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Messages - De Chokdee

Support yaa.....!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Semoga makin sukses yaa rome,.......... :) :) :)
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Pada dateng yah kawan,....... :D :D :D

"Also Celebrating DJ Sya Birthday Bash"

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

buat chokdee mana gas,....hihiihihi....... *piss* *piss*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Alex Kunnari - breathe in (original mix )
Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren - Unforgivable (First State Smooth Mix) *bgs*
Lange - Out of the Sky (Kyau & Albert Remix)
Julian Vincent - Certainty (Mark Otten Dub)
Bobby Suryadi - Return to the Village *bgs*
Kyau & Albert - Hide & Seek (club mix) *bgs*
Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - Breaking Ties (Duderstadt Remix)
Innerlight - Finding You (Dark Mix) *bgs*
Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Bart Claessen & Dave Schiemann Epic Reshuffle)

woww... keyeeenn.....ikutan doung...hehehehee...
wistt mantap firsthouse, support lay,..........

ok siyaapp

lo punya ym?
support yah kawan....
support yah om den,......
ampun layyyy........hehehhee.....support lay...>!!!
Bogor / Re: Music Movement
07/11/08, 00:19
gw dijakarta terus toe,...oiya no hp lo tlg pm in ke gw yah ok,...
Bogor / Re: Music Movement
04/11/08, 19:34
wah bener juga yah...hehehehhe

kemane aje lo toe.....
Bogor / Re: Music Movement
04/11/08, 14:45
kesempetan apaan nih maksud nya toe,...hehehehe
Bogor / Re: HALOooooooo,
04/11/08, 14:34

coming soon yahh,..entar di kabarin kok...hehhehehehe....
wisss sadiss aa di lipss lagi,....hehehehe...
Bogor / Re: mohon pondapatnya....
28/10/08, 17:14
wahhh sangat..sangat setuju bgt gw tuh,........
ihh muantaapp aa video clip nya,...
Bogor / Re: Whats...happen..
28/10/08, 16:14
ezar mah paling kangen ama aa,......eueuheueueheue
cuma sampee sini doang nih,....mana kelanjutan nya..

tur, waktu kpn gitu gw ketempat lo, lo nya ga ada....udah kelar blm renov nya,.....
balik nya ke rumah lo yah jie,....hehehhehe...
wahh a bobby maen, om den maen....yasudlah kita berangkat bareng2., blk nya bareng aa...hehehehehe....*piss
Bogor / Re: Music Movement
27/10/08, 06:17
duh bogor mah pengen nya kenceng terusss..hehe, tp klo kita memanjakan crowd EDM bgr ga bs maju lho..bukan begitu kawan...

muantapp ommm,.......support yaah om,......jangan lupa oleh2 nya.....hiihiii...
sampee pagiiiiii...........hehehehe..