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Messages - bimzkee

Jakarta Events / Re: 8 8 8
04/08/08, 18:20
keren.... naik mercy B 888 dong nih kita?

New Joiners especially, please do not share single file. Karena menyangkut hak cipta.

Please dibaca dulu rules nya sebelom elo share apapun..

Audios / Re: House Collection
04/08/08, 16:00
di apus ya.. please read the rules

wah bro, sorry nih single file peraturannya gak boleh di share disini.. even cuman ngasih link nya...

please read this ya


DJ Tatana - Spring Breeze

bener2 serasa spring hehehe...
Quote from: didi 1945mf on 02/08/08, 15:59
bener2.. Enak hari ini di centro, biasa nya batangan mulu... Tp hari ini ok.. Banyak macbot.

sorry ga dateng hehe.. sayang bgt ya padahal gue macbot lovers juga...
silahkan soobbhh hehehe... sedot ampe puas... hihihi

any comments are welcome lho...
Quote from: jazzymike on 04/08/08, 00:21
dateng donk,bim ;)

mau nge quote malah ke klik modifiy guenya bengong pula..
hehe iya mike kalo ga ada halangan sih gue insya allah mampir!
@ramakio: monggo disedot.. hehe

@luthfi & rakaz: suka yak? hehehe mellow2 gimana gitu ya

@snkfnk: hehe iya kurang ambient dulu sebenernya si.. bikinnya agak buru2.. thanks ya bro

@dimsum: yoi belum nemu lagi sambungan yg cocok... nanti di extend deh gue nyari dulu track yang maknyus nya ehhehe

@dunant: ga tau yg pasti pasti sih sodaraan ama randy katana, atau sepupuan ama tata dado... :P

@iwan bulle: silahkan... jangan sungkan2 nyedotnyaa... hehehe ;)
cangcing nih pasti ehehe... *bgs* *bgs*
Dear Friends,

After a while, finally i have made another promo mix tape 4 u 2 enjoy.

Just follow this link 2 download it!


01. Ismael Rivas, Luis Damora & Danny Serrano - Safety Sealed
02. Ned Shepard - A Fine Balance
03. Add2Basket & Interplay - Summer is Back
04. DJ Zya - Twilight
05. DJ Tatana - Spring Breeze
06. Adrian Ivan - No One Else
07. LTN - Empty Streets
08. Markus Schulz VS Andy Moor - Daydream
09. Orli & Martie - White Flower
10. Jaytech - Pepe's Garden

Total Length: 58:54
Bitrate: 128 Kbps
File Size: 53.8 Mb

Enjoy  8)
happy anniversary REBORN!!

coba kalo gitu beberapa jam ke depannya itu di posting lagi segera hahahahaha....
gila update banget ahahha...
dan nampaknya member sby lebih teratur ya kalo gathering... gak seperti member jakarta yg ugal2an terus huehauheauhuaehaue

*bgs* *bgs*
yoi jgn tgl 3 ini kan ada sundaze, tgl 10 aja gimana
kok ganti design..??
gpp yang tulisan rvlx surabaya ajaa..

boleh gak hehehe
jakarta boleh gak? ;)
hahaha... keterlaluan ini sih niat banget.... sampe masuk ke parliament house, bayar toll, pake embel2 dia dj..

aduh aduh... kemana ya kita malam ini....
sukses ya guys.. wish we from jakarta could join the happiness hehehe