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Messages - secret admirer

Quote from: RoniJoni on 30/03/07, 16:03
sukses buat deny ntar mlm!!!!
jng nakal ya..!!huhuhuh

Dateng donk om....?  ;) ;)
Quote from: AndrE ClayZ on 30/03/07, 13:12
tar malem yuukk... ;)

Ndre...cukup khan Guest listnya....?? ;)

buat yg mau dateng ...dateng aja ntar cari anak2x yg pake pin ravelex aja yooo...undangan & GL ada 50 tuch...andre dapet banyak tuch,...hehehe
Quote from: rhiya on 29/03/07, 13:30
@ all yuuk mareee kta ketemuan lage.... ;) ;D
@ fallenangel iya dech niss d PS ye...
@ ricco sms u nympe tp tlpna eggak ad tuh co..btw PS dmana n jam brpan yach...?
@ secret inget2 inpit buat eike jg atuh.... ;) 

Sippp....pada dateng ya....hehe gathering kecil2xan lagi kita...ok ..? ;)
Quote from: teqi_la on 29/03/07, 09:54
(?) punya akyu inpitnya gmn ya mas secret...?  ::)  ;)

siapp mas teqila.... ;) ;)
peace dah..;D ;D
Quote from: walasok on 29/03/07, 10:43
dah ga ada ya sobb? ::)

iya sob....udah expired......harus cepet sob....ntar kalo ada lagi gw posting ya....;)
Quote from: teqi_la on 28/03/07, 13:14
@ loki : thx 4 d approved btw secret admirer ko ga ngepost2 lg yah..?? apa marah gw kira ce..? ::) :-\ maaf... ;D

hihihihi....asal ga dikira kucing aja....;D ;D

ah back to topic ahhh....ayo...ayo....yg mau invit...monggoo...;)
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 28/03/07, 12:08
@secret: lho?bukannya udah sering smsan gie? ;D ;D

Yeee...gw khan bantuin promoin elo sob...biar pada tahu kalo yg dapet no elo itu ga sembarangan... :P :P

Quote from: AndrE ClayZ on 28/03/07, 14:16
@secret : waduh kok bagi tugasnya gitu yah?? hehehe ;D ;D

hehehe.....;D ;D ;D

@ Uncle Gober..

Boleh tau ga utk cable netnya pake apa ya paman ISPnya....?
Quote from: Loki on 28/03/07, 11:20
@ secret ||
bisa bener lo ngie...eh btw no lo ilang dah ngie, pm in lagi donk no lo soob...

hehehe cepet bener no gw dideletenya sob...? hehehe dah gw PM tuch ;)

@ Ricco....

Daku boleh save no nya juga ga om....??  ;D ;D
siapp...siapppp....saya mau jadi petugas pembagi invit.... 8) 8)

@ Andre..
Kita bagi tugas ndre....yg butuh invit kalo co silahkan hub andre,,,,kalo ce invitnya bisa diambil di gw..... :P :P :P

hihihihihi.......ayo...ayo....sapa lagi yg mau invit...?? ;D ;D  ;D

Dik Abriel & Om RJ juga gokil kok.....banyak groupiestnya pasti jadi DJ no 1 juga ....;) ;)
if you interest progressive house , please visit this web......enjoy the mixtape....cheers [/b]    ;) ;)

www.feralcode.com started as the artist page of the producer, FeralCode. But it is much more now. www.feralcode.com is a house community and the home of FeralCode Records. A house community, the home of progressive, tech and tribal house, where you can listen to our guest artists, download mixes, read music news, browse and write in our forum, see useful links, check charts and other fun stuff. A site, which might be interesting to house lovers, listeners, djs and artists. FeralCode Records is a digital only label, based on, but not limited to the artists on this site, which has grown from this community with an aim to be a small but recognizable underground label - a label which has quality upcoming and talented artists and releases.

FeralCode is a single man project of Ferenc Kocsis, who is in the music scene over the last decade under several artist names. FeralCode is dedicated to progressive / tech house with an aim to create high quality pumpin' prog house and electro tracks to move your feet and evoke your emotions.

Ferenc Kocsis is an artist, composer, born in 1974, Hungary. He started music with learning piano and playing classical music for few years. Later he moved to blues and soft rock and performed live with blues and jazz-rock bands. At the same time he started to compose on his own, electronic music in all sorts of genres, from easy listening to rock, from downtempo to house.

If you have comments, questions to FeralCode's music, about www.feralcode.com or to our guest producers, please feel free to contact us or visit our forum.

