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Messages - deefoundation

Quote from: colis on 02/03/09, 23:06
hmm... mampir gak yaaa???
Mampir dong om.... ;D ;D
Happy Birthday Guyz...!!! Sukses yah.. ;)
 Pada datang yah...Yuuukk, Yaa...Yuuuukkk.... 8)
Ada mas Nicky loh....Auuuwww!! ;D ;D
SUPPORT GUYZ, Sukses yah!!!  ;)
 Hayuuuukkkk....Maree.....  ;D ;D ;D
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y PUTRIE....!!!  *tepuktangan*

Semoga sukses dalam berkarir....Peace out!!  *piss*

Quote from: DJ Rangga_Electros on 18/02/09, 22:34
Quote from: guih on 18/02/09, 15:17
Hayo2 pada ke rumus rame2.. Tempatnya enak.. Alatnya muantap, soundnya best...
Jago2 semua lg yg nongkrong disana...
Pohonnya rindang jd sejuk..
Trus klo mo indomie tinggal minta ama om Vu ntar dikasi gratis..  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Wakakakakaka  *piss* *piss* *piss* *piss*

Woanjreett...ada indomie juga? gokil neh...dateng ke Rumus ah... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Pokoknya Urusan Indomie, Pak Udin Juaranya huahahha.....
@ Guih : Hayoo..kpn main2 lg ke rumus juo....???
Nice.....Support Guyz!!!  ;)
Original Release / Re: BLACKBOX
20/02/09, 03:06
@ dj foo : iya..soundnya agk minimal y. nti gw dengerin y  ;)

@ opera_zime : emang sengaja deep, sesuai dengan mood  ;D

@ wedhus : thx y juo  *piss*
Original Release / Re: BLACKBOX
19/02/09, 11:21
Quote from: dunant on 19/02/09, 10:59
cukup cihuy.. masih agak berat di lownya kayaknya sob.. hehehe.. (sotoy) :P
iya y jo, msh mau dikulik2 lagi. btw...thx y ;)
Original Release / BLACKBOX
19/02/09, 10:46

mohon kritik dan sarannya, Terima Kasih......... *piss*

 Nice.... *bgs*
dari kualitas aransemen musiknya bagus kok  *bgs*
keep up da gud work!! ;)
IN THE DARK WE DANCE...... *bgs*
Om david kyknya suka nih sama suasana yg gelap2 gitu...aku juga suka kok  ;D ;D ;D
Jakarta Events / Re: DON'T PANIC!
18/02/09, 10:29
Don't Panic guys.....It's all about jackin...!!!  *piss*
Quote from: Mr Din on 13/02/09, 18:44
@Deefo: Bro... masi available ga? :D hehe

msh dong jo.
kmrn aja, si osvaldo nanyain tuh barang. buruan makanya  ;D ;D
Quote from: colis on 16/02/09, 09:55
kerry chandler gokiel abisss maennyaaaa....
mean pake 2 laptop (kayanya pake serato deh doi) & 1 organ...
ditengah2 set headhonenya sempet mati sih kayanya tapi doi tetep tenang, emang paling2 dah doi...
overall his set was very2 massive....
stadium wrockssss...

sayang gw ngk dtg.... :-\
emang set nya doi apa juo??? trs brp lama mainnya? thx yak *piss*
kbetulan tmn gw yg jual. jd kalo mau tanya2 bisa langsung tlp aja ke Mail 081219133997
thx yah!!   ;)
 Happy Birthday y Sam....!!!
sukses terus dlm berkarir. ditunggu traktirannya y   ;D ;D ;D
Dijual Clavia Nord rack 2

  First shown in early 1995, the Nord Lead virtual analog synthesizer took the keyboard world by storm. It has since become a classic and a new standard of the industry. The warm analog sound coupled with today's technology moved the Nord Lead up to a leading position on the synthesizer scene. All around the world, musicians praise the simplicity, the smart design and the music power of the Nord Lead "Virtual analog" concept.

With the Nord Lead 2, a great concept is being improved upon in many new ways. The Nord Lead 2 is actually 4 synthesizers in one. It has 4 multi-timbral channels, each with its own fully assignable output. This is an essential feature for musicians who need to access sounds independently for further processing and mixing.

Nord Lead 2 comes with an "impressive" 16-voice architecture, a highly beneficial feature when creating layered sounds, "power pads", awesome leads and booming basses. 16 notes are also very useful in an instrument containing 4 independent MIDI channels. The keyboard can be split into two sections.

The sound generation of the Nord Lead 2 is called "virtual analog". This innovative technique for producing analog sounds was first developed by Clavia, in Stockholm, Sweden, and then debuted in the classic original Nord Lead, the world's first "Virtual analog synthesizer". To further expand upon the analog performance of the original Nord Lead several new features have been implemented in the Nord Lead 2. A Sine wave is added to the already powerful Oscillator section. The filter section in the Nord has been appreciated for its warmth of sound character and "unique" filter types. Another exciting new addition to the filter section is the Distortion button. Try it! It will do fun things along with your filters, adding even more excitement to your patches.

