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Messages - fiona

film anak2 aja deh nite in the museum 2 is funny....fantasy mind  ;D
gud luck all.... :)
two thumbs up Joey... *bgs* *bgs*
keep goin on and wish u all d bez always.... ;)
Quote from: Aa Dj on 02/05/09, 11:49
phone Aa Dj ; 087828266619

sorry..maksudnya apa neh sob...
jual apa cari....
Adrian.... ada "Fine Without U" nya lg....hehehe gw juga lg suka lagu ituuuuu

two thumbs up   ;) ;)
TS tuh apa ya ato siapa ya?

vamping n brocist mungkin bahasa sekong kali ya boooo... (?)
wicked sick....
tgl 16 ada havana brown...sexy nite pastinya
Rama? kok sm kyk Ramakio?  (?) (?) (?)
@ Robbie: Bieeee.....tgl 7 ke ultah tya jg ya....gw jitak lo yeeee...
kita joget2 dangdut lg gt... ;D ;D
Pioneer 2000 x ya secomfort yg 1000
honey moon di pantai smbil amal2  :)
Quote from: colis on 14/04/09, 16:00
PLUR & BLUR tentunyaaaaa...

coliiisssss klo gw hadir, pastinya kita bareng ya sadarnya... :)
kapok gw gr2 tgl 4 kmrn  :'( :'( :'( ga lucu kan klo rip  :-\
c u when i c u ya  :P
support adrian  :), dimitri  ;), nickvan  :-* n ditox  :D all *tepuktangan*
Altuna is the best ever lah... *tepuktangan*
datang ah secara mike shiver ganteeeeennnnggggg gt...
:-[ :-[ :-[
Quote from: colis on 07/04/09, 13:36
akhirnya gw ke stadium juga.... keren SOZ

iya lis kita bareng terus ya?hueheuheuheu
acara di 4 gokil...smpe gw hampir gokil juga

@ rustyman : thanks a lot ya reyhan...i owe u a life
wah woody ke jkt dl ya baru main di bukit hill?
support deh jess...
@ The Blizzard (Lars N)
My quote is dedicated to the unprofessi0nal pr0m0t0rs, you kn0w him also.
Once he said the event fix and the 2nd time he said pending, then he said the event fix again and in last minute he said cancel cause of travel warning. Theres no travel warning. As a friend h0w c0me he gave me a fake reason.

U kn0w it fr0m echa t0o. Cheers Lars. H0pe 2 c u this summer.
I really disapp0inted 2 s0meone here...i th0ught we are friend's but u gave me a shit t0o. I rather feels a punch than a lying. Lying in a friendship are big mistake. Travel warning that u were gave are fake. N maybe u are fake t0o?
Thanks for all.
ga pulang-pulang lah nih.... ;D ;D
datang aaahhhhh.....ada mike absolute, tenshi n agha.... *tepuktangan*
dari satu nomer bisa vote 1x aja atau sebanyak2nya ya???
vote for 4G and 7A  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
for others, juzz congrates  ;)