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Messages - dafkaf

Quote from: The Factor on 06/02/06, 20:23
Hi All,
thanks for the support at Paranoia Awards.. thanks to vote us..
Hope this years will better and better..

DJ Romy

congratulation guys...


Quote from: prama on 06/02/06, 20:05
Sony Dafkaf ? baru denger deh.. baru apa udah lama bang di dafkaf ?

msh lingkungan temen2 lama jg...

Quote from: Sticky Fingers on 06/02/06, 14:22
Quote from: dafkaf on 06/02/06, 14:16
beneran ngga nih...

danny t mau dateng?


Insya Allah pak, tanggal udah OK kok. Bakal direlease setalh kita deal sama his booking agent.

Doain aja


sticky fingers..

you're the man,


beneran ngga nih...

danny t mau dateng?


Solo / Re: ELECTRO
06/02/06, 14:04


lo bisa cek ke HMV Mega Store, ROXY Records di IT Funan Centre..

atau Valentine Music ; Anne 9109 2563

sukses ya utk 66



kalo Danny T sih kudu long set sob..

iya dong?
Quote from: bimzkee on 06/02/06, 11:47
genit is my middle name.. halah.. heuheuheue....
btw... this will be Jimmy's very last gig nih guys... hiks2... katanya sih begitu...
pada setuju gak?? he he he...


emang jimmy mau kemana ya?

thn ini...talamanca lagi kita?


Quote from: dj ferdy on 04/02/06, 19:09
double six club, a dance music institution that already worlwide known located in bali, is changing their style of music since this january 2006, the club was knowned to put electro and house music in its club play every week, with their resident dj;s, but since this 2006, they said they will change the style of the music and going back to its originally style back in the old days, as a progressive house club, this music style was growing big with double six club over the past years...changing all resident djs with the new breed and starting to throw special event with more and more national and international progressive house dj's every weekend.

agoeng zen msh resident dong?


Quote from: Gober on 05/02/06, 18:30
Huaaa... 2005 is the year of Remy Irwan... maju terus abang...

kan disupport paman gober jg...

thx  ;)

Quote from: Gober on 04/02/06, 05:22
yah udah sonique, next time deh.

iyah nih Ardi pite udah lama emang nggak nongol. makanya pada dateng yah. ada dj jepangnya lagi.
Dan untuk besok sound system wonderbar akan disetting ulang oleh sound engineer dari electra 666.
so sound quality akan gokilll...

masa soundnya WB jelek yaaa?



Quote from: decildecil on 02/02/06, 23:22
ayooooo ngumpul di bandung...
tim oz lengkap nih...
oz bandung
oz lampung
oz palembang
oz bali

cya all 2morrow!


ada denny juga ga?

Quote from: scsc on 04/02/06, 12:40
review : Ardi Pite maen d redboxx sby.. kenceng bgt.. sayang aja konsep acaranya rada ga jelas, okelah buat regulernya ada band and breaknya ada dj.. tapi ya ampun masak waktu bandnya break djnya maen lagu r&b, (no offense) kan ya ngga nyambung.. tapi overall salut buat eo-nya yg mau bawa dj wilson & ardi pite ke sby.. at least buat introduce clubber2 sby.. viva trance indo.. :)

selamat atas kelahiran bayi perempuannya ya djuo...


Quote from: titosimon on 03/02/06, 20:06
apa bang ?? mo maen di solo ?? sama ardi ??
apaaa?? bareng graham gold jugaa ?? *wink wink*

wassup TS?  ;)

artinya lo ga dateng kan...

hehehehehehe...  :D

thank you guys....



the Sound Of Embassy - BANDUNG


M I K O [embassy jakarta]
Saturday, Feb 11th 2006
10 PM onwards

1 M A N [embassy jakarta]
Saturday, Feb 25th 2006
10 PM onwards

supporting by Dharma & Simon [resident]


Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 02/02/06, 17:25
kirain catch me if u can judul singel/album yang mau dilaunching bang.. hihihi  :P

ngga bro...

cuma promo tag-line aja,

tp doa'in aja, kali aja kejadian ya..




Quote from: letitia on 02/02/06, 16:42
tahun ini banyak kolaborasi dgn banyak nu breed kah ???
atau merambah ke ajang promotor international dj ?


rencananya thn ini bgt,

nanti kita bakalan bkn event yg nonjolin nu-breed...

jg kolaborasi dgn dj management lain,

salat satunya yg sdh jalan : SOUNDBYTE

dan d DAFKAF sendiri jg ada anak2 nu-breed kok..

spt Alvin K, QQ jg Sonny

untuk jadi agent/ promoter sdg kita proses..

salah satunya thn kmrn kita sdh bkn WE LOVE...ANKER BEATSTREAM

dan dalam waktu dkt ini kita pegang DJ MAG Asia Tour..

thx atas supportnya,

Quote from: prama on 02/02/06, 16:31
waduhh.. apa ini ?? gokilll !!! abang launching lagu ?

waduh... belum tuh prama, huhuhuu

SIXPERIENCE itu program "6hrs set" d WB,

thn lalu udah pernah jalan kok..

dateng ya?

Quote from: Sticky Fingers on 31/01/06, 22:07
Ini email yang kita dapat dari promoter Solarstone

Hi mate,

Thank you for the deal memo's, the contracts will be over later today. Would it be possible to set up a stall to see Merchandise at these events as well please? Solarstone will bring the merchandise over with them when they fly out.

Those flight options are fine the passengers names are:

Richard John Mowatt
Andrew Robert Bury

If there's anything else you need let me know.

Many thanks

sticky fingers...



saturday, feb 4th 2006


"JOURNEYS - 6hrs set"

featuring insertion sets by ;

Numan / Billy / Joe Van


Host by Jogja models

saturday, feb 11th 2006


re-launch of SIXPERIENCE

"MIND YOUR OWN MUSIC - 6hrs set"

supporting by 1man & Miko

saturday, feb 18th 2006



supporting by Dharma & Simon

saturday, feb 25th 2006



featuring Graham Gold, Ardi Pite & Joe Van

Visual by VJ LATEX



one of legendary dj's

