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Messages - cie_bay

wah cool, controllerism..
kapan bisa kyk gini yah..
rahasianya di mappingnya ya om marcell??
Tutorial dnk..
wah manteb marcel,
baru liad nie forum..
asik bisa nanya2..
Halo teman2.. sesuai judul, mau tanya distributor clavia nord di Indonesia. soalnya ada rencana mo beli Nord Lead 2x nie. sekalian kalo ada yang make Synth yang satu ini bisa kasih reviewnya gt.

wah ada momod forum sebelah nie..
Single2nya dnk bro di Free in jg..
hehe.. :D:D
wah panjang jg nih topik..
kalo menurut gw sih tata krama tuh dateng dari diri masing2.. kalo dia tata kramanya gak bagus ya tar dapet hukumannya sendiri kok.. misal dijauhin ato dimusuhin gt.. kalo dah dijauhin baru deh tuh orang bisa berajal supaya berperilaku baik..
di logic dah ada kan langsung kalo gak salah jadi gak perlu pake plugin2 tambahan.. cari aja di youtube pasti ada tutorialnya.. :D
susah nyarinya bro... tempo hari sih yang jual ampe 2 biji..
kalo emang serius beli aja di e-bay..
Tech-House tuh sub genre dari Techno kale..
nih baca , dikutip dari penjelasan om Gober di Sub-Forum Techno

Quote from: Gober on 30/01/06, 14:30

Substyles and related genres

In the early 1990s, adventurous techno producers experimented with the style, spawning new genres that have taken on a life of their own. The most prominent of these techno offshoots are:

    * Detroit techno - music in the style of early techno from Detroit, but not necessarily originating in Detroit. Famous for searing strings and crisp, tight but intricate hihat patterns.
    * Tech house - a slightly lower-tempo fusion that often combines techno with a prominent bass line and other elements of house and dub.
    * Trance and its subgenres - a form that tends to emphasize continuous synthesized, melodic or harmonic figures in the lower midrange frequencies, and that often uses build-ups, dramatic crescendos, muted bass drums, and sometimes includes vocals.
    * Hardcore, which evolved into breaks as well as jungle - a form based mainly on complex arrangements of sampled percussion, often at high tempos (140–200 BPM), and often featuring loud, dub-influenced bass lines played at half time.
    * Gabba, Gabber, or what was known as hardcore techno in the U.S. - a very loud, agggressive, high-tempo (140–220 BPM) techno, much of which originated in Rotterdam and often features a distorted Roland TR-909 bass drum overdriven to the point where it becomes a tonal square wave.
    * Acid techno - Chicago inspired style of techno that originally featured the sound of the Roland TB-303 synthesizer.
    * IDM, representing techno's "avant-garde" side - a genre often influenced by and crossing over into ambient, experimental music and even rock music, usually features complex, asymmetrical beat patterns that render it more for listening than dancing.
    * Minimal is a new fusion of downbeat and Detroit techno that is gaining popularity in the UK and other parts of Europe which does not make as much use of drums to maintain rhythm.

Less well-known genres or styles directly related to techno include Yorkshire Bleeps and Bass or "Bleep," which was prominent in the very early 1990s, and Ghettotech, which combines some of the aesthetics of techno with hip-hop, house music, and Miami bass. Various other styles exist and have a fan base, although the names and encyclopedic notability of these styles are points of contention. Examples include amigacore, speedcore, frenchcore, darkcore, glitch, happy hardcore, hardbase, hardstyle, digital hardcore, splittercore, bouncy techno, Schranz, Swechno, and Wonky techno.

Occasionally, well-funded pop music producers will formulate a radio or club-friendly variant of techno. The music of Technotronic, 2 Unlimited, and Clock were early examples of this phenomenon. Established pop stars also sometimes get techno makeovers, such as when William Orbit produced Madonna's "Ray Of Light".

Tech-House tuh contoh gampangnya Booka-Shade.. biasanya ada irama2 percussive gt seperti halnya techno.. tapi yang membedakan dari techno mungkin Bassline ama element2 Drumnya kali yak..
kyknya sih bakal booming nih genre.. setelah kemaren House booming sepertinya tech-house jg menyusul..
up harga turun neh 9,5 jt..
butuh duit sih..
gak masalah sih kalo dia tuh acara dia sendiri yang maen..
tapi kalo DJ nya ada 10 dah gitu masing2 ada logonya sendiri dan konsepnya beda2..
ribet diliadnya.. hehe
ukuran S nya segede apa nih om??
mau pesen yang gambar ke 2 tuh...
yang warna itemnya..
ukuran S nya segimana tuh om??
pengen pesen yang gambar kedua nih..
yang warna item..
ambil dari web mana sih biasanya pak?? pengen beli nih..
kapan masuknya nih om??
tertarik ama CD 12" CD Sleeve nya nih..
berapaan sih itu??
barang masih ada nih..
wah lucu bgd headphonenya... review dnk yang dah make.. kalo bagus mau dah gw.. hehe
@hallay : hehe.. gak ganti 1000 sih.. tapi ganti yang laen... hehe

@Kimi : mixernya jelek bro... dah gt banyak bocor2nya laghe.. ane jual yang masih bagus aja..
saya di Bekasi bos..
tadi HP lagi mati emang..
silahkan call lagi untuk detail...
Numpang jualan guys... :D

Mo jual CDJ-800 2nd... kondisi sekitar 90%lah...
semua masih berfungsi dengan baik... baran rumahan soalnya..
alesan dijual soalnya dah jarang dipake sekarang... 
buka harga 10,5jt..

minat silahkan PM ato call 081380239777 (Gizky)

wih hallay mau jadi VJ.. dah berenti nge-DJ emang??
-cari sound yang pas.. kadang gw beli soundbanks baru kalo mo buad lagu baru.. padahal yang lama masih banyak bgd blom kepake.. emang susah cari sound yang dicari..
-truz jg nyari nada yang nyambung.. itu susah jg sih.. mungkin gw gak bakat bermusik kali yak.. hehe
-Mastering, karena gw blom terlalu menguasai proses yang satu ini jadi ini agak boring menurut gw..
-waktu bikin beat.. gw suka bgd tuh.. maen2in drum machine.. hehe
-Mixing, mixing itu bikin lagu kita menarik.. tambah2in side-chain,Reverb,Delay,dll.. lagu jadi gak kaku karena mixing..

that's all
wah threads yang berkualitas nih..
menurut gw sih producing tuh emang butuh pengalaman.. makin banyak bikin lagu, ya kita makin tau di mana letak kesalahan kita.. learning by doing lah.. truz soal musik jg yah setidaknya ngertilah teorinya.. jadi bisa bikin melodi yang nyambung aa kuncinya.. gw jg setelah 6 bulan lebih belajar producing baru gw mau pelajarin not2 dan chord2.. itu penting supaya bikin lagu kita harmonis.. dan gak cuma itu aja.. dari sisi teknis jg gt.. pelajarin teknik mixing dan penggunaan efek2 dll..