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Messages - bimzkee

sorry... tapi acaranya udah lewat bukan ya harusnya????
gober ikut tuh... dia lagi mau sehat supaya vitalitasnya meningkat..

secara skrg udah punya pacar hauhuehuehauae
even waktu belum punya headphone yg proper utk latihan, kita pake earphone ... ya gak nyet? hehe pr banget tuhh
tertib secara harafiah....!!
nambahin ne,

rutenya.. jumat tgl 11 ke centro juga, baru tgl 12 nya ke centro lagi... pulang tertib, minggu sore kita 3 on 3 deh.. hehehehe
ayo minggu ini gua bisa!
hehehe... ssttt ;D
hehehe baru ngeh gue ternyata backgroundnya ada tulisan gede 82 ya...

siappp... sebagai community 82.. lo wajib dateng dunk hihihi
iya lah debon kan wakil ketua kelas dulu...
ayo dong wink biar banyak infotainment lagi kalo lo dateng....;D
now we know where to contact then.. hehe good luck with the new arrangement...

hercules nya berapa om david?
itu karyanya DJ Iman dibantu oleh paman gober finishingnya... hehehe
nanti kalo invitationnya udah jadi gue kabarin yah
ma, flyersnya keren banget!
@MC RezQ
pasukan yaaaaa hehehehe... lets rock the dancefloor.. daha style.. ;)


ayo do ingetin lagi semua temen2 lo yaaaaaakkk..

Quote from: capt. digweed on 03/07/08, 10:39
elu sih bim kebanyakan mao ...

drpd elu ja.. kebanyakan ngelem..? :P
DAHA alumnis presents:

The Place Where It All began

Friday, July 11th 2008

@ Centro the club - Dharmawangsa Square

Iman (1945 MF - Class of '96)
Debon (Electrosoul - Class of '97)
Bimzkee (Electrosoul - Class of '97) Featuring:
Herdi (Junko- Class of 97)
Adhe (Spinach Records - Class of '02)

MC RezQ (MAX NRG - Class of '03)
MC Baim (1945 MF)

VJ Yap (Electrovlex - Class of '97)

Hosted By:
DAHA Alumnis & Community members.
DJ Romy Soekarno, DJ Remy Irwan, DJ Achdiyat, DJ Joseph Diaz
Bongkeng, Byakto (Class of '95)
Reza Bedul, Arum, Indira, Deny Bule, Eda, Fera, Almer, Othet (Class of '97)
Navaya, Santi, Yasfini, Lulu, Tria, Kiki, Eva, Ita, Citra, Arleta, Neng Nana, (Class of '98)
Echa, Diana, Tesa (Class of '02)
Wichita Satari, Inca Tubelaca, Anantha (Class of '03)

This event is fully supported by:
1945 Music Factory, Electrosoul, Spinach Records, MAX NRG, OZ RADIO Jakarta 90.8 FM, OZDISCOLAND and RVLX.NET


This party is open for public, so please bring your friends along.
We, DAHA alumnis & communities will gladly be your host!!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
batal lg ne... tau nih ga jadi2 hehehe
Wish u all the best guys!!! hehehehe

:-* :-*
Happy anniversary ENERGYROOM... keep energize us with your good music!

does it run on Mac?
Bogor / Re: bogor kok?
02/07/08, 10:43
@rako & bogors

yang sabar yakkkk... just keep on your faith!

haha gue demen bgt deh fil kalo driving gini...
