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Messages - dj ungu

up up.. she pretends.. jgn lupa sms ya guyss
@ heru iqbal ; thx uuu bgt mas  heru iqbal .. btw mau tambah Blackberry BOLD ?

coba click


vote for " running karma " as the BEST SINGLE RELEASED at no. 33 ..

please support ya mas herbal.. lumayan biar dapetr blackberry satu lagi

yg lainnya ... silahkennnnnnnnn

vote us and running karma ya
thx u mas denyy.. hope you can come ya.. as our senior dj..
cuanggihh.. speechless gw kalo ketemu princess jo.. damm she so sweet..
ini lagunya Cascade " she pretend " < creamy sugar grooves remix


untuk vote pliss type
kirim ke 0811.12.9160
24/11/08, 19:07
guebanget.com udah bisa belum?
@ 7 and ical : much much love from down here bro.. thx a lot.. we will keep the house heads up and go!!

makasih guys..
sementara belum sempet upload dulu mungkin senin.. kita lagi tour soundfession ke 4 kota..btw thx u ya mahesa udah mau dateng kemarin di x2.. lagu nya keren bgt!!
terima kasih ya ollis, dukung kita di indie remix competition ya guys!!
ayo nanti kita traktir ya foo.. dukung kami juga ya.. ( creamy sugar grooves )
 ;) ;)

hey guys.. please support us ya

purple ( with creamy sugar grooves )

more profile and info find at


or find our video and photos at


support to all finalist

;) ;)
 ;) ;)

gw coba upload foto dll tapi ga bisa.. jadi gw kasih link profile nya ya guys .. click


untuk book dan info bisa hub

7/24 management >> kazuya : 0856.8080.456
trinity dj agency     >> collis : 0858.13122.452

;) ;)
hey guys i just want to share my latest live p.a project


Its a house, sweet jazz and crossover live performances. DJ PURPLE (www.djpurplejakarta.com) and ARIE ENJE start this live performance project from the early 2007. Combining between electronic dance house music, sweet jazzy tunes, and live performance. Inspiring by gilles Peterson, faithless, martin solveig live set, Kyoto Jazz missive, jazztronic deep sound community, androitz and andezz, creamy sugar grooves try to explore more about house music and jazz crossover. They play live with collaboration between digital instruments ( midi and keyboard ) and acoustic instruments ( bass , percussion and live vocals ).

"Keep on moovin" is the first CSG single, and than they produce "into the light" and many more,  it's a plan to go to major label release. a sweet touch combination between house, jazz, and crossover tracks.

Beside they produce their own tracks; they remix famous house and  jazz tracks with their own style and  play it live.

Dj PURPLE    : midi ( behringer bfc2000, ua4fx edirol ), Acer aspire - ableton live 6, pioneer djm 600/djm 400, boss bx8

ARRY ENJE   : piano midi  kurzwell sp 88x

Additional musician :
Miftah – Jakarta Rhythm Corner ( live vocal )
Ipenk – farabi  ( bass )
Ade Koestomo ( percussion )

;) ;)
barusan aja ( rabu dini hari ) team 724 tour ke jogja berangkatz.... di tunggu update nya ya.. yg di jogja selamat bersenang senang dgn kami!!!
hehehehe, bingung gw bacanya.. hahahha ya wes.. its not a big deal,  yg penting dance scene indo majuuuuuuuuuu..

setuju kawan?
wajib hadir ya semua.. some giveaways sudah kita siapkan.. tinggal cari org 724 yang pualing jepang , truss palak !! wuakakakakakakakakakakak!!

have fun ya teman2 di jogja.. hope we can give you something different this thursday!!
thx alot guyssssss

doa in semua nya lancar ya.. hope to see you arround!! thx all!!
@ dekra : thx uuu juoooo..
gir di upload size yang lebih kecil aja dan ada back up tdk dalam bentuk gambar
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

7 november 2008 ..
pasti hadir lah.. penasaran maen apa dia ya?
damm.. knapa kompi gw ga bs baca imeem di ravelex ya? any advice? tiap gw mau denger remix kawan2 kagak jalan gt imeem nya.. huhuhu
@ amiennnnnnnn mas dedo enambelaaassss
@ erick : waaaahhh maaappp keliru dakuuu piss... hehehehe tetep salam buat semua yaa
@ hizkia : thx uuuu .. salam to all junko
@ kiki : mantabss.. thx uuuu