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Messages - Discomfort

Some of the biggest star of every known genre started as a poser. Hell,  even the xes pistols were a bunch of no good poser. Look where they end up.

Buat gue sih, yang penting signifikansi nya, kalo sekedar dj techno sih banyak. Tapi dj techno yang punya karakter personal, atau bahkan merekonstruksi genre tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang lain, itu baru top.
Music / Re: NIN live in Singapore
19/03/09, 14:34
kalo gagal nonton yg versi lokalnya aja ndra.. otol koing.. hauhauhauha
justru ini kondisi elo lg gak normal..

Jakarta Events / Re: Tiga
19/03/09, 12:45
makanya sob, kurang2in.. :P
Jakarta Events / Re: Tiga
19/03/09, 11:47
dunboy: biar keliatan intelek  :P

oh ya, quote dari pembicaraan bini gue malem itu dengan seorang temennya yg frequent guest sono :

Temennya: Eh, ngapain lo disini, kok tumben clubing?

Bini gue: Iya, gw ngefans ama si Tiga, gw suka lagu2nya

Temennya: Oh gituu. Eh, gw mo nanya deh, ini Tiga ini maksudnya apa sih? DJ nya tiga orang gitu?

;D  ;D
Jakarta Events / Re: Tiga
19/03/09, 10:54
Should've been great but can't stand all the hustle. Can only stayed for like, 3 to 4 hours, then when Tiga's on, the dance floor's just too packed. I can't even drink, let alone dance. The venue is just too small to handle the massive crowd. It may works if the seats in front of the booth are moved (y'know, the silo's?), I don't know, just a idea tho.. And what's with the orion plasma being turned off? I heard that Tiga himself asked for it, but isn't there any kind of coordination about it with his management?  But anyways, nice effort. Dully appreciated.. btw is it true what I heard about Joakim? Does he really gonna come? Keep us posted..


Yo BF guys, you people reeeaallly need to change those overhead plasma displays, or perhaps check the wiring. This is a bit technical, but every time the vjs do a quick channel change, the plasma screen blanked out. It might not bother you guys, but this is the equivalent of a torn speaker membrane for a DJ. Just a suggestion tho..
Tergantung, crowd nya dari kalangan apa, range umur berapa, dan konsep dari club itu sendiri seperti apa.
riiite, wait ten to fifteen years and every little old-dated thing would come back at ya with a twist and a new name..  ;D

gak di ban, soalnya gak ada duitnya. Taikucs lah, ini mah akal2an biar dpt duit lagi, either pemda atau kelompok butuh duit lainnya
kayaknya emang Panasonic ini agak problematic kalo mau di fungsikan sbg live cam input.. gw udh coba browse dan hasilnya emang rata2 punya masalah konek kamera ini ke Mac. Dan solusi yg ada hanya memfungsikan kamera ini utk capture dari kaset ke mac aja, bukan memfungsikannya sbg live cam input

kalo ketemu ntar gw update

Lebay maksudnya?
betul, driver brod.. kalo gak update bisa gak kedetect..

gw gak tau kalo nuvj, mungkin karena kameranya belum kedetect jadi dia tetep ambil yg udh aktif aja, ya itu webcam td.
forum sepi dan loyo.. bisa jadi juga karena ramenya yah junk-ing.. oleh karena itu mari kita masyarakatkan kembali thread2 yg berguna.. yuk maree..
mutu lah sob, yg penting gak ngejunk.. hehehe
sama aja kok brod, yg gede kecil itu, yg kecil k kamera, yg gede ke leptob
Bener, firewire yg begini

sambel kerupuk bawang goreng, apapun lah.. yg jelas bukan main menu..
original footage? gimana kalo original CONCEPT? Ah tapi percuma lah bikin gini2an.. ujung2nya mah yg untung label kok, VJ mah tetep aja miskin.. hahahahah
wahhh hebattt, kurikulum nya apa nih kalo boleh tau? Canggih2 dong ya ni pasti, udh pada bikin sekolah..salut salut
Quote from: stormtroopers on 12/02/09, 18:06
Quote from: astrid on 07/02/09, 15:40
*bgs *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

tanpa VJ bagaikan makan kurang garam.....dan sambal......hihihihihi............

karna merekalah pelengkap makan kita....... :P :P ;D

karena VJ adalah pelengkap....

yoi, semacem kerupuk gitu..
gak papa kale, cheers brod!

ari teungarti mah teunggarkeun kana roti we brad.. hahahahah
anjrit virtual premanism!! Post mo banget nih topik!! hahahahahha
hauhuahauha.. aih mawar dong sama tante.. galdiran gak? hauheuahueah