9 Hari lagi....masih lama ya....??
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - secret admirer #476
Jakarta Events / Re: :::CLUBHOPPERS Deny Exclusive set | Centro, 17.03.07:::08/03/07, 13:57
9 Hari lagi....masih lama ya....??
Techno / Re: carl cox - global mix (guestmix victor calderone) - 2007-03-0307/03/07, 17:27Quote from: ouch on 07/03/07, 14:25 hehe Videonya serem ya mbak uchi...... #478
Techno / Re: carl cox - global mix (guestmix victor calderone) - 2007-03-0307/03/07, 14:15Quote from: capt. digweed on 07/03/07, 14:10 Bisa aja ente....gw quit dululah ja dari thread itu, lagian khan ada orang yg lebih tepat ja utk urusan review , mereview.....hehe malu gw kalo ikut-ikutan ngereview .... #479
Techno / Re: carl cox - global mix (guestmix victor calderone) - 2007-03-0307/03/07, 13:53Quote from: capt. digweed on 07/03/07, 13:43 Trus apanya donk ja...? #480
Trance / thomas penton - Live @central-park, loca-fm - 2007-02-2007/03/07, 13:48
Trance nech....
Berikut linknya... http://www.file2share.biz/file/2203/thomas-penton---central-park--loca-fm---2007-02-20-zip.html #481
Deep Dish ada yg suka....?
berikut linknya , mungkin ada yg tertarik utk donlot... http://www.file2share.biz/file/2255/deep-dish--ali-dubfire----dance-department-podcast---2007-02-21-mp3.html #482
Techno / Re: carl cox - global mix (guestmix victor calderone) - 2007-03-0307/03/07, 13:37Quote from: walasok on 07/03/07, 13:33 @Walasok... Monggo Mas....Link ini juga gw dapet dari forum negara tetangga kok..hehe.... #483
Techno / Re: carl cox - global mix (guestmix victor calderone) - 2007-03-0307/03/07, 13:35
Ini juga setnya Coxy di radio FG 04 Maret 2007
Berikut Linknya.... http://rapidshare.com/files/19472227/Carl_Cox__Live__Radio_FG_04.03.2007.mp3 #484
Techno / carl cox - global mix (guestmix victor calderone) - 2007-03-0307/03/07, 13:25
sob...ada yg tertarik pengen tau kaya apa setnya coxy ...?
berikut linknya....... http://rapidshare.com/files/19274079/carl_cox_global-mix_2007-03-03.zip #485
Freebies / Re: Danny Howells & Nick Warren Mixset (MP3)07/03/07, 08:01Quote from: d i s c o t e r r o r on 27/02/07, 08:52 hehe tanggal postingnya 30 Des 2005...2 tahun 3 bulan..... #486
Progressive / Re: progressive house artist index06/03/07, 12:17
Dari List diatas...udah banyak yg move bandwagon.......
Jakarta Party Report / Re: PHOTO SESSION!!! (photo & comment plz..)06/03/07, 12:03Quote from: Loki on 06/03/07, 00:58 hehe...terima kasih utk perhatian dan pengertiannya... #488
Quote from: Loki on 06/03/07, 01:32hehehe...pasti salah satunya yg elo sortir yg ada gw ya sob...thanks loki #489
Quote from: AndrE ClayZ on 05/03/07, 22:23 Wah bisa dikutuk gw kalo nyebut nama , ga berani gw...hehehe....serem sob...manteppp jogedannya.... #490
Jakarta Events / Re: :::CLUBHOPPERS Deny Exclusive set | Centro, 17.03.07:::05/03/07, 22:25
Flyernya serem....6 jam di awang2x....hehehe....akhirnya.
hehehe,,,,tapi yg 'megang' banget malem itu tetep satu tuch.......yg naik2x keatas speaker ..
Jakarta Events / Re: STADIUM NU COLOURS series....27/02/07, 15:53
Hmmm...Iwan Sidrink main house ya.....? Dj Tosse cukup Soulful seh.....tapi belum pernah denger Om Iwan main House...
