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Messages - A B R I E L

waha syik, daku dateng ahhh, sama Om Deny Indika Naik Mitshubishi Kuda,,,,, hehhehehe

Om secret dateng dooong...!!
Quote from: NinBo on 18/01/07, 19:11
iya ni, gw masi penasaran dgn Adam Air Girl Crew-nya... yg mana yahh??

Belum ketemu om pesawatnya... crew adam air masih hilang...coba aja lihat di TV...baru ketemu puning2 doang...:D
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 18/01/07, 03:52
RonJon ciamiikkk,,, Altuna Mantapppp!!!!!!!
rameee,,,, over all nice party ;D

oiya,, sekalian,,, jam 12 pas cheers to Happy Birthday Altuna,,,, ;)

Happy Bday juga ALTUNA... thanks for yang td elo kasih pas abis main.... hehehhehe
I Promise for use me only.... keep on till drop...
Quote from: sin.AD on 17/01/07, 08:17
@Giri: iya...kaya rubennya lenong bocah muka elu disitu....hahahahah

yaah dia main cela2an... udah ahhh

back to laptop...!!!
daku full support jugaa...
Quote from: wd j on 16/01/07, 19:27
dj Dikaa keren-keren....set nya keren, orangnya keren, semuanya keren.... ;)

salute buat dije Dikaa...Gokil,....

kapan sob mau ngajar2in gw?  (?)

ditunggu lho..... :o

wew.... bisa aja nih si om yg satu, daku aja belajar mainin tuh effect nyontek sama situ...
abis pas lihat di semifinal retro...situ mainin effectnya pas banget... gak ngawur waktunya..
mestinya sebaliknya loh....
wah gambarnya kok head phones pioneer.... gak asyik ahhh.... aturaan technic atau sony dooong
Quote from: sin.AD on 16/01/07, 10:13
giri berisik!!!

ABRIELICA... Siap gak beriisk disana om...!!
Quote from: RoniJoni on 16/01/07, 02:32
@ abriel : siap....daku lg sibuk sih..nanti ya brow..yu huhuuh

Terang sibuk... Bintaro kesanaan kan jauh dari utara.... wew..... :D
Quote from: RoniJoni on 14/01/07, 23:48
ngumpul yuuuuuu

MALES.... :( Mending daku ke Bogor... makan Toge Goreng....!!!
Quote from: RoniJoni on 16/01/07, 01:16
ngumpul yu

Males...!!! :( mending daku ke Bintaro Sanaan Dikit  aja deh/.... :D
Quote from: dweetha on 15/01/07, 11:29
yuuuk.. ke kampus yookk....

@Dj Deny.... 10 hours setnya DJ Deny n Agoosenya kapan neh...

BENTUUULLLL, cuma angin surga teruss di hembus..... ayoooo dong dibuaat
sudah tak sabar beta menunggu terlalu laaambretaaaaaaaa
Quote from: ouch on 15/01/07, 10:00
@ abriel: sama2. thx u udah mau ikutan main, buat kuliah pake segede gitu, isinya apa aja ya??? :p

hehehe isinya palingan Vinyl Headphone, sama buku2 kuliah...cukuplah....:D
Quote from: DJ Deny on 20/11/06, 19:15
..One of the next Indonesian top of the line DJ..



Ps:eh,eh..msh penasaran sm Jimpy yah hehehe...

SIAAAP Komandan...... he eh jimpynya dooong
Quote from: bimzkee on 14/01/07, 08:05
sgs, jule, dimsum, sapi glondongan, hansoy... kita apalin briel... pada janji palsu .. huhh.. :P

iya om, cukup tau aja deh..... makasih ya om dah mau main di TRANCEFORMER...
Next Event lagi ya.... Lagu2 awal yg om mainin keren2 tuh..... tapi setelah summerdream kesananya daku udah tau... yang awalnya itu loh 3 lagu daku tak tau, kasih tau dong? via PM aja deh
@ SS
Wew, tak bisa mengungkapkan apa - apa deh daku..... yang ku rasa pada malam itu kepala daku di depan dan dibelakang seperti memakai KONDE....!!

Happy B'day DJ Wen - D... Tuk mbak Uchi Makasih Bingkisannya... tau aja daku gak punya itu barang bagus bgt tuk kuliah lagi, ..... hehehhehe

hehehhehe Siap om.... Situ kalau lagi di DJ Booth, kayak seorang DJ ya??

Wew.... jadi pemeran utamanya nih si Om Ganteng..!! Manteb..!

@ RVLX Crew
Itu gak ada berhentinya yak?? Nyedoooot terusss..... akibatnya kan jadi main pijit2an.

@ Yudhi
Dikau gak nganggap daku saudara ya? oohhh cukup tau deh... kita kan saudara dari Nabi Adam dan Siti Hawa... gmana sih? eh nyokap dah pergi keluar kota belum?

@SO Fex
Keren jo kemarin... bagus lagi apalagi udah pakai lagu2 sendiri.. sukses ya kedepannya

@ Akhdiyat
Progresivenya suka banget daku...... kerennn..!!

