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Messages - Chris.M

gw track local producers aja deh.. hehe..

all tracks from :
Christo & Teeyo
and other local producer who produce trance music :)
bosen support artis luar melulu..
Quote from: dj olive on 25/11/09, 01:55

harus di antisipasi nih gan,,supaya EDM di Indo punya Attitude and Rules yg jelas *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

kasih contoh dong attitude dan rulesnya yg membangun seperti apa? Biar dj baru kita bisa sesuai dgn kemauan & tuntutan, jgn cuma ngomel di forum, hehe.. kalo gitu sih ga membangun dong?!

EDM, singkatnya aja, kalau udah bicara EDM, berarti udah masuk kedalam seluruh hal yg di EDM. For your info, EDM itu udah mengaris bawahi seluruh aspek & sdm yg ada dibalik dance scene, termasuk dj, vj, mc, promoter, producer, event, crowd, perkembangannya di Indonesia sampai internasional, dsb.. Ngerti doong maksudnya gw apa, hehe..
so, watch your words

kalau yg dimaksud si dj yang kurang sreg, berarti si djnya yg attitudenya perlu diasah, baiknya diarahin supaya jadinya bagus, yaah semuanya pasti butuh proses yg sabar ;)

keep supporting each others :)
gw traktir lo ama siapa nih cal?? hehehhe
selasa depan or yg hari ini diundur besok?
Chris.M - I'm Better Without You (Original)
included on Banshee entertainment - Dj Repertoire 3

Chris.M - Sunset Beach (Original)
included on Trance Europe Express - London Station

Chris.M - The Morning Sun (Trance Mix)
included on Dance 2 Trance

Chris.M feat Anissa Sukma - The Last 3 Days (Progressive Mix Part 1)
included on Bonzai Progressive Kult Volume 1

All releases are under licensed and copyrighted by Bonzai Music, Belgium.

Keep supporting guys :)
Quote from: osvaldo1945MF on 18/11/09, 14:44
Quote from: Chris.M on 18/11/09, 10:24
this is what i called osvaldo! your old sounds is back bro! nice one.. gw bikin remixnya ya

yoi ni kris..pelan2 balikin style yg dulu..hehehhe..thx for always supporting me yaa..

always bro, giving a real support to you, not just talking to much
this is what i called osvaldo! your old sounds is back bro! nice one.. gw bikin remixnya ya
Belgian producer Alex Torn presents his new single. This time on Progrez (Bonzai Records) with his newest creation entitled Anamea in true Progrez style with a package of several remixes.

*Release includes:

- Original Mix.
- Chris M Remix.
- George Vemag's Midnight Remix.
- Orelse Reconstruction Mix.
- Darkox Remix.
- Tierra Remix.

*Buying Links:

- Beatport:

- Trackitdown:

- Audiojelly:

- Juno:

keep supporting :)
many thanks for the support bro :)
nice sets!!
Quote from: olis on 29/10/09, 22:23
wah mantab Chris!!

thanks yaah :)
just doing a great job
Feedbacks and statements dari temen" diluar sana :)

Dj Fire
Great release by Chris M, actually like the 2 bonus tracks the most.

Sunset beach is just a beauty

lovin balearic tune!! will be suport my Japan Tour @ october 2009 NECO [Landscape Music / Japanese Promoter] http://www.landscape-music.com

David Shaw
Nice release Sunset has a great vibe Will be playing this

Alle 4 wel sterke tracks, moeilijk te bepalen welk echt de beste is...

Chris M release is very powerfull.Quality tracks here

Talla 2XLC
sweet melodic sounds on sunset beach, will use.

Virtual Music Magazine
'Sunset Beach' is really nice, the name is very appropriate as the music can almost put you there, very relaxed and hypnotic.

Rayhan Kadar
Sunset beach is beautiful, Ibiza sunset! Really well built tracks, keep like that mate!

is an outstanding track and mixes are good... And last remark: it's GOOD release

Gabriel Batz
Cool tunes. Really feeling the Sunset BEach track. Will support in my dj sets.

Andy Moor
Nice Release!

Gary Werbisky
I like the sunset beach track is nice cool timeless melodic prog, just how i like it! thanks


keep supporting guys, :)
keep up the good work bro, this is a great track!
Will be out soon on November 4th 2009 at all music portals.

Anamea by Alex Torn on Progrez Belgium 

Anamea (original mix)
Anamea (Chris M remix)
Anamea (Tierra remix)
Anamea (George Vemag's Midnight remix)
Anamea (Darko X remix)
Anamea (Orelse Reconstruction mix)


keep supporting ;)
gw udah dgr previewnya, nice one!!
kemarin gw ngobrol" sama christo & teeyo di trancemotion, katanya lagi mix down + mastering.. pengen dgr fullnya bro :)
Quote from: Ijash on 24/10/09, 23:33
boleh juga & SEDAP!!! emang chris m ini senior dari ravelex masih duduk di bangku tk.. hahaha

makasih, dihargai cara bicaranya.. senior ijash ;)
hope u guys enjoyed
full version track udah bisa di denger di myspace & facebook group..


jgn lupa commentnya yah :)
this track is going to be a huge progressive trance i've ever made, wait for the full ver ;)
iya sound gitar live recording

gw malah belom dgr broo,, wkwkwk,, mau dengerin dimana ya?
Quote from: Teeyo on 23/10/09, 00:13
gw udah punya ini *bgs* *bgs*, tunggu yg punya gw ya..  ;)

siaaap broo.. besok deadline ya