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Messages - Debon

belom aja ketemu yang iseng.. atau nipu kayak yang terjadi di manado ama bali waktu itu...

hari gini macem2 modus penipuan... just be careful in sharing or exchangin your privacy guys...

Itu cuman nasehat dari gue...

Guys.. yang ngerasa nyampah tolong pada nyadar yak...

Topik2 yang cenderung basi, mengangkat topik yang udah pernah diangkat sebelumnya, atau sejenisnya...

will be automatically deleted from the forum..

please understand that it is our responsibility to maintain the forum's quality..

kalo mau lucu2an, sekalian aja bikin di lifestyle... tapi tetep harus entertaining with quality...

we have the authority and we can be strict! trust me...

BB is a privacy tool that is only shared with closed networks..

kalo untuk keperluan gig, kayaknya mendingan minta pin manager2 DJ aja.. lebih appropriate.

wah.. ini baru acara!!
sikaaaattt bro!!
be proactive guys.. dulu pas awal2 main juga kita bikin label kecil2an.. terus bikin event kecil2an

dengan mengundang teman2 dari komunitas sekitar..

harus ada inisiatif juga, masukiin proposal ke club yang ukuran kecil aja dulu..

tar kalo udah makin solid, tawaran akan datang sendiri kok..  trust me

siang makan nasi kalo malam minum susu..
hehehehe... nice topik, Techno is a taste dan represents a certain personality i think..

kalo yang sekarang banyak dimainin lebih cenderung ke tech house dan gak se underground sound2

techno dari berlin or Detroit (correct me if im wrong guys)..

Trend musik kalo menurut gw sangat dipengaruin ama type2 sound yang dipake dalam pembuatan lagu

dari jaman ke jaman.. Tech House yang lagi nge trend sekarang berkembang karena banyak make

sound2 minimal  yang buat scene seems new and fresh...

so it's more a derrivation and evolvement of certain sound elements rather than a rooted music style..

dan gw setuju ama bone. kalo emang kita lagi mengikuti suatu trend, just be honest and admitt that

we are doing so. It's human and it proofs that u evolve..

no need to claim that my root is this, my root is that, etc.

a root is something that does not change.. dan saat lo mengasosiasikan root lo dengan genre tertentu,

lo berarti harus konsekwen dengan claim lo tsb...   

hehe, gw mengkoleksi plat2 Techno dari jaman dulu, but i never claimed to be a Techno DJ..

It's not easy to be a techno DJ... liat aja skill dan talenta nya misjah, stacey pullen, saunderson, Jeff Mills, etc..

u will understand why...

salute to DJs like Irwan, 1Man, Rim, Ai, Alm Chico, or Dunant, Sego, Alvin K, 7 from the current generation

yang udah konsisten dan konsekwen in bringing techno sounds n Indonesia..

but overall i agreee, Liking Techno and playing Techy sounds does not make u automatically bcome a

Techno DJ..  u gotta love it and take it as your soul!


Rest in Peace Brother..
Thank You for the gig mr. obi wan a.k.a DJ Dade... :)
mau nge reply tapi gak jadi ah.. hehehehe..
Gw di PSI-Black Pencil an affiliation of Leo Burnett.

Senior AM in special Tobacco unit..

lagi mau nyari2 tempat loncatan siapa tau ada yang menarik..
1945MF Presents:

Saturday,March 7th'2009 @ BARCODE

in conjunction with dj Dade 1945mf, Heru 360ent, All Mee Mydecode, Flicker screen, Opie Birthday Bash!

- Dade (1945mf)
- Heru (360 entertainment)
- Lay (Mansion)
- Hogi (Future 10)
- Gerry (1945mf)
- Andrew Jebew (Imperial Beat)
- Audi Roro (Rumus)
- Otsu Aiko (Nine circles)

- Didi (1945mf)
- Bone (Spinach)
- Debon (Electrosoul)
- Micko (360 entertainment)
- Dree (1945mf)
- Alfi da Lovely (1945mf)
- Disco Diva
- All Mee (Mydecode)

- MC Drwe (1945mf)
- MC Cheryl (Filter Vogue)
- Diss MC (Mydecode)
- VJ Flicker Screen

Hosted by:
Michelle, Anezka, Paundra & Menur, Reuben & Sanchia, Ade & Gendis, Ijal & Nadia Saphira, Ricky Harun, Danny & Rani Sukardi, Kris, Leo, Claude & Echa, Arya Hiram, Abang & Ain, Banyu, Ranza, Odeq & Siska, Wichita, Yanti Komando, Marcell & Sania, Illa Djemat, Vanny LSPR, Ragil, G 31, 20D Soundstream, 360 entertainment, 1945MF Family.
Techno / Re: yer fav techno artist
15/02/09, 15:21
Alexander Koning, Misjah, Kevin Saunderson, underground Resistence
Full support for sinners!!
guys.. message dari kawan2 kita di dejavu bali..

Dear Friends of Deja'vu Bali,
We are sorry to inform you that due to the "copycat" venue named Deja'vu in Samarinda, herewith we have to announce our objection to no longer offer any gigs for Djs who choose to play there.

We have the copyright for the brand of Deja'vu Bar & Lounge in Indonesia and the only one located in Bali. Legal action to this matter is on the way.

Meanwhile, we appreciate your respect by not supporting  copyright piracy like this venue in Samarinda.


Dejavu Bali management
mantabbs.. sorry kurang poll.. traktor ngadats.. hiks hiks hiks

agree sob, sexy dancer will never be a category in REDMA.. tp kalo event creativity and innovation taun depan mungkin udah perlu ada :)
biar EO EO bisa ngasih gimmick yang fresh...