Quote from: wd j on 09/01/07, 23:00
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 09/01/07, 22:13
banyak amatan 13 dj... maennya rebutan ya?? ;D

ga rebutan sapi, tp oper2an..kan 13 tuch jadi masih ada 2 cadangan kalo ada yg kecpkan.... :) huihihihihihi.......

yang jadi PELATIHnya siapa nih om?? kapan mulai latihan? lapangan mana?
Quote from: kikie 1st on 13/01/07, 02:31
beneran tuh ntar maret dia mo ke indo.....
wajib datang nih...walau halangan melintang

yes bro, buat schedule dari sekarang aja,,,,, biar kebagian tempat duduk..!!:)
Jakarta Events / Re: Hot PArty
13/01/07, 01:12
flyernya manaa?? belum jadi ya
Iya beneran kayaknya kalau lihat di Jadwalnya.....
mesti dateng deh gak ada kata DELAY kayak pesawat....
Quote from: Must Energic on 12/01/07, 23:05
Quote from: walasok on 12/01/07, 17:30
Quote from: Girindra on 12/01/07, 17:25
ayo dong walasok.. mampir2, hehe

yaaaaaaaahhhh.. gw juga pengen bgt sobb, ga sekedar mampir malah kalo bisa..

tapi apa daya.. :'(

dibuat di jogja juga dong makanya sobb.. ;)

ga asik loe rabu kemaren ga nongol....
Abriel : kpn kita bikin di jogja....??

udah YM an belum sama Girindra...??

Marc van Linden is one of the hottest talents around at the moment (Paul van Dyk, Mixmag/UK)

The german Dj & producer Marc van Linden has already over a relatively short span of time produced a series of - big in demand must have - tracks & remixes.

His recent solo singles AM 2 PM, LH 3293, Forbidden Love & Until Monday are genuine club smashers and were pushed & played by many of the global players like Judge Jules, Ferry Corsten, Paul van Dyk & Armin van Buuren, John Askew, to name a few.

Marc is not a total newcomer to the scene as his Dj & producer career started back in 1996 where he was signed to various german independent labels but the past couple of years his career has made huge leaps forward enabling him to play many events in the A league with such Dj..s as PVD (Vandit night in Berlin), Tiesto, Mauro Picotto, Carl Cox, Judge Jules many other major league Djs.

At the beginning of 2003 Marc van Linden delivered a series of quality remixes which further helped him to spread his name all over the world and gain the well earned respect from the global Dj community. These include his remixes of Ferry Corsten´s Starparty - I´m In Love, Marc et Claude feat. Nayler - Free Spirit, Filo & Peri - Juicy, and now his outstanding remixes on Paul van Dyk´s label Vandit Rec.

In 2004, Marc founded his own label Midway Records. His label is a platform for new & innovative artists, as well as Marc´s own productions.

Marc is currently busy travelling around the globe promoting & presenting his typical MvL-Sound. Marc has already performed in the UK (Vandit Night @ Gatecrasher), Passion (with Tiesto), Goodgreef, Loveparade, Switzerland (Oxa - Zürich), Poland (at popular events such as Sunrise with Club Ekwador) other countries that have hosted Marc van Linden are Thailand, USA, Japan, Australia, China, Canada, Spain - Ibiza, to name a few of his worldwide stops, for 2007 tours of Asia, UK & the USA have already been scheduled.

April 2007 will see Marc releasing his debut artist album, - My Way - featuring collaborations with Giuseppe Ottaviani, Greg Downey, De/Vision, Martion Roth, Sandra Flyn, Matys & Armada act Funabashi.

YES YES YES........



DJ Matys & Marc Van Linden - AM 2 PM (Marc Van Linden & Matys Mix)
reflekt-need_to_feel_love - marc van linden remix
Oceanlab - Satellite (Marc Van Linden Re-Edit)
Dj Matys vs. Marc van linden - the flight (original mix)
Paul van Dyk - For An Angel (Marc van Linden remix)
Paul Van Dyk - My World (Marc Van Linden Remix)
DJ Shog - Another World (Marc Van Linden Remix)
Marc Et Claude feat Maria Nayler - Free Spirit (Marc Van Linden Mix)
Marc van Linden - Interlok (Gaz's Dubbed out mix)
01_Greg Downey - Vivid Intent (Giuseppe Ottaviani - Marc van Linden remix)

Do You Have Comment??
@ Joachim and RINOJINO

be2 emang deh... MATE KERANJENG...!!
Quote from: RoniJoni on 25/12/06, 01:55
@ abriel : udh amat sangat lembut briel...emang mixer nya aja manja ...minta di service terus...kangen kali ma lo..heuhuheeee

wedeh tuh mixer ganjen banget ya...??? wew... ya udin bawa aja lagi...
Quote from: RoniJoni on 11/01/07, 20:51
@ abriel : ah bs aja dikau nih..jng d forum dong pak...heehueh.....

deketan kalibata dh kayanya...main ke kalibata ah....tunggu ya...!!!!

SUDAH TERLAMBAT..!!! gak perlu lagi ke KALIBATA yaa... cukup ke Bintaro Sonoan Dikit aja yaa lebih Dekaat kok