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Messages - s0nty

Gak jadi dtg tuch dianya...
but the party still in a good vibe with Dragon (BKK), Random, DFMC, Mobil Derek, Kronik, etc
Don't forget to check out our new website www.javabass.com  ;)

Phunktion Special Edition

Yes yes RELOAD is back!!
Saturday, 2nd September 2006
Gedung Surya, 2nd floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin, no. 121. Jakarta

We have fashioned this party as our special year-on-year commemoration
where we put out our distinct taste of diversified styles of drum n

This special edition will feature one Singaporean deejay and a master
of ceremony from the Netherlands!

VORTEX (Exit Musik, SG)

Others will be
The 10 (Random & Celcius live PA)

Host by : Elektra666, Ravelex crew, Freesoul, HipHop Indo, Mehdi,
Nasta, Angga-Nepathya, Izo-Houselife, Angel & Eunice, Karina, Ade
Putri, Claudy, Billy & Erwin, darbotz, Acha, Jerry Primit

What's more...

Free entry (before midnight)!

Limited but free compact disc giveaways!!

Our dot com re-launch!!
Javabass stays offline, and now proved that we're back online!
Check out or web at www.javabass.com

Sponsored by : SAN MIGLIGHT
Media partner : Ravelex.net
Wrap by : Elektra666 & Javabass

*Dance like nobody's watchin* - Javabass
Don't forget to come to
Javabass 6th Anniversary  :)

@ The Rain
Sat, 02/09/06

We have special guess DJ and MC
VORTEX (Exit Musik - Singapore)
MC DAN STEZO (Asylum - Netherland)

THE 10 (Random & Celcius live PA)

Free entry before midnight
Limited giveaway CD

Host by : Elektra666, Ravelex, Mehdi, Nasta, Angga-Nepathya, Izo-HouseLife, FreeSoul, Angel & Eunice, Karina,
             Ade Putri, Claudy, Billy & Erwin, darbotz, Aca, Jerry primit, HiphopIndo

we love jungle
sebulan sekali doank lho...
don't miss it la... ;)
atau menyusul ke Bali ?  ;D
Air Asia yg sabtu msh ada tuch...hehehe...paling murah sekarang... ;)
Sin.AD, kenapa gak diijinin bos?
khan long weekend banget bo!
tgl 18 diliburin bukan?
tgl 21 juga libur...
udh...pd berangkat ajah... ;D
Minggunya chill out di F Lounge... ;D
Gw hadir pastinyya.... ;)

Xonad, ke JAkarta lg gak?
Anak2 bandung mana nich?
 :D iya neeh...
tp kapan loe main lageeh? (baik disana maupun sini)
Quote from: rully on 03/06/06, 17:08
wah....gw dateng pastinya...

ini Rully yang gw tau / Ullie?
Kl Ullie sich gw liat... ;) kl Rully...hemm... ??? kayaknya kemaren gw gak liat tuch... :P
semakin deket nich.. ;D
buat yang kemaren msh absen jangan lupa Sabtu ini ya... ;)
salahnya kemaren pak harto kebanyakn korupsi seeh... ;D

udh pd gila yak emang yg di DPR!
Otaknya gak mau maju & gak mau denger pendapat org lain....
wakil rakyat apaan???!!! ???

emang capek seeh ngomongin ginian...
tp kl kita2 gak mau ngomongin, ntar gak akan ada yg ngepush u/ perubahan bukan?
wlaupun nantinya yg akan merasakannya ntar br anak2 / cucu kite kalee ya?  ;)
thanks man... ;)
mampir2 yaw...

buat yg lain jangan lupa ya!!
bsk mlm!
(bukan tgl 7 may, gak tau knp linknya aneh gt...apa gw yg gaptek?)  ;D
have u guys visit & sign http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?ruuapp
kl yg FPI udh pd tau khan link ya...?
coba ajah pd browse topik2 yg lain juga ada...
ooalllahhh...koe toch... ;D ;D
Quote from: XONAD on 22/04/06, 17:31

yo guys...
numpang lewat nich... I know maybe some of you don't like politic...
tapi buat yang rada2 mau mencoba membuat perubahan, check out:

mudah2an bisa tercapai... ;)

PS: sorry buat yg sebelumnya udh tau / ngisi
Quote from: sonique on 26/04/06, 11:58
Quote from: perempuanjakarta on 26/04/06, 09:54
iya, gw jg bingung, kok kynya eo-nya kurang ada link ke media ya...
selain disini, satu2nya berita ttg tiesto yg gw baca cm ada di detik.com, itu jg yg disorot hanya ttg razia pas tiesto.
terus td pagi gw jg sempet liat ada wawancara w/ tiesto n sedikit liputan ttg performancenya dia pas di jakarta, di metroTV.
kok liputannya ga segencar waktu promo konsernya ya?
heran aja gt, waktu menjelang acara, promonya gila2an, di TV, radio, media cetak, ga pernah absen ngiklanin dia, bahkan poster2nya pun bisa diliat ditempat2 yg ga diduga. eh kok malah setelah abis acara, ga ada heboh2 liputannya sama sekali, ky ngilang aja gt....  ??? ???

tanya kenapaaaa??

;D (buat bagian "tanya kenapa")  ;D

Kl soal liputan, mungkin belom keluar kali...khan dateline majalah lain2...
kl loe mengharapkan diliput di media masa spt koran2 gt...kl menurut gw yg namanya party2 & rave sebaiknya jangan terlalu di blow up di media masa dech..
let's keep it undergrown & low profile lah... (walaupun rave kemaren bisa dibilang udh bukan undergrown lg)
tau sdr khan masyarakat kita blm semuanya bisa menerima hal2 spt itu...
ntar malah jd boomerang buat kita2?
mendingan di media2 yg udh pasti2 aja target marketnya... ;)

anyway...i think its going to be the biggest party thn ini... :)
tp 2006 msh panjang yak... ;D
denger2 beberapa waktu yg lalu, loe sempet sakit ya?
Udh sehat belom?
tgl 6 hadir donk... ;)
Jakarta's Longest Running DnB Monthly is BACK!!
Get ready for the long waited drum n bass mash up in town
After 2 month of absentia, we're calling out all Jakarta junglist...
"its time to get grimey"
PHUNKTION is back! Make sure you're there!!!


ya man...
I've been asking that question ages ago to da gal... ;)
 :'( I wish I can be there....
udh lama gak liat crowd ygy neeh....
Thank you guys....
sayang gak ada icon yg gw pengen untuk bs meng-ekspresikannya... :)
berat euy.... :'(

Tante Nayo 'ki seng 'ndi yo...?
Lumayan tuch...si Celcius ada lagu2 baru...

Celcius...slamet yee...Day dream loe 2 minggu berturut2 di No.1 Paranoia!  ;)

Listen up jungalist...!!

Come down and Witness the last Phunktion at PARC this Saturday 25th, as
the legendary spot is about to be shut down indefinitely!!

What ya hear is true... while PARC is known to have brought a lot of
well-known regular nights in J-Town, it has to come to an end due to its current state of malaise!

Regardless, Phunktion residents alongside the rest of the Javabass kru
would like to thank all the hedz who have come down and rock the venue!! Much appreciation goes out to all you massive as well as
participating guests in the history of our 3-year chapter! It's been a
wonderful time indeed! On this special night we have new star coming up. Ms BINTANG and  going away party of MC BLAYZE, also Thanks for your supports, making PHUNKTION longest running drum 'n' bass night in the last 3 years and for voting us as the best drum 'n' bass night at this year's Hard Rock FM Paranoia Award

We shall see you again on a different ground with the same frequency of
slammin beats n bass!!

3 Years and still going strong!!
PHUNKTION #25Saturday, 25/02/06
10pm - 02am
@ Parc
Ruko Iskandarsyah Blok A4-5
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya Kav.12-14

With your selektas:
Introducing : BINTANG

Don't forget to vote Phunktion and vote your favorite DnB DJ / MC on Ravelex dance music Award (www.ravelex.net)


Listen up jungalist...!!

Come down and Witness the last Phunktion at PARC this Saturday 25th, as
the legendary spot is about to be shut down indefinitely!!

What ya hear is true... while PARC is known to have brought a lot of
well-known regular nights in J-Town, it has to come to an end due to its current state of malaise!

Regardless, Phunktion residents alongside the rest of the Javabass kru
would like to thank all the hedz who have come down and rock the venue!! Much appreciation goes out to all you massive as well as
participating guests in the history of our 3-year chapter! It's been a
wonderful time indeed! On this special night we have new star coming up. Ms BINTANG and  going away party of MC BLAYZE, also Thanks for your supports, making PHUNKTION longest running drum 'n' bass night in the last 3 years and for voting us as the best drum 'n' bass night at this year's Hard Rock FM Paranoia Award

We shall see you again on a different ground with the same frequency of
slammin beats n bass!!

3 Years and still going strong!!
PHUNKTION #25Saturday, 25/02/06
10pm - 02am
@ Parc
Ruko Iskandarsyah Blok A4-5
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya Kav.12-14

Don't forget to vote Phunktion and vote your favorite DnB DJ / MC on Ravelex dance music Award (www.ravelex.net)
