kursus ngebor ya? hahahahaha... gue lagi mau coba kursus goyang gergaji sih..
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Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: TECHNOCERIA #02 (July '08 Edition)04/07/08, 10:31
kursus ngebor ya? hahahahaha... gue lagi mau coba kursus goyang gergaji sih..
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: TECHNOCERIA #02 (July '08 Edition)04/07/08, 10:04
tadi malem dapet cdnya.. pagi2 napsu pengen bikin.. hihihihihi... memang manteb pak manteb! lagu2nya juara kelas.. hiahaihaihaihai...
Disk Jockey / Re: Funny things about indonesian dj nowadays...04/07/08, 09:54
@7 ah masih lucuan kamu kok mas indra.. aw~
Jakarta Events / Re: ::Sounds of Netherland III @ CENTRO:: Epic Journey Of Trance ::03/07/08, 17:38Quote from: MC bAiM on 02/07/08, 20:38kalo di rumah gue kan arisan sob bukan party.. kongkow kongkow.. orang yg menang arisan dapet hadiah kok.. mau ikutan?Quote from: dunant on 02/07/08, 15:57 #605
Disk Jockey / Re: 4 All DJ's... What is ur Favorite/Comfortable "HEADPHONE"03/07/08, 13:34
^ ^ manteb banget sih tergantung venue & genre.. aih aih.. #606
Disk Jockey / Re: Happy Birthday to DOUBLE DEE (Advarklab) & FADLIE (Electrosoul) !!03/07/08, 13:29
happy b'day ya
ig 7 kamu promosi diri banget deh.. aw~ hiahaihaihaihai
Disk Jockey / Re: Do you know who DJ DIENA? Need your comment.03/07/08, 13:16
belon pernah liat..
Jakarta Events / Re: ::Sounds of Netherland III @ CENTRO:: Epic Journey Of Trance ::02/07/08, 15:57
inget umur im, jangan party mulu.. WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAK....
Jakarta Events / Re: COMING SOON!!! UNITED SOUND OF DAHA...!!!02/07/08, 15:52Quote from: MC bAiM on 01/07/08, 20:39 kok elo gitu sih sob? kesannya gue jablay.. #611
Jakarta Events / Re: ::Sounds of Netherland III @ CENTRO:: Epic Journey Of Trance ::02/07/08, 14:44
dia mah highblender sob.. cuma nge blend sama yg high2 doank.. huihiahUIhAUIhaUIhhiau
Disk Jockey / Re: dj yg gape mainin house...02/07/08, 13:50
yang gape maenin house? mendingan kita bahas yang gape maen reggae aja.. lebih menarik kayaknya.. since you're bob marley.. hehehehe...
Main Talk / Re: OPEN DECK >> A good concept in event content02/07/08, 13:43
kirimin tuh.. kali2 ada dj indo yang bisa ikutan maen..
Disk Jockey / Re: Bagaimana Cara Menjadi Seorang dj 2nd line or 1st Line???02/07/08, 12:41
kalo ada 1st berarti ada 2nd terus ada 3rd dan kemudian ada 4th yang di lanjutkan oleh 5th, 6th, 7th dan 8th yang akan di sambung urutannya oleh 9th yang sebenarnya masih bisa di teruskan oleh 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th dan seterusnya hingga batasan yang tak terhingga..
you got my point? which actually pointless to categorize those DJs with 1st line or 2nd line.. there's only good DJ or bad DJ! (ngomong apaan sih gue?) hihihihihihi.. #616
Jakarta Events / Re: ::Sounds of Netherland III @ CENTRO:: Epic Journey Of Trance ::02/07/08, 12:28
baim ultah? emang kapan lahirnya? hiahiahiahaiha
Jakarta Events / Re: DJ SamDIEGO ( holland/amsterdam ) at CENTRO | 5 JULY01/07/08, 23:20
semoga sukses buat trinity!
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: From Disco To Techno - Andre Dunant (01:56’45 min Mixed)01/07/08, 19:40
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: From Disco To Techno - Andre Dunant (01:56’45 min Mixed)01/07/08, 19:40
@7: aw~
@abang: yang kaya gitu loch.. @darkbark: 7 memang penuh kejutan.. awas di tembak nanti jadian.. aw~ #620
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: From Disco To Techno - Andre Dunant (01:56’45 min Mixed)01/07/08, 16:50
gue mah bitchy mulu brot.. sape juga gue jutekin.. hahahahahhaha...
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: From Disco To Techno - Andre Dunant (01:56’45 min Mixed)01/07/08, 15:41
bikin yang agak sangaran dikit or ngebor2 donk ngga.. pumpingan dikit kaya set lo di musro.. bosen sama yang gendat gendut lo.. :p hihihihihi...
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: From Disco To Techno - Andre Dunant (01:56’45 min Mixed)01/07/08, 15:12Quote from: anggarez on 01/07/08, 14:18ah mas angga bisa aja.. kan situ raja disco se-antero jakarta.. minta lagu2 diskonya donkz... #623
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: From Disco To Techno - Andre Dunant (01:56’45 min Mixed)01/07/08, 15:10Quote from: 7 on 01/07/08, 08:59iyee.. ape sih yg enggak buat looo?? halloh!Quote from: dunant on 01/07/08, 08:49 #624
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: From Disco To Techno - Andre Dunant (01:56’45 min Mixed)01/07/08, 08:49
@darkbark: thanks.. mixnya mikrocip bulan ini? yang jelas si indra 7 gak bakalan bikin mikstep dulu soalnya mixernya masih di tempat gue hihihihi...
@dedo: tadinya malah gue mau bikin from keroncong to techno.. cuma koleksi keroncong gue cuma ada di vinyl dan lagi gak ada turntable di kosan gue.. hihihihihi... #625
Bandung Events / Re: M I N I M A L C A R N I V A L . . .30/06/08, 18:33
@sinad: mas, ibu ada meeting penting jam 10 lho..