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Messages - vinodii

hayooo tar gw lapori lochh huahuaa

sedikit info gw denger2 dr komunitas penggemar film saw.. katanya niy film ga muter di 21 tp bakal nongol di ajang festival film horor taun ini di blitz..
itu cuma berita yg gw dapet aj c dr forum tetangga..
kayaknya niy film bener2 diharapkan oleh bnyak warga indonesia neyhh...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 29/09/08, 02:31
gila ini film lanjut terus ya, lama2 jadi kaya tersanjung ni.. sampe 8 series.

iya pan kemaren yg pas keempat ending nya masih belum klimax :P
n yg gw tau bakal berlanjut ampe yg ke 6 malah :) yg jadi pertanyaan skrg ap bakal ada yg ke 7 ??? :) ato 8 ?? beneran jadi kayak tersanjung dahh ahuahuaa

Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 29/09/08, 02:57
yahh pas halloween, gw ga bisa ikutan :(

itu sich released nya tgl 24 oktober 2008 di USA :D
cuman nonton bareng nya masih di kondisikan kok nanti.. ikutan yak om sepet .. :D

Quote from: deefoundation on 29/09/08, 00:14
@ Vinodii : Vin...vin....koq pke acara pangku-pangkuan sih  :-\ :-\

lo mau ikutan mangku juo ? mangku gw mau kaga ? ahuahuaaa... udah ahh jd OOT nih .. maap :(

siap pak manager.. nanti waktu dan tempat di kondisikan :) dan di informasikan secepatnya :)
pasti jadi kok... relax.. :) tunggu aja kabar kabur selanjut nya... :-* :-* :-*
double threat yak ini ? ::)

support otherside ama inconnue
laris manis tanjoeng kimpoel
lah ? trus gw dimana dunks ??? gw mangku pingkan dah... :D
hauhauhauaaaa meraja lelaa... auoooooooo.....uuuooo..... cie cie rangga diem2 menghanyutkan neyh miawckck ;D
iya nie jawaban dr miss rara apa niy yaa :D
DEEFO.. gw jagoin lo masuk final !!
salam buat jeung star y ehm itu.. huahua
jadi yg daftar skul dj di bulan okt di crossfader dpt headphone technic itu ya.. hmm..?
saw released emg tgl sgtu sicb bu.. cuma nonbar nya kpn kan bisa di kondisikan sm yg lain jg bu.. yukyukk ikutann :)
hahaa.. langsung tembak aj niyh huahahahaa

slamet yak sob masuk 10 besar :) ikutan nonton g sob.. ikutan yuu.. :p

hhe dah ikut ajaa..tar duduk nya diapit aj biar g tatut hihihii... ;D
lah ente kaga ikutan bung deepo? hhe..

btw bagus neyh kompetisi gini.. support support producer2 semua... hhe.. :)

sedikit informasi tentang film ini :)

Official Plot

here's the OFFICIAL synopsis for the film: In the fifth installment of the popular SAW franchise, Hoffman is seemingly the last person alive to carry on the Jigsaw legacy. But when his secret is threatened, Hoffman must go on the hunt to eliminate all loose ends


One man. One plan. One foot. Yes, the doctor is in! With a strange twist of fate and a revengeful plot, get ready for the most anticipated event of Saw. Face your fears at his operating table. Know that no one is safe from his sickness. Chills and screams are his true pleasure. Oh...and Blood? You'll be drenched in it.

Redemptions for the weak. Sacrifice is your only survival.

masih belum offcial
tapi kalo bener
berarti Dr Lawrence Gordon bakal kembali


David Hackl


Patrick Melton (screenplay) &
Marcus Dunstan (screenplay)

Release Date:

24 October 2008 (USA)
Scott Patterson ... Agent Strahm
Tobin Bell ... Jigsaw / John Kramer
Costas Mandylor ... Hoffman
Betsy Russell ... Jill Tuck (rumored)
Mark Rolston
Samantha Lemole

Saw V is being written by Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan,[4] and the film went into production after Christmas 2007.[5] Filming began on March 17 in Toronto.[1] According the official Saw Blog, the first week of shooting has ended and that filming of the first trap scene will take place within two weeks [6][1]
The plot details have not yet been revealed, although in an interview with IGN, Patrick Melton revealed that Saw V will explain what happened to Corbett, the daughter of Lynn Denlon and Jeff Reinhart, following the conclusion of Saw III that left her in danger.[7] An interview with Tobin Bell revealed that the origins of Billy the puppet and his red tricycle would be further explained after having the story's roots planted in Saw IV. Also, in an interview on June 13, 2007, Tobin Bell teased that he would not be surprised if the character of Cecil made a reappearance, and that the pieces of flesh taken from the victims in the form of a jigsaw puzzle might be explained.[9]
According to director David Hackl, one trap can potentially kill the actor meant to be placed in it, and so paramedics will be standing by while filming; Hackl joked that the trap would truly test the actor, just like Jigsaw tests his victims.[10]
In the Saw IV DVD commentary, Darren Lynn Bousman stated that the glass box trap,[11] which was originally planned to be used in Saw IV, will be further explored in Saw V.[12] The glass trap was only shown, not used, in the final cut of Saw IV.

dan ini trailer nya  :)


dan ini sedikit cuplikan kekejaman di film jigsaw :)



yukyukyuuukkk :D nonton bareng lagii yuu...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

data sementara yg ikutan

Fahmi G8
DJ Star
Nino Jakclubbers
DJ Akhda

Quote from: richard_gretz on 27/09/08, 04:50
Quote from: vinodii on 27/09/08, 03:33
hehe gw liat behind the scene nya... megan fox so hoott... :D
sayang dulu dia gw tolak ;D ;D ;D Bikin planning NonBar, Di... tp jgn ampe kaya HellBoy *piss* *piss* *piss*

pan gw dah bilang tunggu transformer 2 aje... ahuahuahuahuaaaa ;D wkwkwkwkw

sikat teruuusss deefo......
haha.. aku padamu jg kok pinkan.. kan jarang ada patung pancoran cantik haha ..

@rangga n bebe
masih ada jalan panjang didepan :)
klo g muat buat gw aja sinih.. hha...

manteebbh sobbh hha

btw thu pinkan pinkce EX yaa??


astarii aku padamuu miaaw..
death race 8/10

keren.. cmn ga tau gw mau comment gmn..
waks.. haha... gokiill... *tepuktangan*
keren... gw pernah liat tinkerbell maen di k7.. *bgs* terpana.. *bgs*
wuihhh sadiiisss... line up nya kejeeemmm.... *tepuktangan* dateng sich dateng ram.. fdc berape yak ? :D