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Messages - Dekra

Media Partner by :
Time Out Jakarta
1. Armin van Buuren
2. Above and Beyond
3. Ferry Corsten
4. Super8 and tab
5. Arnej / 8 Wonders

Quote from: URS on 23/07/09, 10:35
core2 duo ,2 gb, memory 1 gb,
Sorry, ini maksudnya Core2 duo 2Ghz, memory 1 Gb ?  (?)
Media Partner by :
Time Out Jakarta
Klw M-AUDIO FAST TRACK PRO nya aja brp bos? :)
Cie, mo migrasi ke Software apa nih? ;D
bantu up ya...
Quote from: SGStronix on 07/07/09, 18:59

-m audio evolution UC 33

Baru atau second... Klo ada info tolong kabari yah...

Yg ini hampir mustahil, banyak banget yg mau 2nd nya klw ada... ;D
Midi Control itu hanya untuk mempermudah, yg wajib sih Laptop dan Softwarenya. Midi Control juga untuk menggantikan dan menambah fungsi short cut di keyboard komputer. seperti yg di bilang mas blank footage :
Quote from: blank footage on 03/07/09, 09:39
di sopwer vj kan ada parameter yang yang lebih enak klo pake slider ato potensio/knob.
Skalian nambahin perpanjangan tangan di komputer lo, selain pake cursor mouse...  ;D
Cuman bisa terpana sepanjang film... Canggih gilaaaaa!!!!!
sangking kerennya sampe gw ga ngeliat "Kurang"-nya, terlalu tercengang kayaknya gw... udah lama ga nonton film kaya gini!!!!!
dan kayaknya ini rekor di indonesia, sampe di fx aja 4 studio,dan msh penuh aja.
Anyway, gw nonton 2 kali ;D
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* 
Oh ini ya acara nya.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Hehehehe, canggih nih... ;D
Quote from: hallay on 16/06/09, 11:57
yg external sound card USB dek...

bwat main ableton....kl0o bisa sih yg second...
Klw second sih jarang ada yg jual, kecuali user. klw baru bsa di cek ke mila musik ato ke tiga negri...

Hehehe, mau migrasi jd DJ nih mas Hallay? ato mau jd DVJ Hallay.... ;D
Quote from: hallay on 15/06/09, 22:06
lagi nyari nih...USB SOUND CARD...ada yg jual ga ? bukan yg pake fire wire yah...
Yg lo mksd yg mana nih?
*tepuktangan* ARNEJ *tepuktangan*
I really love his track....!!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Looking forward to see him...  ;D
Quote from: SynanRecordings on 08/06/09, 16:30
bocoran aja yah stage n visualnya bakalan canggih bgt nih!!!! hasil karya stromtroopers, alter ego, n mocco!!!!
Waaahhhh.... Udh pasti canggih klw ini sih.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: sin on 29/05/09, 22:41
-Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.2Ghz
-150GB 5400-rpm Hard Drive
Tinggi amat harganya bos... bantu up aja deh... :)
Dan setau gw, Macbook black yg seri ini ada nya :
- Processor 2,16Ghz
- HD 160 Gb
Weeewww... Makin canggih aja... ;D
Trance / Re: trance definition
26/05/09, 19:17
Wikipedia :
Trance is a style of electronic dance music developed in Germany in the early 1990s. Trance music is generally characterized by a tempo of between approximately 128 and 150 BPM, melodic synthesizer phrases, and a musical form that is progressive as it builds up and down throughout a track. Trance is a combination of many forms of electronic music, such as ambient, techno, and house electronic effects, krautrock bass drum and eurodisco samples.
Quote from: VJ Dive on 25/05/09, 17:16
apa si kelebihax motion dive *piss* *piss* *piss*
Kelebihannya klw menurut gw :
- Footage bawaan softwarenya udh lumayan banyak dan bgus2
- Langsung dpt Console nya
- Tampilannya lebih user friendly (menurut gw ya..)
- Effect2nya keren, terutama Explosion nya

Klw untuk detailnya dan teknisnya bisa ditanya langsung ke mas Alter Ego, Mas Mocco, dan Mas Ican mengenai Motion Dive...

Semoga membantu... *piss* *piss*
Media Partner by :
TimeOut Jakarta