Progressive / Old Classic progressive Tunes ( sasha & hernan cattaneo@ MoonPark Buenos Aires )26/02/07, 13:37
Live Sasha + Hernan - Live @ Moonpark Buenos Aries 05-04-2003
Mungkin masih ada yg tertarik dan pengen nostalgia dengan lagu2x proggy ini ada linknya....kalo mo download buruan...coz link ini ga akan lama , mungkin cuma 2 atau 3 minggu...... 01_sasha_and_hernan_cattaneo-live_at_moonpark-05-04-2003.mp3 (73.24 MB) http://www.mediafire.com/?25jymjmzggq 02_sasha_and_hernan_cattaneo-live_at_moonpark-05-04-2003.mp3 (76.8 MB) http://www.mediafire.com/?9lzqqjwkvmv 03_sasha_and_hernan_cattaneo-live_at_moonpark-05-04-2003.mp3 (79.64 MB) http://www.mediafire.com/?6jrwu2udxg2 04_sasha_and_hernan_cattaneo-live_at_moonpark-05-04-2003.mp3 (75.48 MB) http://www.mediafire.com/?alutmjizojo Ini Tracklistnya..... Hernan Cattaneo - Live at Moonpark (Buenos Aires) (05-04-2003) 01. John Creamer & Stephane K - I Wish You Were Here (Lexicon Avenue Remix) 02. Cutlab - Loudkissin (Asad's Silverlining Mix) 03. John Creamer & Stephane K - Forget the world 04. Mooncat feat Ferank - Hear what was said (Vocal mix) 05. Dj GoGo - Sayna 06. Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (Sander Kleinenbergs Just In The Club Mix) 07. Cattaneo/Cass/Mangan - Hubub (Martin Garcia Breaks Mix) 08. Sander Kleinenberg - Work to do Sasha - Live at Moonpark (Buenos Aires) (05-04-2003) 01. Boomclick - Homegrown (James Zabiela Mix) 02. Sasha - Cloud Cuckoo 03. The Dirty Fours & Luke Chable - Bass Trap 04. ID 05. ID 06. The Dirty Fours - Breathless 07. Matthew Dekay - Beautiful Monday 08. Panoptic - Surface 09. Joshua Collins - Project 3 (Chris Lake Mix) 10. Stoler - 3am 01. Everyday Downers - The World (Chris Lake Mix) 02. Jas - Soul Doing Dishes (Luke Fair Mix) 03. Dream Traveler - Headpusher 04. Quivver - Daylight (Main Mix) 05. ID 06. Steve Porter - Definite Form (Jumpin Dub) 07. Sasha - Wavy Gravy (????? Remix) 08. Cirque - Cirque Music Vol. 3 (Dub Mix) 09. Anarcrusan - In My Mind (Undertouch Mix) 10. Chris Lake - Santiago de Cuba 01. Uberzone & Rennie Pilgrem - Cous Cous (Royale Mix) 02. Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (Slacker Remix) 03. LSG - Saviour 04. Moguai - U Know Y (Starecase Remix) 05. Junkie XL & Sasha - Breezer 06. Nalin & Kane - Beachball (Gabriel & Dresden South Beach Vacation Mix) 07. Timo Maas - Unite 08. Junkie XL & Sasha - Beauty Never Fades (Dub Mix) 09. P. Diddy - Lets Get Ill (Deep Dish Remix) #494
Udah ada iklannya di TV...hehe serem ya...? nonton ah......
Disk Jockey / Re: Kenapa DJ2 sTadiUm Lt.4 skRg maInnya gax bgT!!!25/02/07, 11:33
Friends......Dateng donk kalo Dosen Bobby Main.......semoga betah dan enjoy dengan musicnya....
Disk Jockey / Re: NICK WARREN GU 030 PARIS,RELEASE THIS FEBRUARY 0725/02/07, 11:29
Genre nya apa ya...?? secara di CD 2x sebelumnya (Reykjavik , Shanghai ) dia main Proggy House....
Main Talk / Re: STADIUM ESSENTIAL MIX VOL.125/02/07, 11:18Quote from: adhievizuale on 08/02/07, 00:54Quote from: dj ferdy on 07/02/07, 18:16 Tgl 17 kemarin dibagikan secara gratis seh...sebenarnya ngga gratis juga , tapi dengan membayar cover charge 100 rb udah bisa dapet CD itu...CD 2 nya ok tuch.....mayan buat homsess... #498
Main Talk / Re: The Next Big Thing After Electro??25/02/07, 11:12
sama kaya Flawless...Minimal Techno or tech house mulai menguasai dunia EDM , kalo gw liat makin banyak Dj 2x yg mainin genre ini, electro pelan2x dah mulai keluar dari EDM....
Main Talk / Re: What Kind of Genre Are you??? [take the Test,,,]25/02/07, 11:08
Wah kok gw Drum & bass ya...?
Ada yg salah nech kayanya.... #500
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS X - the Series continue..25/02/07, 10:52
Party Reportnya dunk...katanya seru banget ya semalem....ampe ada yg lanjut Homsess trus ada juga yg nyangkut2x "dimana" getoo...