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Messages - audie_alb

Quote from: Discomfort on 05/06/09, 09:41
gw rasa seminar gak salah2 bgt kok mas Debon, ini perlu utk konsolidasi di dalemnya dulu, supaya ada konsensus (at least utk sebagian kecil, kalau gak sebagian besar ya) dari DJ2nya sendiri. Gak ada konsensus ya gak bakal ada standarisasi.. baik harga maupun skill..

Eh, tp gw penasaran deh.. ini gak cuman di scene DJ aja, scene VJ juga sama.. KOK PADA NUNTUT STANDARISASI HARGA, TAPI GAK BERANI ADA STANDARISASI SKILL YA?? (sorry, tanpa bermaksud bersifat offensive, huruf besar biar keliatan aja kok, hehehhe).. lantas kalo gak ada standarisasi skill, itu parameter utk standarisasi harga dari mana? Popularitas semata?

Hmm, dunia entertainment emang serba relatif bro. Dunia entertainment, yang termasuk didalamnya perDJan, gak kaya dunia professional (kantoran dan semacamnya) dimana orang bisa bikin CV atau resume tentang kegiatan dan achievement mereka, dan makin banyak dan berbobot tu achievemnt yg tertulis makin hebatlah mereka dimata para pencari kerja, dan mereka juga punya bargaining position yang kuat untuk minta ini itu ke employernya (gaji gede, bonus, sopir, dl). Disitu skill orang bisa dinilai, kerana memang ada bukti kongkritnya (sertifikat, achievement award), dan bukti2 itu emang diakui secara global oleh dunia profesional.

Nah bedanya untuk dunia DJ dan VJ, kita bisa liat sendiri emang ada award2 (REDMA salah satunya), sekolah2 dj juga mengeluarkan sertifikat untuk murid2nya yang lulus, trus DJ/VJ juga bisa bikin portfolio tentang pencapaian mereka pernah maen dimana, sama siapa dl. Tapi apakah hal2 itu bisa jadi patokan tentang skill? mungkin buat fee bisa, tapi gak tau juga (hehehe). Dan menurut gw memang baik tidaknya suatu performance art (apapun itu) tidak hanya dari skill semata, tapi gimana tu 'artist' menyampaikannya ke audiens.

Seni dan hiburan kalo distandarin emang susah. Hampir2 kayak agama mungkin. Kalo mau gampang kita  bikin aja kayak badan/Majelis DJ VJ INDONESIA 2009 nya gitu, yang netapin peraturan/fee/tetek bengek menurut rapat anggotanya.

Gak bermaksud menyinggung siapapun.

Sakses buat kalian berdua! Kirim2 doong track2nya hehehe.
Tampilannya kayak vista ya. Eh teman2 cobain dong software2 yang macam cubase/3dmax/dll yang makan banyak prosesor, kalo reliable mau coba juga ah.
si dedo lagi kesengsem rusko nih kynya haha
Satu hal sebelon ada standarisasi2 tsb:

Kita2nya siap gak?

Kalo ada standarisasi harga, apakah kita2 ini siap untuk nolak tawaran gig yang feenya dibawah standar? Kalo gw liat2 ya, namanya orang, yang cari duwit, yaa kadang ngeliat duit berapapun sambet aja dulu. Mungkin gw juga gitu. Menurut gw ini bukan suatu tindakan seorang oportunis, tapi emang kebutuhan dasar manusia yang tak terhingga.

Dan gw juga sadar ada beberapa temen2 DJ yang emang menyambung hidupnya hanya dari DJ semata, itu mungkin akan agak mempersulit.
kinokuniya lengkap tuh, aksara di beberapa outlet dia kurang sedia.

abisan gw penasaran pur, gw lagi brosing trus nabrak ginian. Gw sebarlah berita ini ke khalayak.

Let's Be ready for :

- Joakim (Live Band)
- The Glimmers (Dj Set)
- Alter Ego (Live Set)
- Roman Fluegel (Dj Set)

- Lighting Operator Andy Mutton
- VJ Dazed

on May 23rd, 2009 @ Bengkel Night Park

Presale IDR 200
starts 15 april - 30 april

Untuk Pre sale bisa di beli di ;
(Duta Suara, Detik.com, Rajakarcis.com, Monsterticket.com, Aquarius Mahakam, Wahid Hasyim no. 40, Nanonine etc.) tepuk tangan

Bandung bisa OL or Duta Suara or Nanonine. Good

PM kita juga bisa, Wink

Hot line +62 21 91736070 and +62 21 31925610.