The Filter keyboard tracking choices have been added to in the new Nord Lead 2. Now you can choose between Full, Half or Off. From all of the classic features of the analog concept Nord Lead 2 now adds an old favorite editing parameter: Ring Modulation as well as a wealth of new digital waveform possibilities created by using the "synchable noise" feature. In the Nord Lead 2 you are able to sync Noise and Oscillator one to create sounds unlike any you've heard before. We're not through yet. In the modulation area several new features have been added. The LFO 1 section receives two more waveform choices and one more destination. The Arpeggiator has been redesigned and Pulse Width has been added to the destinations in the Modulation Envelope section.

Finally, to expand the Nord Lead 2's live performance abilities, a second pedal input has been added. One pedal is available for Sustain and the other for Expression.

Clavia Nord Lead 2 Specifications:

Synthesizer Section
Maximum Polyphony :   16 voices
Number of Multitimbral Parts :   4
Memory Capacity Programs :   59
Memory Capacity Perform. :   100
Memory Capacity User :   40
Velocity programming :   Each function, controlled by a knob, can be programmed to velocity.
Morphing :   Each function, controlled by a knob, can also be controlled by the modulation wheel/pedal to continuously fade between two values.
Oscillator section :   Oscillator 1 generating sinus, triangle, sawtooth or pulse with adjustable width, wave forms. Oscillator 2 generating triangle, sawtooth or pulse (with adjustable width) wave forms and can also generate noise with a color control. Oscillator 2 can be hard "synched" to oscillator 1. Linear deep frequency modulation of osc 1 from osc 2. A wide range of new waveforms with a strong formant character is achieved with the new synchable noise, where noise can be synched to Osc. 1.
Filter section :   12 dB "2 pole" lowpass, 24 dB "4 pole" lowpass, bandpass or highpass. Cut off, resonance, envelope amount, envelope amount controlled by velocity. Filter keyboard tracking can be set to full, half or off. Filter distortion.
Amplifier section :   ADSR envelope, gain control.
Modulation section :   LFO 1 generating triangle, saw, pulse, LF filtered noise and random staircase routed to Osc 1+2, Osc 2, filter, pulse-width and FM amount. LFO 2 produces a triangle waveform, routed to Osc 1 and 2 or amplifier. It also controls the rate for the arpeggiator.
Arpeggiator :   Range: 1 - 4 octave. Modes: up, down, up/down, random. Echo can be set between 1 and 8 repeats. Modulation envelope (attack, decay) for Osc 2 pitch, FM amount and pulse width.
Performance section :   Play mode: Poly, legato, mono, unison mono, unison poly. Manual mode. Four program slots for layering possibilities. Portamento/auto portamento.
Percussion kits :   10 analog drumkits. Each percussion kit holds 8 independent sounds, configurated in 8 zones across the keyboard.
Performance controllers :   4 octave velocity sensitive keyboard with octave shift buttons (5 octaves). Keyboard split, two sections. Modulation wheel, the "Pitch Stick" (featuring no dead zone at zero crossing), pedal input for sustain and pedal input for expression pedal. 26 knobs and 27 buttons for program editing.
Display :   3 digits backlit LCD
Storage :   297 (99 x 3) user-programs, 100 user-performance programs and 30 drumkits can be saved on a PCMCIA 64 (or more) kilobyte battery backed RAM card.
Connectors :   4 outputs. Modes: Stereo, mono and multitimbral (A C + B D) mode. Headphones out. Stereo 18 bit DAC. MIDI IN / OUT / THRU.
MIDI features :   All control knobs and switches for program editing send and receive Control Change messages. System exclusive bulk dumps. One program or all programs. MIDI clock synchronizing LFO 1 and LFO 2/arpeggiator. Triggering of the filter and amplifier envelopes and velocity control from separate programmable MIDI channel and note numbers.
Dimensions :   865(W) x 265(D) x 105(H) mm
   34"(W) x 10.4"(D) x 4.1"(H)
Weight :   6.7kg (14.7 lbs)

dibuka harga 7 jt nego...

please call : Mail 081219133997

Quote from: Nickboy on 03/02/09, 16:00
Tmptnya enak buat nongkrong,kekeluargaan bgt,,klo anak2 ksana psti dijamu sm ownernya,,tinggal titip sm wakiman brangkut deh,,hihiy..guokil abiZz support buat rumus..:)
titipin apa tuh juo??? hwahahahaha.....
 Ini dia niiih.... ;D ;D
gw suka tracknya Kerri Chandler yg "space invader" sama "fortran"  *piss*
 Mamakonda - orinoko  *piss*
Pearls Girl - Underworld = juaranya nih juo  *bgs*
 Yaah...daku ndak jd main   :-\ :-\ :-\