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Messages - secret admirer

Quote from: esge on 01/08/06, 16:46
namabhin... cuma quote dari bbrp user di progressivehouse.com
bagus2 deh...

QuoteEverything which is Progressive in Music Either it's Rock , Trance , Techno or other , means :

1 : Non Commercial ( i.e. not radio friendly )  *bgs* *bgs*
2 : It should be Avant Gardiste in Sounds and co
3 : Trippy and Dark   *bgs* *bgs*( Progressive Worst enemies are Happy funky house and Euro Cheesy trance )
4 : Less Vocals More Atmospheres
5 : No Verse Chorus Bridge Verse Chorus condition to build a track
6 : Long tracks + sequels if needed   *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
7 : Intro and outro in Progressive House is like Appetizers and Dessert
8 : Progressive tracks titles are as weird as Marquis de Sade
9 : Delay effects + other is for progressive as Tb 303 and 909 to Acid House
10 : Can be played after 20 years and still sounding fresh

dj Fady Ferraye
Quoteprogressive is a way of thinking, a way of being, just trippin sound that takes you in another dimension made of emotion, feeling sand love.. Even if it's dark (or minimal ) progressive the content is always positive...   *bgs* *bgs*
Progressive is a therapy just lets you feels otherand better.
It's on the edge o different styles , a crossing over world influences, a speach that come from the soul of the earth and takes you to the highest skies... *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan*

Denis Gursky

mantappfh... :D

100000% agreeeeeeeee........ *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: djbobby_s on 28/05/08, 18:37
Quote from: Mario 78 on 28/05/08, 18:29
...Om Gondrong berkelana terus nih.. ;D *piss* *piss*..support.... *tepuktangan*

hehehe.... cari sesuap emas mar  ;D ;D ;D

Sesuap emas + segenggam berlian.........;D ;D ;D
Support dah..........
Quote from: Mario 78 on 26/06/07, 19:24
Quote from: Mario 78 on 22/06/07, 11:51
KaLO GW sih maunya Danny Tenaglia>>>Sasha>>>Steve Lawler lg dengan set....Viva_nya yg electro>>>>Deep Dish >>>>>>>Nick Warren>>>>>>>Lantai 4 yeh Zoub>>>>
satu lg Markus Schulz:Gw mau denger Progressiv3 Trance di 4,Megah pasti tuh Sound_nya>>>>>

MIAMI 05 Cdnya markus schulz udah pernah diputer di lt 4 sore2x ....2 th yg lalu sob...
Congratz for all winner.....
Congratzzz ya bro....;)
Dave seaman main dari jam 2 s/d jam 5.30...Minimal tech house mix ama minimal prog dikit2x.....overall ok....;)
wah gimana ya kalo mereka dateng ke Indo berdua lengkap ama peralatannya dan main back to back...?  ::) ::)

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Feeling gw doi bakalan main minimal tech house gitu kali ya....?

dateng ahhhhh......;)
Quote from: Mario 78 on 05/04/08, 20:07
...M.A.N.T.A.B. nih chris.....yg kayak gini harus diperjuangkan terus....PROGRESSIVE NEVER DIE_LAH...heehehehe..TOP......
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@ Chris

numpang donlot ya....stay trus di prog ya pak..... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Quote from: Mr Din on 18/03/08, 18:01
Bole minta info2 sewa cottage nya ga?

thx :D

hahahaaha....ada yg aneh neh kalo ampe Mr.Din buka kamar......;D ;D ;D
pas baru nyampe dipintu masuk...lagu yg diputer kalo ga salah yg liriknya "what people do for money.?" gw lupa judulnya....... ;)  (?) (?)
hehehe tuh lagu udah jadul bgt , tapi  di TH 98/99 kalo ga salah tuh lagu sempet jadi lagu kebangsaannya sydney 2000 ( waktu sydney 2000 belum banyak muter house kota ) :P :P

udah hampir 8 th gw ga denger lagu2x kaya gitu ...so pas tuch lagu diputer ,memory gw juga flash back moment  8 th yg lalu....... :-\ :-\

Salut to Dj Anton utk ide kreatifnya create event gokil ini , meski FDCnya pricenya agak2x lumayan tapi ga nyesel deh .... *bgs* *bgs*

sukses ya bro.......... *bgs* *bgs*

jangan lupa oleh2x wece medan......... :P :P
Quote from: for.an.angeL on 15/03/08, 11:53
anjrotttt.. kayaknya bakal gokil nieh,,

pengennnnn,,,,,,  *tepuktangan*

:P :P :P :P :P

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
wah sapa aja ya yg dateng...? semalem dengerin interviewnya Dj Anton ama Nismul , merinding2x gw ngebanyangin kalo tempat segede itu diputer old prog house tunes ( Dark & Deep Proggressive ) *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

bakalan gokil nech........ *bgs* *bgs*
hadir ahhhhh...............................
Quote from: groovyL@nd on 10/03/08, 10:43
@ NIGHTWATCHER: di posternya kan ada tulisan: ONE NIGHT ONLY :)

ada kemungkinan ga ya ...kalo sekali ini sukses trus berlanjut lagi kaya doeloe...?? hehehe...semoga deh
Quote from: wedhus on 28/02/08, 13:01
om denny kalo difoto pasti ga ada ekspresinya....hehehehe.....

;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Mario 78 on 28/02/08, 12:32
....yah kalo bisa masuk hadir...kalo nggak...kelas sore ke kampus barat aje.....deh... ;)

dimana tuch...??
wah.....bakalan gokil lagi neh tempat........;)

support dah.....yeeuk

Quote from: LosTSisKa on 26/02/08, 11:39

@secret admirer
maaf ga sempet bales smsnyaahh.....

yups....gw ngeliat elo repot banget jeng....;D ;D ;D
wajahnya tegang banget..hehehe...konsens banget ama screen yaa...?? hihihihihi.....;D ;D ;D
baru sekali ketemu Oos waktu di V2....sebelumnya cuma bisa ketemu lewat cerita2x serunya di Yamess room...;D ;D ;D

nice person.......;)
Sipppppp....masih ditunggu cetakannya..sukses selalu ya mas edi.....*bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*
wah..wah...support dah......*bgs*  *bgs*
Quote from: Sticky Fingers on 18/02/08, 14:57
Quote from: Chris.M on 18/02/08, 11:32
kayaknya ujan nih,,, tiap hari ga berhenti ujan gini... betee


Doain aja semua seperti yang kita harapkan. Kita pihak Playground 2008 sudah mengantisipasi masalah diatas, semua upaya akan kita kerahkan untuk kenyamanan para penonton.

Keep Rocking!

mantappppp....  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*
Hadir ahh..........