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Messages - mazday

wah, selamat ya!
Akhirnya di launch jg ni tempat.. nice2..

Sukses ya!!
@ sinners_inc:

Terimakasih banyak, brur!!  Salam kenal ya.

seru abis nih video.
@otherside prod: thx ya brur!!

kita emg lagi nyoba untuk "mem-balance" kan kehidupan.. hehehe..
Klo dateng jgn lupa bawa donasi yaaa.... thx!!

Acara ini ditujukan untuk generasi muda yang membutuhkan bantuan pendidikan.
Melalui acara ini, kami bertujuan membangun kepedulian para pecinta Electronic Dance Music terhadap keadaan sosial & pendidikan generasi muda. Serta kami ingin menginformasikan pula bahwa masih banyak generasi muda Indonesia yang belum mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak.

Besar  harapan kami agar para audience yang datang untuk membawa: Buku-buku baru, uang, dan/atau peralatan sekolah lain, sebagai bentuk donasi.

Salam kenal! Sukses!!
udh diterima brur..

Nice, tp agak pendek ya bagian badan nya. Krn gw lumayan tinggi brur.. hehehe..

Klo bisa dibuat lebih panjang lagi kebawah..

Anyway, thanks!!
Kenapa dijual brur?

Ada gambarnya ngga Bung Flow? hehehe..
sexy dancer nya seru jg.. hehehe

salam kenal buat Party People.
asik2.. udh ngga sabar.. hehehe.. Besok ditunggu niiihhhh...
@ mentha : dari 34 juga ya.. makasi supportnya!! hehe..

@ Blackdaman: Yoi brur, itu bule nobid. Yang kribo kan?? hehehe..
pm harga nya brur.. thx.
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@ Otherside Production: Thx brur!! Next time kita kerjasama bareng ya..

@ Bagash_777: makasi banyak supportnya..! hehehehe...
25 Hour

berdiri pada 31 Mei 2006. Sebuah event promotor yang ingin ikut serta mengedukasi dance scene Jakarta agar menjadi lebih baik. Kami masih perlu banyak belajar dari label2 senior yang sudah lebih baik dari kami. Kami mohon bimbingan dan saran untuk dapat berkembang menjadi lebih baik lagi.

25 hour DJ's:

- NINE - 2nd Runner Up JUICE DJ Quest 2008

Muhammad Syarief Reza also known as DJ NINE starts his career as a DJ in RUMUS DJ SCHOOL and graduated as one of the best student there. DJ NINE has been a professional DJ in 2007 when he recruited as a resident DJ at G2 Executive Club for one year. In 2008 DJ Nine establish a new achievement as The Finalist of JUICE DJ Quest 2008, getting himself in 2nd Runner up winner. DJ NINE plays almost every genre of dance music such as; House, Tech House, Progressive House, Breaks, with trance as his first basic. His inspiration comes from DJs; Tiesto, Andy Moor, Richard Durand, Randy Katana, and Paul van Dyk. And other influence from another DJ's such as Fat Boy Slim, the Southern Brothers, and David Amo. Nowadays, DJ NINE joins with DJ DOXX and making a great duo called NINEDOXX, which is DJ with back2back format. In his very young age, he shared his deck with other professional local DJs; Andezzz, Roni Joni, and Ical. DJ NINE develop his skill by playing regularly at clubs in Jakarta. With his high sense of music he often got invited by local event organizer to perform his amazing skill in most clubs in Jakarta.


Angga Pratama also known as DJ Doxx started his first DJ career at 2006, when he competed at Heineken DJ Search 2006. He failed at the audition, but at Crossfader DJ Competition he made it to the big 10, and he continued his experience by performing at Jakarta and Bali's hottest club. In early 2007, he became a resident DJ at Marotti Café & Lounge and also G2 Executive club at the same year. With the style he adopts from his masters such as DJ Rowland (ex-Vertigo), DJ Dyx, and DJ Dude (Rumus), he has lighten up the night with some of Jakarta's hottest talent, such as Deefo (Rumus), Andezzz (Departure: People) and Ronijoni (Junko). Along with his career, the music he plays has been varied from Deep House, Tech-House, and also Progressive House. Producers like Daft Punk, Masters at Work, Eric Kupper, Armand van Helden, Telepopmusik, Ame, Swedish House Mafia, Thomas Gold, Peter Gelderblom, Richard Durand, Armin van Buuren, and Tiesto has inspired the atmosphere of his sets. With his ability to make his own music, he stands out from the others and supported the Indonesian dance music movement.

- ROMEO (House, Electro)

- A8E (Soulful House, Electro, Trance)

- ANDIC (Trance, Progressive House, Electro)

Our MC:

- MC ALEIA (Angels voice)

25 Hour Management

- Romeo (0817.889.461 / 021.997.10.693)
- Bule (0817.994.1984)

email: romeo_mazday@yahoo.com
klo mau paket 1 nya 2 set brp ya brur sehari?
Brur gw mau ya..

cek PM lo ya... kira2 mulai bayar kapan? dianter kapan?
pakai tiket ya? atau khusus undangan?
Bang Epie, ajarin dong  biar bisa ma'nyuzz juga.. heheh..
Congrats to all finalist!!

Goodluck Otsu, Vu, and Ruben..!!!
@ Otherside Production: Thx brur, kita perlu banget nih support dari tmn2 semua utk kegiatan charity ini... many2 thanks..

@ Flow: Yoooo.. bruurrrr.. apakabar loo..?? Mampir2 dong ya.. hehehe... masih inget aja lo waktu2 dulu di taman.. heehehe....
"Youth of the Nation"

A party to benefit the underprivileged young people by providing means and materials

This event is to promote awareness among party goers about the situation of Indonesian youth education. Beginning with this event, we hope to be able to spread the message and the knowledge that there are certain people who do not have the opportunity of adequate primary and secondary education.

To those who will attend this event:
Please bring donations in the form of new books, monetary donations and other school supplies and/or kits.