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Messages - VK

Weitz acara sp ron?
MIMI yah?
Koq jelly ga maen?
Btw jumat dtg yah,DGNL bikin d the brains.
C u,,
Bwt 7/24,sukses TRANCEFORMER'nya,,
Tp White Room tetep jd anthem gw donkz..
Andy Moor VS Orkidea - YearZero
Job / Re: Public Relation for X2
12/05/07, 21:46
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 04/04/07, 18:18
yahh...ga ada buat cowonya yah.. :(
Iya yah,koq cw trs yah/
Bwt cowo'y kpn?
Jd resident/AE jg boleh,hehehe..
Sukses bwt Bang Irwan + Oom Romy,Cayo..
Senang'y yg pd brangkut,hehehe..
Hv fun y smua'y
Hepi B'day bwt Siska  ;)
Wah,,Ap yah??
Paling congklak,hehehehe..
Bagus lha..
Dginal Records schedule
18 June - The Brains
19 June - Beyond
Quote from: ginalfyl on 26/02/07, 18:47
Quote from: jelly on 26/02/07, 14:25
THE LOST CHAPTER 05 & 06 !!!!!
waktu AVB & junkie XL : lupa gw nama acaranya.

seppp bner tuhhh

@jelly. mentang - mentang!!! hehe...
Woi foto ad ap??hehehe..
Klo gw Zouk Out 2006.secara yg 2005 ujan gede.Tp ttp ok koq,,
Sukses bwt Gerry n de genk,hehehehe..
Quote from: secret admirer on 07/05/07, 17:22
kira-kira sapa aja ya yg main....?? any info...?

Pgn'y sie ank2 dginal yg maen,hehehe..
Sewa studio d digital6 brp sie?
Ngikut aja dah gw..yg penting negara RI (Ravelex Indonesia) jalan hehe..

BLUR (lagi) ah:
:-* :-*
Setubuh den,eh setuju..hehehe..
Itu cm mslh wktu koq,krn skrg lg trend aj.Cb qta liat thn dpn ap msh exist??Skrg lg musim,tp nnt?
Mgkn DJ2 itu cm mo mnjaain crowd aj,scara permintaan pasar.
Tp ttp aj,qta sbg DJ hrs bs "educate the crowd",kan qta yg pgang cntrol.Pelan2 lha,asal jgn smp ngilangin ciri khas dr qta sndri.Bwt sbg selingan,selebihnya ya genre qta sndiri.Ok  ;)