sabar dong,, biar pada penasaran
*padahal masih bingung*
*padahal masih bingung*
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - jodi #426
Bandung / Re: .::EVILution 1st ANNIVERSARY::.25/11/06, 12:53
sabar dong,, biar pada penasaran
*padahal masih bingung* #427
Bandung / .::EVILution 1st ANNIVERSARY::.25/11/06, 04:43
@AMNESIA 20th january '07
:+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+: #429
Bandung / Re: Pake bahasa indonesia dooongg...22/11/06, 18:58Quote from: KoJack on 22/11/06, 10:07yaaaa selamattttt !!!!! anda adalah org pertama yg kena denda.... #430
Bandung / Re: TRANCE NGEBUBARIN CROWD???22/11/06, 18:54Quote from: doubleDEE on 22/11/06, 01:20asik januari bikin event trance den?? ajak2 dong #431
Bandung / Re: TRANCE NGEBUBARIN CROWD???21/11/06, 20:07
SETUJU !!!...
buat nanda : jgn salahin musiknya tp salahin org nya... PEACE #432
Trance / Re: Prospek Trance ke depan di Indonesia ?21/11/06, 05:47
klo buat sementara ini kayanya trance bakal rada2 meredup dulu...
Bandung / Re: TRANCE NGEBUBARIN CROWD???20/11/06, 20:16
lo kli tenk,, azab "lelaki tukang berzina"
loh ??? ??? bkn nya kyooki udah ada resident??
Bandung / Re: TRANCE NGEBUBARIN CROWD???20/11/06, 19:57
jgn terlalu nafsu buat maenin lagu yg lo suka,, tapi cobalah utk mengerti apa yg crowd inginkan... (surat AL-QOHoOL : 74) #436
Bandung / Re: Pake bahasa indonesia dooongg...20/11/06, 19:47
uhauhauhauha... zabiela penuh kejadian2 aneh...
cil lagu gw puter dong... #437
Jakarta Party Report / Re: [REPORT] OVERDRIVE @ WB 17 NOV 0618/11/06, 19:52Quote from: Gober on 18/11/06, 18:54wah klo yg ini saya pasti hadir paman... #438
Bandung / Re: Pake bahasa indonesia dooongg...18/11/06, 14:07
astagfirulloh teng...
urang mah teu bisa bhs sunda (gw kan ga bisa bhs sunda) *ya udah ntar tiap ngomong sunda harus ditranslate,, klo engga kena denda... [dendanya rp.10000,, bayarnya ke gw ] #439
Jakarta Party Report / Re: [REPORT] OVERDRIVE @ WB 17 NOV 0618/11/06, 14:00
iya nih mana reportnya yah?? biasanya capt. digweed nih yg paling cerewet....
@capt ja masih bl*r ya?? gw ngesms pelit bgt balesnya... #440
Bandung / Re: JUMPER HILL - RAVE BANDUNG !!!18/11/06, 01:52
woi barudak,, tong nyampah wae atuh...
*padahal urg ge nyampah #441
Label / Event Organizing / Re: RAVE at PELABUHAN RATU18/11/06, 01:48
gmana nih kelanjutannya?? jadi?? ??? ??? ???
Bandung / Re: ngumpul yuk !18/11/06, 01:29
iraha atuh ngumpul teh??? teu jadi2
era ku barudak jkt #443
Jakarta Party Report / [REPORT] OVERDRIVE @ WB 17 NOV 0618/11/06, 01:20
guys kasi report nya dong... sedih nih ga bisa dtg
Jakarta Party Report / Re: [PHOTOS] JeanClaudeAdes & Friends @ Studio East bdg 11 nov.15/11/06, 09:17
loh gw ksana ko ga ktemu loki sm r'angel yah... gw ktemunya sama toms cupu,, dna,, nawi sm retroblazt....
tp knapa yah SE kmaren rada sepi?? #445
ooo yg short yah... sory baru baca judulnya
ini full version apa yg short??? soalnya pas bass pertamanya kaya yg dipotong,, tapi klo menurut gw lagunya keren ko...
trus klo menurut gw,, menurut gw loh sory klo so tau... pas detik ke 56-59 yg pas keluar intro kayanya lebih bagus suara cymbalnya rada dipertegas lagi... ini klo menurut gw #447
Bandung / Re: BDG DANCE MUSIC NEWS!!15/11/06, 01:38
tah eta teng,, urg sok lieur ngabedakeun antara maneh jeung si kliwon (monyetnya "si buta dari gua hantu")
Bandung / Re: BUAT MEMBERZ RAVELEX BANDUNG !!! PENTING BENER !!!13/11/06, 03:24
eh geloooo,, kan urg geus pamit...
WAH,, mabok nih mabook |