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Messages - Call me Ribon!

Bukaaaan.. yg bener mah Ribon ditipu teeerus.. wekwekwek..
Yaaa.. mending curhat aja d daripada dipendem.. Ga boleh yaa..? :-\
Huahahahahaaaaa.. Memang lo ga ada tracklist idup congkie..?  ;D
Waaaaaah.. keren.. udah bisa gw dengerin.. up bngt.. mantabz rome, tp element yg masuk di menit ke 2 weird, kerasa di gw nya.. n agak kelamaan jd sedikit monoton dari menit ke 2 mau masuk ke menit 5, nah pas 5 tuh owkey.. pecah gitu kali yaa.. apalagi pas masuk menit 6.. wuih!
Ah, sotoy yaa gw?  ;D maap yaa..  *piss* *piss* brp lagu yaa total, mau dong semua utk koleksi bro.. Pakein cover cd kaya ditoko toko sekalian..
Butuh resident RnB Hip Hop ga tuh kira2..?Think thong aja tuh muantep!2nd winner centro dj battle..
Tp....  :-\ :-\ :-\ knp harus kamis sih..?
Gw gawe dijkt.. gmn hadirnya yaa........................
 ;D ;D Amiiiin!Miss you bro.. Mmmuach! hahahaha
Buka pikiran lo utk visi n misi idup lo kedepan, hmmmm.. Konsepin track list idup lo..
Memang semua ada kalanya "just let it flow..", tp semua harusnya sih terkonsep.. Dari A to Z, besok mau apa, lusa mau apa, ming dep mau apa, bul dep mau apa, next year mau apa.. and the most important thing..................................................next life mau apa??
Wew.. Apaan sih nih...?
Hehehe.. Cm sedikit pemikiran gw aja nih.. Yaaaa, maklum de anggota JOJOBAUNYA (jomblo jomblo banyak maunya)  *piss* atau jomblo jomblo bau mulutnya yaa?huahahahahahaha

Ah.. Sinting!!

Track list gw:

1. Lakuin yg terbaik buat gw n keluarga gw!Mantapz.. Make cash money!Transferan jg boleh qo..  ;D
2. Pengen nambah kegiatan/gawean dari yg udah ada.. Yaa.. Pengennya sih part time DJ just like my best pren.. Dia reg dj seminggu sekali di tempat biliar.. hmm.. Seru!Lumayanlah daripada lumanyun  *piss*
3. Punya karya musik elektronik sendiri, hmmmmm.. guru spiritual gw ga pernah klop nih waktunya!Kapan jadinya yaa.. Huhuhu.. maap yaa jd curhat!
4. Nantinya gw pengen punya studio sendiri, hmmm enak tuh pastinya utk yg private"??  ;D Private class, private party, private room lah giiituuu..
5. Pengen create label dari hasil private gw!Yaa.. gw hanya yg mengkaryakan saja, utk jd talent DJ sih gw cinta MV lah sampe nanti.. sampe nanti.. hmm.. Btw,udah ada nih proyeknya sama temen gw dijkt yg mau jd dosen privatenya,gw sih sediain alat n tempat aja.. kecil"an.. mudah"an menjadi besar!doakan yaa kawan"!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
6. Pengen punya cewe..... Hooooooooooh..  :'( hahahahahaha.. sedih d
7. Get married!
8. and then Start all over again only from 1 to 5 to be the best of the best!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

That's ol folks, my simple track list for this 2008.

What's yours??  *piss*
Bogor / Re: READ THIS !!!!
30/05/08, 13:07
Wuahahahaha.. lucu bngt nih.. huhuhuaaahaha.. paaaaraaaaah..

