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Messages - dublove

wah...thnx 4 tha compliment  :D :D
we try our best  ;)
thnx Dree_DreamHouse.....
dateng ya
dijamin SERU soalnya ini conjuction sm echosystem (old school ravers)
"Hi"times! with Dub Container and Echosystem

Friday, April 6th 2oo7
10pm onwards
at Forbidden Citi

Djs: Dharma

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Jakarta Events / Re: organik green
26/03/07, 18:58
kl hostnya ga dateng namanya bukan host tp ghost ;D ;D ;D
soulshaker main dong...makanya pd dateng dong ga perlu mikir2 lg (?)

pokonya dj amin SERU 8)

see u all there guys
Jakarta Events / organik green
22/03/07, 21:54
House / Re: Organik Green Leaf
19/03/07, 22:42
hai..hai...tnyt bukan lindstrom ya?damn!!! apa ya?
coba mungkin tore baleoranya claude monet...
silakan mencoba,n let me know yo!!!
peas!!! =)
House / Re: Organik Green Leaf
15/03/07, 21:09
holla...lg ngomongin apa seeh??
ada yg bisa dibantu mungkin?
cb terangkan dgn jelas iklan forbidden citi yg mana?
lagunya kaya apa?
buat oris: mungkin itu lindstorm,another station mungkin..
cb di download dulu,trus kt ngobrol lg...
hwhwhw... ;D
dub container minta support nih teman2 untuk organik as best serial event...

_peace ;D
besokk nih...pd dateng dongg

"BOTTOM RHYTHM" an underwater sonar
adventure Friday,March 9th 2007 @ RETRO
Message: Retro..Friday,March 9th 2007

an underwater sonar adventure

featuring DIDI from 1945MF Label
Release UK

and the Dub Container All Stars




visuals by VJ MOCKO & 16 PIXELS
PREPARE for the utter out-and-out twisted party of this era.
PLANET JIVE is about to rock you hog-wild.
So, get ready and prop up yourself outrageously fashion into a hip and stylish frenzy spirit of PLANET JIVE.

Dub Container presents
a fashionably loud clubbers,
ravers, club kids &
freaks glam nite !

Friday, March 2nd 2007

Special guest Dj

adhe (thirst)
and Dub Container all stars
Fabi, Kresna, Odeq
eye candy visual

show up with your wildest party gear
and get limited giveaways from
Adidas Original
Jakarta Events / cosmic rebel
20/02/07, 18:53
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u201/raymondublow/cosmic.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
raymond is dublove

dublove is raymond....

pada dateng dong semua,disco bareng di discostatic
mantab nih anak2 4th sector... ;D

if ever u guys need aNYthing....dub container SiAP membantu
imperial beat n dub container present

"cosmic rebels"

wah..wah..ada jagoan dub container yg maen.
bisa gila nih party :o :P

pd dateng ya....

Jakarta Events / Dub Container
06/12/06, 15:29