And yes, we are having an intimated chit-chat with Joakim (France) 'How to Produce a song' and with Alter Ego (Germany) 'Dance progress in Europe'

If this some thing you might be interested with, then you should stop by at Public on May 24th, 09 start from 9.00 pm.

itulah masalah yang timbul kalo kita terlalu mengkotak2kan musik. Contoh, orang yang suka house atau techno, atau bahkan progressive MUNGKIN gak begitu tertarik untuk dateng ke acara trance. Katanya kekencengan lah, gak pumping dll. Padahal dari trance itu juga ada elemen2 house, techno dan progressive yang mereka MUNGKIN suka. Yah kasarnya, it's all in our mind. Kadang otak kitalah yang membuat kita gak enjoy dengan musik2 tertentu yang emang kita anggap gak enak. Kalo enjoy aja kan lebih asik.

Doi gak minta aneh2 sih pur, katanya cuma bilang "DJ, puterin hip hop dong". Sayangnya angello lagi gak bawa lagu2 hip hop.
beh menggemparkan
Jorok itu perseptif. Keren bro teteknya.
hahahaha echa saking mimipnya ampe tiga kali gitu
Ya emang itu masalahnya, kata kabar2 gosip ini si angello emang gak ngapa2in, malah katanya bodyguardnya si paris-lah yang duluan nyerang. Dan emang ternyata angello gak punya bodyguard. Ahh gosip memang nikmat hahahaha
Kok gw berasa tukang gosip gini

However, Johnny ikon has spoken to Steve Angello's publicist and here's what they say happened: ""Steve plays dance music, he just doesn't play hip hop. He politely refused Hilton's requests but she got more and more agitated, and it escalated pretty quickly. Out of nowhere one of her security guards smacked Steve in the face. Steve is a quiet guy, but he had to act in self defence and fought back. He started pounding on the guy and it suddenly turned into a full scale fight in the DJ booth." They also point out a couple of holes in Hilton's tale - such as Steve not even having a bodyguard!!
diambil dari myspace blognya doi, katanya di miami sempet ada kejadian konyol, si paris request lagu ke angello. Anggelo gak kasih, eh "katanya" bodyguardnya angello ndorong si paris, akhirnya paris, pacarnya (doug) dan angello beserta beberapa bodyguard2 ribut. Konyol bener.


Clearing a few things up

Just checking in to say hello and clear a few things up. I've been getting a lot of calls and emails regarding these subjects I'm about to discuss. First of all, last night at a club my boyfriend and I were assaulted for no reason at all.

The DJ (I don't even know his name cause he sucks so bad) was playing the worst music ever! I like certain techno music, but this was not even danceable and was frankly giving me a migraine. I asked one of my friends who runs the hotel if he could change the music and he said " I'll lead you up to the DJ booth tell him and he'll play whatever you want." So he walked Doug and I over there. I asked the DJ if he could please play Daft Punk or Bob Sinclair and he rudely snapped at me and was like 'I only play this kind of music."

I think he was jealous cause Bob Sinclair is a far better DJ then this guy by about a million times. He was so unbelievably rude and all because I asked to play one good song. Then out of nowhere his bodyguard (don't ask me why he has a bodyguard, like he really needs one. Ha) pushed me really hard, that's when my boyfriend, like my knight in shining armor, stepped in and told the guy to keep his hands off of me.

Then all hell broke loose, it was like something out of a fight movie, it was so frightening. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Doug was fighting off like 6 guys. But he was of course stronger then them all but one of the idiots punched him in the face and busted open his lip. There was blood all over, I cried I was so upset and scared. It was ridiculous and for such a stupid reason, I cannot believe people behave this way, like ainmals! FYI this is not in my nature to be in club brawls, I;ve never been around anything like that. It was totally unprovoked and thank God Doug was there to rescue me. A man should NEVER put his hands on a woman in that manner.

nah ni jack Neutrik tukune neng ndi? Belinya dimana yah? biasanya nyambangin glodok elektronik tapi disitu yah setandar punya.
wah bener-bener keterlaluan nih orang parah bgt...

sotosopnya. Hehe
Music / Re: NIN live in Singapore
23/03/09, 15:25
nabung ah, biar bisa dapet perfect drug