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Messages - Ian

waktu gua tinggal di melbourne, sempet juga kepengaruh ngedance kayak gitu. melbourne style pernah jadi hinaan rave scene di sydney/adelaide.

hanya bisa gitu kalau lantainya datar, dan lebih baik lagi pake bedak (gua inget dulu ada yang selalu bawa2 talcum powder ke warehouse parties). harus dimodifiasi kalau outdoor rave.

tapi kalo udah jatuh, hampir selalu nggak pernah ketemu lagi tuh.
dulu pernah di museum nasional/musem gajah.
keren... depan keliatan monas.

duh..abis ngetik lagu2 itu jadi kerasa 'blast from the past' neh. kangen ngedance lagu2 itu...
di jakarta ada nggak ya club yang muterin house tahun 90-an... ?
some of the greatest early-mid 90s house songs :

Push the feeling on - Nightcrawlers
The Bomb (These Sounds Fall into My Mind) - The Bucketheads
Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless) - Crystal Waters
Move Your Body (The House Music Anthem) - Frankie Knuckles pres. Marshall Jefferson
Your Love - Frankie Knuckles with Jamie Principle
Around the World - Daft Punk
U Sure Do - Strike
Show Me Love - Robin S
We Call It Aciied - D-Mob feat. Gary Haisman
Party In De Ghetto - David Morales and The Bad Yard Club feat. Crystal Waters
Go - Moby
Music Sounds Better with You - Stardust
Everybody Be Somebody - Ruffneck feat. Yavahn
Don't You Want Me? - Felix
Movin' On Up - M People
Everybody Dance (The Horn Song) - Barbara Tucker

And finally, the legendary and the original house song :  "I feel Love" - Donna Summer

we like to party - vengaboys

hahahha... lol.
setuju soal gaji naik. kalo gaji cuman segitu2nya, dj2 kita mana bisa mengupdate koleksi 12" mereka yang ujung2nya ngaruh sama performance.
Quote from: Kimi Rei on 27/01/06, 12:26


Music / Interesting lyrics
27/01/06, 12:29
salah satu lyric lagu terlucu yang pernah gue denger :

"Phat Dope Shit" - Locodice

tentang pemuda yang kehilangan keperjakaannya di toilet.

ada yang lain ?
Gua minta maaf banget buat yang sudah negor tapi gua cuekin abis.
ummm....Secara waktu itu gua 2 hari 2 malem belum tidur, hancur lebur berantakan, dan pas lagi super halusinasi + paranoid...

Sander Kleinenberg main di Stadium Oktober 2004 (gue dateng), dan Saeed&Palash main di Stadium Oktober 2003 (gue nggak dateng karena lagi di LN).

Quote from: prama on 20/01/06, 21:08
hey Mr.Ian..

emang saeed & palash sama sander kleinenberg pernah ke jkt ya ? jaman kapan tuh ? maen dimana ??
Saya dukung sepenuhnya Ravelex awards, dan two thumbs up for the organizers.

Having said that, these awards somewhat lose its credibility when on the "Club of The Year", anyone could vote for "Circa", and yet where is Stadium ?
The voting for the best club totally ignored the years of contribution by one of the most (in)famous clubs in South East Asia, STADIUM, in bringing electronic dance music into mainstream psyche in Indonesia.

I totally understand that there maybe commercial tie-ins between Ravelex organizers and Circa, BUT, why victimizing Stadium in exchange for promoting such small and elitist club who have yet to hold a full year of regular dance/club nights ??
Why can't Stadium be included in the nomination ?
Does this reflect elitist opinions of such organizers over the raw, filthy, and in-your-face Stadium ?
or the perception over the sub-par music played in stadium ?

C'mon guys.

Where do all clubbers in Jakarta go in the mornings when every other club in Jakarta has closed ??

Which club that has continuously served the need of mainstream Jakarta clubbers for generic dance music over the past few years ??

Which club in Jakarta that has been the host for World's top DJs to play in Jakarta, such as Sasha, Chus+Ceballos, Danny Howells, Saeed+Palash, Yosithosi, Steve Lawler, Anthony Pappa, Sander Kleinenberg etc etc  ???

By including such club as Circa over the exclusion of Stadium, you only did a disservice to your own integrity and the interest of your dance community.

So please please use your better judgement and think it over, and I hope it's not too late to make any late changes.

My 0.02
yang ada tuttutututut-nya ?

the drill - the drill ?
ooohhhh.... danny tenaglia please.

and maybe paul oakenfold and seb fontaine could play back to back. hehe.
a boy can only dream.
menyukai cimenk (digweed)
Bobby stadium
It's a bit late, but congrats to Adhe for representing Asia and going to Cape Town !

Just Awesome !
Double 6 (bali)
Paparazzi (bali)

There are probably literally thousands of entries in my 30 gb ipod, and I have countless tunes that I dig,  but my all time favourite electronic dance entries should be :

> Pete Tong & Dave Seaman - Essential Mix - Live from Lush Northern Ireland - 3.17.2001 part1  (79:51)  <-- started brilliantly with Kosheen's "I Hide U"
> Pete Tong, Tall Paul, Paul van Dyk - Essential mix- London (live mix)  (83:19)
> DJ Sasha - Creamfields (Essential Mix Live)  (67:10)
> 2002-08-04 Essential Mix - Sasha - Live at Privilege Manumission (Essential Mix Ibiza Special)  (90:35)

( I know..I know.. I'm such a sucker for Sasha - kissed him once on the cheek!-  ;) )

Harusnya paranoia awards ini nominasinya lebih city-specific. Tunes yang lagi trendy di jakarta mungkin lain sama sekali dengan tunes yang lagi ngetop di surabaya, misalnya.

DJ Sandra (Stadium).

mixing skill-nya nggak gitu bagus, tapi pilihan lagunya could bring smiles to those who like 'em "kenceng" !
outdoor rave  : jam 9 pm - sunrise

indoor rave  : jam berapa aja dan berapa lama tergantung crowd, music nya (dan choice of substance :)

clubbing biasa : jam 1 am - 7 am, atau jam 6 am - 1 pm 
selain yang sudah disebut diatas, juga perlu :
- have their own style.
Main Talk / Re: INDOCLUBBERS??
12/01/06, 23:09
kelihatannya sih suatu "commercial endeavour" yang menjual annual memberships in return for free entry/discounted entry tickets/discounted drinks for selected clubs di jakarta
technically speaking, gua rasa Bobby memang dj Stadium yang paling bagus.

Tapi untuk urusan "value for money", Mumuch memang tiada duanya...hehehehe.....