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Messages - drwe

@vibe blue : kondangan....

@bimzkee : selamat!! and telah resmi memecahkan crowd semalam...hehehe...nice set man!!

buat yang pada dtg smlm..thanks for the support ya....

mari kita saling mensupport dunia perjogedan kita....

-big LOVE and respect-
ikutan meramaikan nih...bandung selalu seru abis.....


yeap!!! this is the third edition....yang pertama and kedua seru banget...yang ketiga pasti tambah seru!!!

dateng ya guys.....seru2an bareng yuk!!!

GL tinggal telp ato sms Ragil selatan tuh..hahahha
2nd Edition...GOX nih!!

line up nya gokil nih....FULL SUPPORT!!!auw auw auuuuuuwwwww....

gonna stay until the party finishes..on the 1st edition, i had to go straight home coz of my final exam..this is gonna be a great one...HELL YEAH!!!!!

-peace out-
i wanna say thank you for all the talents that nite..it was an unforgetable nite for me!! i hope you guys had a great time as well....gokil!!!!  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

@ tammy and adit: great job!!! keepin it soulfull!!!  THANK YOU!!!   :D  ;D senyum terus yuk!!

@ dade: you really know what to do!! two thumbs up!!! DADE CANGGIH!!! THANK YOU!!  *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*  ;D

@ Debon : situ cangcing sooooobbb.....gw ampe ga bisa diem sob!! THANK YOU!!!  *bgs*  *tepuktangan*  ;D

@ blonky : pane mantaaaffffhhhh...u are talented!!! THANK YOU!!  *piss*  *bgs*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  ;D

@ P double : ancuy sooobb...ALWAYS ROCKIN THE NITE UP!!!...THANK YOU, DAWGIE... :D :D :D :D  ;D

@ Flicker Sreen : great job guys!!..hypnotiizing!! THANK YOU!!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* :P

@ all the MCs that shared their talents in this event..STARR, TWAILLA, DITTER, and UCHA.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *bgs*

last but not least,thank you EMBASSY JAKARTA (Ragil, mbak Ruby, Olga) *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ;D

once again, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!! and for all the crowds attended the party, THANK YOU for supporting this event...

stay safe and take care guys..

+ stay peace in one love for Indonesian Dance Music Industry+
                   + 1945 MUSIC FACTORY +
@ voltus : mainkan soooooooobbbb....promosikaaaaaaaannnnnnnn...hehehehhee

@ romy : makin menggila ngemixnya....abis purwokerto, solo, trus surabaya....gokil.......
waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh....mantafffffff......pasti gw dateng...hehehehe

@ bhokero : congrats bro!! canggih nih....
@ wedhus: thanks ya bro...gw emang ga ksana sob kmrn cuma romy doang...hehehe..nunggu panggilan aja deh dari puerto rico a.k.a purwokerto...hehehehhee...

@ipod : thank you!

@dj epie : thanks bro...sabtu yaa..

@ jakson ronald : thanks bro...plus2?? amiiiinnnn...hehehe..dateng kan?

@ denjeng : thanks soooob....hehehe...smlm dah ktmu juga...

@ dree : nah gitu dooong...

@ blonky : thanks for coming last nite...

guys...pada dateng yah...its not about the bday party..but supporting the event of 1945MF...

thank you!!
@ debon: kasiiih daaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.... =) ;D
dateng dong...the album's great....come and support the event ya!....
yoi bon...mo kmana tuh.....eh gokil banget sms lo smlm bon....tapi, laksanakan deeehhh...hahahaha
@ olga: iya nih...jadi nya di MBC..hahaaa...second home...hehehe...asik asik asiiikkk...dapet kadoooo...auw auw...tengkyu nih sebelomnya...hehehehe

@dj ungu: thank you sob...7/24 family ditunggu kedatangannya loh bneran...hehehe...

@chiefy : thank you sooooob....temanya ceria deh sob...gw percaya ma lo dah...kasiiiihh daaahhhhh...ehehehe...

@insomnia beat: siap sob! thanks ya....dateng dong..

@iman45 : yoi sob..dateng dong...thanks ya...ngucapin nya bla bla bla gitu...abis ngapain lu sob??ahahahahhaaaa...

@mc baim: thanks brooooooooooooo...jol....

@ vu: amiiiiiiiinnnnnn.....thanks bro...dteng ya...
@ dekra : thanks soooooooooobbbbb........dateng dong sob!!
uda kota sudah terlampaui....7 kota lagi!!!!!......ciaaaaattttt.......markiber!!!!

buat yang pada tanggal segitu lagi ada di kota itu...dateng yah...great music and of korz great party!!!
Guys....come and support this event ya...dije nya cangcing laahhh...hehehe...flyer ceria, karena event nya bakal ceria....and a birthday bash would be more meaningful if attended by my friends....

for dade, debon, tammy, blonky, adit, pdouble, and flicker screen...THANK YOU!!!!!


and thanks for the support....

sampai jumpa di lantai dansa...

@ synan rec: hehehe...vielen dank, brooo....awas lo pada ga dateng...hehehhee...kalo ga dateng, gw tusuk!!!! hehehehe....
@ dree : berantakan?...silahkan deh...eheheheheeeee...

@debon : special set? thank you my special friend....hahahhahaha...thank you ya soooob...

@blonky : kado? hmmm...doa udah lebih dari cukup...hehehe..thanx ya bro!! makan yuk?ehehehe...gudeg + sambas deh...

@ad13t : thanks sob...dateng dooong...halangan harus dibuang jauh2...jadi dateng yaaa...

@didi : ck ck ck ck...(cicak ya sob)hehehehe..peace ah...tau tuh yang mo berantakan siapa..aku juga gatau maksut mereka apa...kasih tau aku dong....aku polossss....

@ echa reload: thanks for ur bday wish..the official date is on the 1st of may...hehehe...flyers ceria krn ada maksutnya...so please come...hehehe

@embi: Siap sooooob!!!! ceria bner....heheheh...thanks udah menuhin permintaan gw...hehehe... pasti gw sering kerumah lo...ntar gw ajak si 'bulat' ituh...hahhaa..(peace, kap blongkaayy..hhehee)

auw auw auw..mantaaaaaaaaaaapppph...dateng ah...dah lama ga liat maen nih...
guys..dateng yah...dade's bday pas bgt malm itu...tanggal 8...so be there and celebrate with us..

ayo dong...cepetan tgl 1 maret....gokil...hehehhee

thank you 360 ent!!!!

line up nya cang cing...

welcome back photon project...

c u soon guys....

@ deny: ikutan meyoong aaahhhh..hehehehe
KASKADE RULES!!!!!! such a GREAT DJ!!!!!....beautiful set, high quality house music, great supporting       djs, and beautiful and wonderful crowd.....

Had a great time last nite.......cant stop dancing...

@ baim...
   lo mau sob....ntar gw mintain ke vega...ato gak ke peppy aja....wakakakkakakakaka

    ur fear amaze me, bro......gokil...ahahahhahahahahha
@ daZed: hidup dazed...pembela kebenaran....hehehehehe..tapi sob,sbnernya di page 1 dah dimasukin tau...hehehehe...

area and juice magz, thanks once again ya....'lets go soulfull on friday'....yihiiiiiii....cant wait....

-peace out-
you know you have my full support,guys......

wish you the best of luck and success...
