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Messages - Discomfort

yaooloh.. anal sob? Analogi apa analisa maksudnya? hueahahahhaha
gak marah2 si sob kyknya, cuman meluruskan ajah.. secara buat VJ instalasi adalah sebagian dari iman, ya wajar kalau agak fusing kalo gak masuk kridit. Hehehehe. Pisyo!

Image bookmarking.. nice

Hahahaha.. atur deh pink.. bebas kok..
pasti lahay... heheheheheh
oh ya ndra, ini tanggalnya bertepatan sama hari ultah perkawinan gw juga loh.. hahahaha
Gw tau tuh sego, nama panjangnya pasti SEGO RELI CAMPYENSIP. Dulunya suka nongkrong di 21 pasti.. Gw bikin ah TAIME KHRISISS
Music / Re: What is DubStep ???
05/07/08, 20:57
dari http://ill-ec-tro-nic.blogspot.com/

Thursday, May 22, 2008
I Call It Dubtec.
The amalgamation of two genres and two sounds, both with very different origins has started to materialise. The Berlin Dub Techno scene has been around for over 15 years now, with the godfathers of the metallic Techno sound, Basic Channel, (Pictured) having influenced everyone in the electronic scene since their inception in 1993. Since then they have created era defining Techno, dubbed out House and Electronic Reggae all with the metallic shards of sound that became their signature and which has been imitated by so many.

Dubstep has its origins in a very different place. Out of the UK Garage/2 Step scene in the late Nineties emerged two separate genres. Grime, with its influences from Hip Hop and its utilisation of the MC as the main focus for the music and Dubstep, with its influences coming from Drum 'n' Bass and Dub Reggae. The commercial strains of 2 Step have been totally bred out from Dubstep's genetic structure, this has led to innovation and exploration of Bass and rhythm that now shares Techno's passion for innovation and pushing boundaries of sonic exploration.

Recently however a divide in the genre has become more evident. like Drum 'n' Bass a decade ago, Dubstep is becoming fractured between the heavy sounds and punishing bass for the dancefloor and the deeper strains which which are starting to be influenced by the Techno scene. One could argue that it all started with Ricardo Villalobos' remix of 'Blood On My Hands' by Shackleton, a tune which was already heading into deeper sonic territory than previous Dubstep offerings.

There are a new crop of artists emerging that are taking the Dub Techno influences to produce music that now seems a logical merger between the two sounds. Artists from the Bristol scene including Shackleton himself, Skull Disko co-founder Appleblim, and artists Peverelist and (dutch producer) 2562, both on Pinch's Tectonic label are merging Techno influences to create a new hybrid of Dubstep. I like to call it Dubtec.

Shackleton and Appleblim have always cited Basic Channel as a big influence and now what with Shackleton moving to Berlin and Appleblim being shown the 'secrets' to the Basic Channel sound from the Hardwax crew, and remixes by both camps now doing the rounds, this amalgamation of sound is set for a very interesting future.
mustinya judulnya bukan buat dimengerti oleh yang tak mengerti.. heuhuehee

untung gw orgnya pengertian ndre... hahahahha

DJ Sony Van Der Smoor? Wihhh.. slamet sooonn
hahahahhaha.. mukenye bayu pas baca sms itu harganya sejuta ndra!
lah? bukan? ya udah deh.. MANTAN jablay gimana? huahuahau
Quote from: dunant on 02/07/08, 12:28
baim ultah? emang kapan lahirnya? hiahiahiahaiha

bareng diponegoro ndre.. dia kan highlander
Visual Jockey / Re: visual nation
30/06/08, 17:58
Lo mo duitin?

Santai brosop, selama ujungnya jadi beli minum sih (lagian sapa gw ngeban2..wong cuma kuli design, haeuhuaehhehehe).
MENOROT LO MAXXXXX.....???? heuheuheu...
jadi kapan lagi dong sin? DnB outdoor? Biar jadi show of force kan? Emang FPI doang yg bisa show of force? heuheuheu

Kalo untuk tips n tricks plus latian bareng lo bisa nanya2 ama temen2 di sini ato browsing di net. Tapi untuk pembentukan karakter maen lo, gw saranin lo banyak nyoba2 sendiri, bikin2 footages sendiri. Jangan terlalu dengerin apa kata org sob, intinya apa yg lo suka aja.. ya bargaining sih sama apa yg lagi disukain market, tapi tetep, be yourself..
Quote from: 7 on 23/06/08, 13:20
Quote from: Discomfort on 23/06/08, 13:06
gw juga ndra, gw blk brg yoko juga dr bdg nya..

Barengan nih jadinya? Ketemu dimana brad?

bebas, besok kita tentukan jam dan waktunya ya? aseek
coba baca 3 postingan ke atas deh sob.. dan gw juga gak ngomong bahwa HARUS banyak ya? boleh di check loh.. yg gw bilang adalah beli minum/masuk bayar.. itu udh jelas bgt support kok.. gw yakin lo bukan org baru kan di scene ini? Lo tau dong system pembagian keuntungan antar EO dan Venue? Ok kalo minumannya mahal ya, ini ketika minumannya aja murah (murah dlm itungan club tentunya ya, bukan murah circle k/warung/inang velodrome), teteupp aja sruputan..

Trus kalo gak dari penjualan malam itu (atau mungkin sponsor), duitnya dari mana lagi sih? Tolong kasih tau gw soalnya gw gak tau duitnya dari mana lagi buat mensupport event.. Atau mungkin lo mau ngebikinin venue buat event2 gratis? wah cakep banget kalo gitu.. gak usah scene deh..malah lo yg gue support deh!  *tepuktangan*
yaoloh keesss, gahar mah makan beling kaliiiiiii...
Oh iya, tapi jangan disalah artikan juga postingan gw ini bahwa support itu bentuknya cuman fdc dan minuman doang loh.. bentuk2 support lainnya, serta doa restu dan kehadirannya juga penting kok.. apalagi kalo beli minum..hahahahahaha
@ sakuragi

Ya termasuuuk kalii soooobbbbbbb, selama lo beli minum itu juga udh bentuk support material.. Lagian seberapa tinggi sih harga liquor/beer/softdrink? Lo bawa 10 orang masing2 beli non-alcoholic beverages at least 1 aja.. itu udh lumayan kali ya dibanding yg sruputan doang? FYI ada loh org2 kayak gini.. beneran..