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Messages - dgital3xy


Chaim - Moon



meluuuuuuuuu  ;D ;D

Semarang / Re: HAPPY BDAY, YOS !!!
15/01/09, 21:36

Quote from: Must Energic on 15/01/09, 14:07
turut bahagia temen kita yang satu ini udah insaf...
hopely menyusul dgital3xy berhubung umur....

::) ::)
... atuu ik mrembet'e kok ning aku yaaa ...
yang bener xesid sekarang lagi usaha ,, usahakan kembali di jalan yang sesat .
;D ;D

prepare2download :

8. 2 Months Off (Tong & Rogers Wonderland Club) - Underworld .. ehmmm

thx 4 d'share sob !!

.. hey .. pemuda pemudi !!  ;D ;D yowoo ..


waiting 4 the JOURNEY .. rapatkan barisan kawan kita menari di angkasa  *piss*




sound's good ... IKI SING TAK TUNGGU !!! my techno banging hero ,, one of my influence

*bgs* *bgs*

Quote from: bimzkee on 13/01/09, 12:44
biasanya traffic ravelex melonjak tajam, member baru bermunculan menjelang redma.. setelah itu.. pufff.... gone with the wind....

ahahaha ... agree bro .. pengen'nya sih everlasting+posting .
fully support REDMA "09" ...
Quote from: zha on 13/01/09, 15:44

bikin refresh forum ....  ;D ;D

asli garansi belalang tempur

asli terbelakang ...  *piss*

Semarang / Re: HAPPY BDAY, YOS !!!
13/01/09, 15:39

wah ra'melu ngracuni pulo tiram ki ....
tapi ketok'e jik nduwe barbuk'e ,,  ;D *piss*

hepi besde john !!! selamat menikmati  ;D *piss*
rusuh !!!  ;D  ;D

Quote from: novaboi on 11/01/09, 05:27
LUARRRRRRR BIASAAAAA..... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Tapi Tetep "Si Wartawan TO"  >:(

::) sabar boi  *piss*


With 10 years of experience, Camilo Franco is one of the best-known DJs in Spain. He was born in Colombia but emigrated to Spain and began his DJing career, when he was only 15 years old at Benidorm's Nabab. Since then he has worked non-stop in the best Spanish clubs, including the Balearic Islands, sharing booth with some of the best DJs in the world. He was also nominated at the Deejay Mags awards 2005, 2006 & 2007 for several categories (Best House DJ, Best remix, etc...).

In September 2002, he was chosen to represent the Lucky Strike brand on a promotional tour at the best clubs in Spain and was featured on the front pages of the most prestigious Spanish dance music mags; Deejay Mag, DJ1 and Danceworld . All of this led him to tour Italy with "Cafe del Mar" in the summer of 2003 with he result of Camilo DJing in the best clubs of the Adriatic coast.
Camilo is currently a resident DJ at Pacha-Valencia in winter,where was spotted by Erick Morillo and got invited to play at 2 Subliminal parties at Pacha Ibiza in summer 2006 & 2007, and has monthly residencies in The Image (Bilbao), Bataplan (San Sebastián), CDLC Barcelona and Sala Moliere in Malaga. In the summertime, Camilo was one of the residents of the notorious party white island party called Balearic People at Space-Ibiza and also he was playing regularly for the party We Love Sundays @ Space and also was part of the line up at the Space-Ibiza opening on June 2006, Opnening and Closing 2007 and Opening and Closing 2008.

Actually in the summertime Camilo Franco is a resident dj in Space Ibiza, La Troya Ibiza@Space Ibiza, Monday's Calling@Space Ibiza and Space Ibiza on Tour all over the world!!!


:-* :-* :-* 

*bgs* semacam seru semalem ... waiting 4 the next action hero figures


.. 2009 semarang makin banyak event .. ramekan sob  *bgs*

Awang mesti dadi manusia batu'ne ki a.k.a the Think .... hauhauhua
podo gedine podo seneng mangane ,, ngebak2i booth dj ki mesthi ..


mantep nih semalem ngeblur'nya.....
bakalan mantep lagi kalo semalam lil beat trancy set jouney....
jaminan ambyar lah

;D *piss*

sukses !!! we waiting 4 d'other visual massive art journey

;) ;)

;) ;) ....

mantep nih line up visual'nya ... DUO WOYOO  ;D *piss* ..... psstt pssttt

mantap tuh bang .. pelan menyeret ke other dimension ...

@ topic :

Ame - Doldrums

lemot rapopo asal ra' permanen mbakyu *piss*

sasty kalo malem ,, kalo siang sastro ... bleeehh

gambar FLYER'e endi ki ... kok kosongan bro ???
buset .. MINUMAN BERDOSA .......... parah !!!
Semarang / Re: IMPIAN TAHUN 2009
07/01/09, 14:25
Quote from: cuervo1211 on 07/01/09, 14:20
Kl gw pengen berhenti dr dunia malam.... ;D ;D

terus beralih ,, hidup di dunia lain ya bro ???  *piss*