Knp sih.. ada apa sih Om Nando..?Lo bikin postingan memang bener ga jelas tau.. ada apa, knp, dan utk apa/siapa?
Gimana mau peduli n apa yg mau dipeduliin, lah pembahasannya kaga jelas bro.. Mending lo delete nih postingan n bikin baru aja.. tp yg jelas bro.. pis yaw!
Bogor / Re: Event BUDJ
22/05/08, 19:02
Leader = Ketua  ::) Aaaaaaaah.. Mending cari kesempurnaan aja d.. Hahahahaha.. itu lagi......
Di kebon raya.. wah.. gmn cara?ntar dimarahin pa'pres ah.. takut
One day to gooooo... Let's go..   ;D
Bogor / Re: TIPS SUKSES!
15/05/08, 19:20
Aaaaah.. Ga beres nih postingan.. apus aja apa yaaa..?  :-\
Progressive house (also known as prog or prog house) is a form of electronic music that originated in Britain in the early 1990s. Guerilla Records is the first record label credited with releasing the first progressive house records, and the term is said to have been coined by Dom Phillips, the editor of British music magazine Mixmag, as a way to describe the output of Guerilla. British DJs Sasha and John Digweed, through a residency at the club Renaissance in Mansfield, UK were instrumental in popularizing the sound in the early 1990s. Progressive house has a similar drum structure (4/4) and tempo as house music, but it has deeper, dubbier basslines and a more emotional melodic edge. Whereas house music contains obvious builds ups and troughs, progressive house is more subtle and focuses more on atmosphere than prominent lead melodies and beat structure. A key idea of the progressive movement is the layering of sounds and bringing them in and out of a mix, and due to the complexities of the sound, it is considered a deeper form of house music. A progressive house track is also typically longer than a house track because it generally has a longer bar structure. In the mid-1990s, progressive house featured a hypnotic, melodic edge, but as the genre trance became more popular and melodic, progressive house darkened and fused with tribal house and other genres, to become a more underground minimal alternative to trance. The term progressive has since become synonymous with musical genres that are open-minded enough to include new sounds and many dance music genres have developed sub-genres based on the progressive idea, including progressive breaks and progressive trance.

Hehehe.. copy paste aja doolooo..  *piss*
Bogor / Re: TIPS SUKSES!
12/05/08, 17:30
Gw udah banyak sholat dan berdoa qo....  ::)
Bogor / Re: DJ jualan HP??
12/05/08, 16:30
Ada yg jual laptop ga diantara kalian??Kalo bisa 2nd dan dikredit.. Huhuhu..
Kalo jual kesempurnaan jg ada ga?tp yg lucu dan seksi.. hihihihihi
Om Roellie kan dari X-One bukan..?
Full support Yaaa om.. apalagi kalo dgn adanya tanda tangan.. Wuih.. Mantap!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Yuuuuhuuuuu.. 4 more days to go.. Let's gooo.. hehehe!Suport!
Bogor / Re: TIPS SUKSES!
12/05/08, 16:10
Sempurnaaaaaa Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. Huh.. Payah nih!Ga pantes menyandang gelar "KOLANG dan KOTAK"
Wah.. Thx bngt nih om ali utk advice-nya.. Mantap!
Bogor / Re: Event BUDJ
08/05/08, 14:54
Sambut hari kebangkitan nasional!!!!merdeka..!Loooooooh..?  ;D
Maap yaa gw ga tau SS tutup.. gw cm forward sms nya om nando tuch.. kabar"i yaa kapan n dmn jdnya nanti..
Siaaaaap.. Pastinya adalah waktu utk bikin event.. tp yg jelas.. support event EO or label lain jg harus!
to Ginalfyl: Iyaaaa dooong.. DJ Harus mengerti crowdnya, tp tiati, jgn ngikutin crowd trus..
Masih ada om.. telp gw aja atuh.. hehehe
Bogor / Re: TIPS SUKSES!
08/05/08, 14:26
Waaaaahahahahahahaaaa.. ngaco ngacooo ngacoooo..  ;D
Waaaaahhh.. fruity loop n acid pro? ato Traktor n cool edit pro? ato nuendo yaa..? apa pelajarin semua..?
puyeng d.. tp bener kata teman", pengendalian diri..  ;D