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Messages - LosTSisKa

Eh...Btw...gw dulu...pokoknya Long... long Time ago ....masup sini jg ga permisi2 yakkk??......
Kalo gitu,....

"Met' Kenal semuaaaanya, mohon bimbingannya.....maaf terlambat yaaaa...!!! and it's better to late 
than never say  it....huhhhhuuhhhuuu... "
Ya pastinya TIESTO or ARMIN....tp gw pengen someday "KAI TRACID" bs maen k sini gt lhoh....hhuuuhhuuuuhuuuuu......
Welkom...cana!!....moga2 semakin banyak yaaa yg bs nambah2in daftar org cerewet d sini...huehuehuee....
Soalnya Ntar d anggep sepi2 aja tuh,....
Yang lainnya kadang2 cuman seneng baca doang....huehueheu....
Halah....klo seumpanya gw ada, gw bakal bela2in mati2an .... Tung....eiittss salah ding Tha' ge...maksudnyaaa......huehueheue.....
Solo / Re: ELECTRO
10/02/06, 15:19
Sabar2...atu2 yakkkk....de'....

anyone interestin'?.....seru-seru...

:o ;D :o ;D
Work Hard, Play Hard,...n Party Hard.....huheuehe
Music / Re: Interesting lyrics
10/02/06, 05:31
Pokoknya Till there was u....hehehhee...
What in the world is a girl to do?
When in this smokey place I only see you
Was far away when you caught my eye
You've brought me back and now you're making me high
I was alone out there, with no one else around
Now I've fallen for you, and there's no coming down
Till there was you, I know what you're needing
My thoughts are leading, me straight into your eyes
What can I do? I'm looking right at you
This feeling is all new, I want you addicted to me........................huuuhhhuuuuuhhuu

sedih gw............... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Main Talk / Re: 2006 resolution
10/02/06, 05:16
juga ngebahas Eskul....huheuehueheee....
Gigi emas???......jiejiejieeee...Blink-Blink...huheeheeee
Saking kreatipnya ya Tha' Ge...jd Tung tung king...king...kinggg...aiiiyaaaawww...
Halah bunuh diri namanya sob...huehueheuheueue...
Makanan...d solo Sadiss...huehueheuhe...
welcome...welcome...welcome,...hope u will enjoy @ here..
Iye..sob,...iyee.....jgn galak2 dwong...huehuehuehee..
Huheuehuehuue....No comment...cuz' u absolutly knows baby....
halah...bs d tabokin org klo gt huheuehueeueuu...
whatever lah sob...yg penting huajaaarrrrrr
Walah skrg lg ngetrend ngotak-atik angka ya bos admin???...
Bos admin...Dress Code acara sama tuh kaya event gw.......wah,wah,wah...WHITE DRESS for "SERENITY">>>>>keren kaya ARMIN gigs yakkk ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Music / Re: Interesting lyrics
08/02/06, 05:47
Quote from: tante stella on 07/02/06, 23:07
agak basi ya sebenarnya..tapi till there was you kejam bgt buat cewe lho.

stuju tante...beneran...wah jd inget yg kemaren2...huuuhuuuuhuuuu
aiiiyyaaaaaaa.....bahasanya ga kuat,...btw thankyiuuuuuuuu...
Bener bos!!...apa mesti gw sebutin angka fixnya d sini. :-X :-X....huehueheue....
Solo / Re: solo forum...
07/02/06, 21:21
Ya iyalah...lo khan hrs k sini ...gmn sie??.....whuehueheue........
capeee donk...hahhaaaahhaa.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D