BDJ...itu paling sering yg namnya ng hang.. nah jadi bs nyimpulin g dr penjelasan gw??kebetuln gw dsini HDJ jadi aga bgtu ngerti soal laptop,intiny klo mw milih skrg tergntung lo bro, masing2 puny kelebihan dn kekurangn.. the real dj is not judge by what are he/she playing with, but its all about how they entertain the crowd and make crowds loved watching they play cheers Z #339
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Room507 family production24/07/08, 21:27
siaul lo nu hahahahha tai kucing rasa cokelat gmn??hahhaha thanks2 nu, sukses juga buat subspina ny, bntr lagi gw blik nih,,etr gw maen2 k spinach dah hahahah #340
Jakarta Events / Re: TRANCEFORMER INDONESIA TOUR 200824/07/08, 16:13
weitss dj shah,,gokil2, support 7/24..
hehhehe... Z #341
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Room507 family production24/07/08, 15:56
thnks bro..ayoo d tunggu yh buat event gw d jkt hehehhe @tya hheheh bu tya iini, toh nnti kita bertemu dan gw bermain sm pacar mu itu hehhe #342
Live Performances / Re: set up buat live PA???24/07/08, 04:30
mhh mksd ny mixer kcil tuh kyk gmn yh??tp klo mic ny lsg d masukin k mixer yg chnnel ny khusus mic itu bs g sh??heheh mklum br mw nyoba2. hehe,, tp yg gw omngin itu bs g yh??lsg ambil mic mc??hheeh thnks for sharing #343
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: earthquakeshop @ radio dalam raya' pembukaan april'0823/07/08, 04:26
bos guntur,,
hehehe bntr lagi gw blik k jkt, etr gw maen2 deh,hehhe oh iya gmn stanton pesenan gw masih ad g??trus headphone2 dj ad apa aj bos?? thnks yah,, Z #344
Gears and Technology / Re: SOFTWARE DJS PIONEER23/07/08, 04:02
trial yah??lumayn nih buat sblom maen d club
Live Performances / set up buat live PA???23/07/08, 03:59
mau nnya2 dong om2 smwa,,
klo mw live sm vocalist ato pun guitar dll.. apa sih yg d buthin?? ![]() ![]() ![]() thnks Z #346
Gears and Technology / Re: HDJ kumpul disini23/07/08, 03:54
weitssss ikutan jgua dong klo ad event...507 siap ng bantu hehhehe,,oh iy mw nnya2 nih ad yg tau set up ny buat live PA g klo pake laptop..??
thank you #347
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Room507 family production22/07/08, 00:32
comin up...our next event
Label / Event Organizing / Room507 family production22/07/08, 00:19
om2 smwa mau numpang minta saran dan kritik yah buat room507,,ad yg tau g??klo ad yg blom tau nnti kita memperkenal kan diri hehhe,,
kita uda pernah bkin beberapa acara, d karenakan saya dan ad bbrpa anggota yg d luar negeri jadi aga terhambat perkembngnnnya,, event yg uda pernah kita buat sejauh ini, Pleasure Island @ mezza9, Room4dance@Cleos, TRANCE4DANCE@Wb, Ghetto sensation@embassy, Zero gravity@J.Lounge, Class4dance@Green kemang.. line up dj 507 : - Izzy - Tech trance, uplifting, progressive - Rizaldy - Uplifting trance, techno house - AntoMoron - Electro , Nu Rave - Fajar Aka Fayo - Electro - Eja - Electro - Sandy - Progressive - MC 360 Aka Yorri oh iy kita masih nyari VJ dan new designer skligus mc,, klo ad yg berminat boleh telv k 085921229448 ato hubungin thanks smwa... Izzy/507 #349
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: sale headphone DJ...11/07/08, 20:51
om guntur, minta price list ny dong smwa nya,,d PM ya om thanks before..
Trance / Re: boys n girls bwat acara trance yoo!!!04/07/08, 19:43
room507 hadir buat membantu sukses nya acr..
hehehe... |