Quote from: Chris.M on 27/03/07, 18:46
@ Secret Admirer
Di Coxy aja ketemunya broo,, gw pengen bgt lihat dia perform soalnya!! hehe

Siappp....gw juga pengen liat hehe, C U
Quote from: Chris.M on 27/03/07, 17:34
@ Om Deny,,,
Hmm,, enaknya gimana yah, pengennya langsung nyerahin ke om deny aja sie,, ada kebanggaan tersendiri soalnya!! hehe

Iya dree,, yg itu looh,, yg lo bilang mirip sama lagunya salah satu producer kita!! hehe

@ Om Chris..
hehehe saya juga bangga lho...kalo mixtapenya saya terima langsung dari tangan om Chris langsung....hehe TD XI dateng ga Om...? or ketemuan di Carl Cox...?
Quote from: DJ Deny on 27/03/07, 17:49
@ Ricco,Andre,Fyl,Fallen Angel,Secret Admirer:

Ditunggu yah di kampus X2 sam dosen2nya hihi.. ;D


siapp pak dosen.....jgn lupa invitnya ya..... ;) ;)
Quote from: sonique on 27/03/07, 17:01
wetss... baru tau gw ada thread ini...
DJ Deny maen crowd pada melipir... melintir sampe k pinggir!
orangnya baik hati, murah senyum dan bersahaja... ahahaha...  ;D

ayo oom... kita PLUR, BLUR sampe jadi BUBUR lagiii!  8)

hehehe gokil nech bahasanya soniq...asli ngakak gw....;D ;D ;D

Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 25/03/07, 01:13
Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 25/03/07, 00:45
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 23/03/07, 15:45
x2 aja yukk..sekalian nyobain..n ujian susulan nih sama bang deny ;D

knp sob kemarin dapet nilai D yah dari bang deny gara2 cabut duluan dr centro???
lah..gw boro2 dateng..kan absen gw.. jadi mesti susulan... ;D

gw ikut ujian juga boleh ga....?  ;D ;D ;D
Wah asli ngiri gw ngeliat poto-potonya.......nyesel gw ga bisa dateng....
Happy Birthdays Sob....;)
Best Wishes for the Year to Come.... ;) ;)
Quote from: Chris.M on 25/03/07, 13:19
Quote from: secret admirer on 25/03/07, 13:15
Quote from: Chris.M on 25/03/07, 13:09
Yang proggynya udah ada bu,, itu mix yang part.1
Nanti gw record cdnya buat lo juga yah

hehehe kok bu....?? ;)
gw cowok bro....khan dah pernah ketemu waktu elo main di JK7 bareng RJ & Abriel....hehehe ditunggu ya CDnya.....

wakakakakakakakak,, kena luu gw isengin!! auahuhauha,,, daritadi gak nyadar gw panggil bu, eh baru nyadar sekarang,, peace broo!!  ;D *piss*

hehehe selain nge DJ ternyata elo juga punya selera humor yg tinggi ya juoo......hehe bisa gabung di 4 mata nech...?  ;D ;D ;D

peace juga ahhh
Quote from: Chris.M on 25/03/07, 13:09
Yang proggynya udah ada bu,, itu mix yang part.1
Nanti gw record cdnya buat lo juga yah

hehehe kok bu....?? ;)
gw cowok bro....khan dah pernah ketemu waktu elo main di JK7 bareng RJ & Abriel....hehehe ditunggu ya CDnya.....
gw dah download ...hehehe cuma butuh 5 menit kok download......

hehehe bikin track proggy donk bro....hehehe ngarep mode on.... ;) ;)

sukses ya ....SUPPORTTTTT  :) :)
Quote from: Chris.M on 25/03/07, 12:34
@Secret Admirer

Thx yaah supportnya
Wah serius udah dimainin, padahal lagunya belum selesai full dan kbpsnya kecil loh lagu yg di link ini,,, dimainin kapan lagunya??

pas dirumahnya bro.....hehe kenceng juga ya....
diselesain donk bro biar bisa diputer diclub...hehehehe....192 cukup kali buat diputer diclub...;)
Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 18/01/07, 14:27
Katanya dah balik lagi kekonsep awal alias TUNG TUNG !!!!

masa seh tom....? wah gagal donk change conceptnya....?  baru keinget kesini kalo emang ntar ada event...kok dah balik lagi ke tung2x ya...?  ;(
hehehe asyik2x aja seh kalo menurut gw....tapi lebih seru lagi kalo kaya K7......hehe lengkap dan tepat....;)