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Messages - DimsumonDLine

wahhhh,,,, its gonna be grat,,, i hope it will be the best the best birthday's presetnt to me,,,, :-*

Thx Concrete!!!! :-*

*I'm on fire!!!
but, I.M.O klo 500 K @ club i guess its too overrated, klo sekalian hrg segitu d tennis Indoor or JHCC dgn skala konser that would be fine buat bayar segitu,,,,,
Have a Great Night guys, bring the old memories....

request Funk Phenomenon ama Summer Heat ya ya ya....

*sedihhh ga bs dtg :'(
@360 : Villalobos, Infected Mushrooms, Riviera, Boom Jinx, Schulz, Erick Morillo, Deadmau5, Tiga, Justice, Erol Alkan, Westbam, Super 8 & Tab, Michael Cassette, Pendulum, Tocadiso, Dave Spoon....

;D ;D ;D ;D
di KL tiketnya ga ampe 200 RM,,, berarti d jkt bs lebih murah dr d KL donk donk donk,,,, :P

murahan tiket di KL dr pd d jkt,,,, buat 2 hr pula....

aseli, lucuuu, biar ga gelap rave nya!!!!
klo turunnya ampe 90% nya ok lah msh,,, *piss*
Paman,,,, nitip donk

Bolu Gulung Keju ama Strawberry Meranti
Duren Medan "Kucing Titun"
Bika Ambon
Lapis Legit
Teri Medan di Pajak Sentral
Kacang Telur, Kue Bawang, Kue Bangkit,

oleh2 ya ya ya ya,,, ;D ;D ;D
WHATTT??? MANDY??????? *tepuktangan*

auuuhhh,,,, tambah santaiii cucucucucu nyaaa,,,,,,!!!!!!

Quote from: 360. on 14/03/08, 10:10
any request guys?

Deadmau5, Sebastian Leger, Fatboyslim, Plump,,,,, biar makin lucuuuu,,, ;D ;D ;D
tanya ama mami kost,,,,


temen gw pernah dpt kost2an dr situ,,,,
wets, Groove Armada ama Krafty Kuts,,,, berarti Rave nya lucu ini,,,,, santaiii,,,,, ;D
Videos / Ken Lee....
14/03/08, 00:48
TOM NOVY,,, centil donk jogednya,,,,,
hihihihihih cewe2nya lucu2,,,, cakeeeppp *bgs*

mas eddi ga kalah kereenn,,, hihihi
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,,,,,,, kocak!!! hahahahaha,,,,, ;D ;D ;D

semakin Aku Cinta Love Lauraaa,,,,, :-*
hihihi, tambahan Line Up buat IndoDance Fest nih??? waahhh,,,,, hebring!!!!
ahhhh,,,,,,, gw mau steaknya,,,,
Mark Otten - So Serene
AvB -Zocalo
GalenBehr vs Hydroid : Carabella
Giuseppe Ott - Linking People (MvL remix)
Jonas Steur - Silent Waves
PvD : For an Angel
Solarstone : 7 Cities!!!!!!!

mellow sih tergantung hati tapi yaaa,,,,, ::)
wets, Thn lalu gw ga nonton Nic Chagall,,,,,,

wihiiii,, 9 MEI????

ULANG TAHUN GW KADO nya Cosmic Gate,,,,, Cangcinglaaahhhh!!!!!! cucucucucu :P
WAAAHHH,,,, ANOTHER RAAVEEEE!!!!! WOHOOOOO!!!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*



tempat gw pertama kali memulai segala kesuraman2!!!!!!

ahhhhhh,,,, i wish i could come!!!!!!! :(

canggih nih pasti!!!!!