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Messages - buddybeat

already share my friend, see show off music... Thanks...
Aku ikut donk,,,,, Aku juga suka trance. tapi susah banget produce trance, jadiny amalah house...
Mereka ngiri ma kita karena di sini kaya akan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya PRODUCER ;D ..
Hi aku Budi aka Buddy Beat.... I'm a music producer, and working on a Foundry Company in Purwokerto. A lot of clubbers here hehe ;D I hope I'm welcomed..
Olis, makasih ya dude.... *bgs*
Wow, nanti malam kayaknya Krezikultur akan menjadi perfomrer dnb pertama di Semarang deh.. Sip!!  *bgs*
Yes mengenai aransemen emang gitu2 doank, at least i try ;D Thanks for the input... Ya lagi proses belajar gitu. Lagian ini lagu udah di-mix ma DJ asal Singapura - DJ Signum Fox..

Quoteomg...I really like your beats and basses makes me moving shuffling dance. I wish I could work wit you guys.. :(

QuoteIs it ok..if I mix it?

QuoteBy the way, I've mix only for 4 hrs, and now, I'm done. If you don't mind I could let you listen your track that I mix? Level 1 of my sound...

Quoted by DJ Signum Fox on http://amp.channelv.com/buddybeat

Mungkin karena style-nya mirip2 ma dia ;D

New co-production with Olisimus...


Enjoy, and please what do you think about this track? Thanks :D

Genre: Electronica/House

Check point urls:
