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Messages - burr1tos

ada body nya buat djm800? top casenya ya atau apa sebutannnya yg warna item itu...udah bnyk scratch ney...brp hrgnya kl ada
WTS: Rane Serato Scratch Live + Scratch Live Record - Blue Vinyl in excellent condition..
jarang dipake cuma distudio aja gak pernah dibawa kemana-mana, masih kayak baru...lengkap semua

K E Y  F E A T U R E S
- low latency- as low as 7 milliseconds for Mac and 8 milliseconds for PC. This is what gives the system it's realistic feel. Latency can also be adjusted for slower computers.
- improved interface- many users already prefer Serato's easy-to-use interface to that of the Final Scratch. It is possible to match beats visually with the detailed track info.
- import songs live- Serato allows you to import additional tracks while files are being played (Final Scratch does not allow this)
- live sampling- Serato allows you to record a sound via mic, and then scratch it. All live.
- iTunes compatible- Serato features full iTunes library integration.
- CD ready- Serato comes ready to play both CD and vinyl and includes both encoded CDs and vinyl.
- Rane quality- Rane has developed the USB hub, ensuring the highest standards.
- accepts fixed and variable bit rate MP3s, AIFF, WAV and direct from CD. There are no plans to support WMA files at this time.
- the minimum operating system requirements are either a Mac G4, OSX 10.2.8, or a PC P3-700 running Windows XP, either with 128M of ram or more.

- USB hub
- 4 control records (black+blue vinyl) / 2 control CDs
- software CD
- 1 USB cable + 4 RCA cables

price: 5.5 jt
ada yg mau jual gak?
efx1000nya brp om?
Kl ada yg mau jual m-audio firewire 410 yg second aja, pm atau sms donk ke no ini 08159138135..

thank u
pasnya brp om? msh kemahalan tuh om...beda dikit sm yg baru...
For sale:
Allen & Heath Xone 62 in excellent condition
minus kardus aja karena kardusnya dimakan rayap, manual nya ada...kondisinya msh oke banget..barang rumahan, gak pernah di bawa keluar...fadernya, channelnya,knob2nya semuanya masih oke banget....eq buat di cue aktif di setiap channel...dan ini masih made in uk...suara dijamin 100% oke banget...

harga 6,5 juta
silahkan diliat dulu dan ditest dulu kl berminat...
ya kan di inggris poundsterling om...serato kan dr amrik...pasti murahan di amrik lah...masa gak bisa kurang lg om? beneran gak bisa ney? lokasi dmn ya?
om msh bisa kurang gak harganya, mau ngambil plat warna birunya sama iskin serato buat mbp..pm donk harga pasnya...
blm bisa tuh om udah ada yg reserved...13 nett
blm dpt om...msh jauh banget... :D
1,5 thn yg lalu sey belinya 25, udah jarang pk laptop...kasian ngangur terus ney,mknnya mau dijual aja...
mentok 13 om, msh bagus bgt sey, gak ada penyok sm skali...
MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.16 GHZ in excellent condition

What's in the box:
MBP Intel core duo 2.16Ghz
DVDRW dual layer
256mb ATI radeon X1600
100gb HD
2GB ram 667
wifi - bluetooth - isight
New Apple Remote
DVI to VGA adapter
85W MagSafe power Adapter, AC wall plug, and power cord
Install / restore dvds

extra marware protection pack, and software

Price: 13,5 juta nett
Call: 08159138135
om pm harga sewa nya donk...tenkyu...