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Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel02/04/07, 18:34DJ FERRE and DJ RIZQIE VOXXX DJ BOGIE and DJ RIZQIE VOXXX #327
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX Clothings ||| Club Wear |||01/04/07, 23:05
sorry belum ada sob.. lagian mahal bener kali catnya hehehehe....thanks anyway yah for asking...
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX Clothings ||| Club Wear |||01/04/07, 20:44
pasti sob.. thanks !!!
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel01/04/07, 20:36DJ BAYU DJ DANES #331
Disk Jockey / Re: [ASK] dimana studio buat latihan?30/03/07, 13:38
buat yang didaerah deket deket TEBET mudah - mudahan bisa ngebantu nih...
DIGITAL SIX DJ COURSE | DJ MANAGEMENT | DJ GEARS | CLOTHINGS beralamat di TEBET BARAT DALAM 1F no 6 tebet JAKARTA SELATAN 021 83704871 CDJ 1000 MK3 (2) DJM 600 TT technics MK2 biaya latihan perjam IDR 45.000 ( minimal 2 jam ) Recording IDR 35.000 buat lebih jelasnya klik link ini yah : OUR DJ : DJ OKI ( Soulfull Jazz Chicago House ) Profile : Oki's Mixes : DJ Indra7 ( Breakbeats 2 Main room House ) Profile : Thanks yah guys and special thanks to RAVELEX.NET #333
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: DJ Ical mixtape Vol 230/03/07, 10:54
mau dooong mr Ical mixtapenya
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Introducing: DIGITAL SIX30/03/07, 10:50Quote from: ~ Vu* ~ on 30/03/07, 08:45 give us a call at 83704871 | 085210807728 #335
Fashion / Re: "NIKE or ADIDAS"... which one do you choose???30/03/07, 10:49
ADIDAS numero Uno...
80's nike dos.... other brands tres.... #336
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel29/03/07, 17:44yang baju merah... bukan habis haceppp.... tp mantapkan gayanya bikin suggest.... #337
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel29/03/07, 13:09Quote from: 7 on 29/03/07, 12:08 PECAH CAH CAH CAH !!!! #338
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel29/03/07, 11:46
yoi sob.. keren keren.. kemarin bikin mixtape dia...
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Introducing: DIGITAL SIX28/03/07, 22:28Quote from: antibiotique on 28/03/07, 12:27 thanks berat sob hehehehe...... #340
Jakarta Events / Re: 7pm PRESENT "BACK TO BLACK"28/03/07, 22:15
Jakarta Events / Re: >>NITEGROOVES<< Digital Six, OKI KORO | ICAL | NOTIS28/03/07, 21:58Quote from: Frico on 28/03/07, 16:10Quote from: Octav S.O.Fex on 28/03/07, 12:57 kita ga " nginep/kekampus " pak ?? ( kayak ditanya...polisi aja hehehehhe) n thanks octav... kita emang maunya biasain gitu sih.. sesama teman perjuangan kalo bisa sama sama terus lah.. doain aja yah hehehe... ( so serius nih gue) hakhkahkhakha... kapan jalan bareng lagi dong sob!!! #342
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel28/03/07, 20:12DJ BUDI DJ ODEQ DJ AJOY DJ RODHI DJ REZA and RD FERDY DJ AMI ( eh DJ bukan yah ???!!! ) hehehehe... wasap sop??? kapan dong ketawa ketiwi lagi nih disini hehehehe... diunggu yah.... #343
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX Clothings ||| Club Wear |||27/03/07, 22:51Quote from: party_addicted on 27/03/07, 13:26 kalo profit sharing mau lo?? gue yang PROFIT lu yang sharing hakhkahkhakhkahka ( kaya club aja yah !!!) #344
Jakarta Events / Re: >>NITEGROOVES<< Digital Six, OKI KORO | ICAL | NOTIS27/03/07, 16:14
Thanks for droppin by guys...
@batmanrobin.... itu semua gara gara kalian...kuping gw jadi panas kekekkekekk @Notis..... Mr Notis ada ga sih di ravelex?? dude u rock.. main bareng lagi yah bro.... @Ical.... the funk is strong in this one hehehhe @bayu... kalo haus minum air putih jgn bir lol. @mbo.... yoi booooo @flawless..... disco ranger do your thang and save our disco.. #345
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Introducing: DIGITAL SIX27/03/07, 12:38Quote from: kurRo on 22/03/07, 20:01 kalo BATMAN apa?? #346
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX Clothings ||| Club Wear |||26/03/07, 20:00Quote from: dedoSixteen on 26/03/07, 17:33 kalo dari sekolah dewisartika... misalkan disebelah kananlo yah.. nah kan kalo lo terus aja tuh ke arah MC D kan... sebelah restoran nasi uduk / depannya kantor pos.. ada belokan .. lo belok kiri bos.. trus aja sampe ketemu warung rokok putih.. parkir.. and setelah warung itu ada jalan kecil 9 1 mobil) masuk aja .. kita disebalh kiri nomor 6..thanks yah .. ditunggu #347
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX Clothings ||| Club Wear |||26/03/07, 19:40
bisa aja sob .... pasti dibantulah...sesama warga rvlx ...
posisi kita enaknya sih dari arah BALAI SUDIRMAN,..(yang biasa buat kawinan )...atau dari MANGGARAI deh... nah kalo lo menuju patung PANCORAN... setelah lampu merah/ perempatan MITSUBISHI ...kira kira 200M ada MC donald.. lo belok kiri sob sebelum MC D.. (itu persis di sebelum MCD)... nah setelah belok kiri ..kirakira 20 M ada belokan kekanan... lo belok kanan.. terus aja... kira kira 200M ada warung rokok di sebelah kiri ( warna putih) setelah warung itu ada belokan kekiri disitu tempat kita... aga sedikit masuk ke gank kecil 1 mobil... buat yang bawa mobil bisa parkir disekitar warung rokok itu ...thanks yah .. ditunggu loh..... atau telp aja dulu kesini 021 83704871 #348
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel25/03/07, 23:28
@ Frico
SIAP SOB.. sorry perasaan udah di sms soalnya heheheh.. next time deh yah... #350
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: DIGITAL SIX , DJ school, recording and More, di daerah TEBET , jaksel25/03/07, 23:26
kita sama aja sih sama yang lain kalo urusan waktu... sebulan 8x pertemuan....2 kali seminggu.. tapi waktunya LO yang nentuin sob.. biar enak juga elo nya.. trus setiap pertemuan 2 jam... kalo ada pertanyaan call us aja yah.. 021 83704871.. thanks |