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Messages - joey_30

Ini diambil dari customer support beatport

Question :     

Why am I getting a 'territory resticted' message when I try to purchase certain tracks?

Answer : We all know how frustrating these restrictions can be.

A lot of our employees are DJs from all ends of the spectrum- from basement DJs, to club residents, to DJs who have toured all over the world. Even our CEO Jonas Tempel holds a residency on Saturday nights at Beta, and regularly tours with Bad Boy Bill. And those of us who don't fall into the DJ category are at the very least, electronic music afficionados. So we all know how frustrating it can be to listen to a track that you absolutely love, only to find out that it's not available in your territory.

As many of you may already know, these restrictions have always been around, but were just not as noticeable as they are today. For example, in the past when you went into a record store to buy your music you only had access to what the distributors were allowed to sell. Similarly, the agreements that we have made with our labels can limit the areas where a release may be sold if it is already available by another, more prominent label in those regions. Release dates can vary from label to label as well. Some releases that are available in all territories may not be available everywhere at the same time. In fact, a lot of the limitations that we deal with now are still based on standards that were set by physical distribution. We are working hard to change some of these outdated practices, however, we always try to keep in mind and respect the fact that our labels are trusting us with their most valuable asset.

At the end of the day we are all here for the music, and we would love to see worldwide rights on all tracks. Until that is possible, we feel that keeping a more extensive label catalog brings us one step closer to reaching our goal. For the time being, we recommend looking for territory restricted tracks under the "ALL" search function. Sometimes the tracks will share rights with another label which is available in your region.

happy 2nd anniversary to MBC Jogja... ;) .. sukses terus ke depannya...
sukses di lombok + balinya ya, guys... ;)

@bulebali : itu dia yang ditunggu2 omm... hehehe... see u @Yk, ya omm... :)
Surabaya / Re: Happy Birthday Joey
01/05/08, 01:45
@ all : thx u so much,  guys...  ;)

@dimsum & dhanty: kapan2 deh ke jkt... takut nyasar sie... huahuauha...

@bgajulan : dirayakan di jogja, gmana? :P

@bul2 79 : kayanya tgl 7 mei aq duluan ke yk, bro... :P

@superbakrie : krie, degan ijo belum sampe sby, kayanya udah diceburin di selat bali dulu... overload sie... kikikikkkkk  *piss* ... 

canggih nie line up-nya... ada ingga juga... ;)

mudah2an dapet vibrate ringnya ahh... :P
wuih... aku kangen banyu mili nie... hehehe... ;)
weitzzz sonny... lama tak bersua... side project mulu nie... mau dunk lagu2 producemu... hehehe... ;)

wah seru2 semalam, pada kumpul2 lagi... dateng pas dj fanggi maen, lalu dilanjutin DJ Ar-Q ( senyum dong tante kalo maen... hehehe) diiringi oleh MC XBO, the next : techsetnya DJ Russ... n then dihajar abis ama om Titosimon... hehehe...

congrats to DJ Ar-Q, DJ Russ, n DJ Titosimon to be part of Grooveinc. Family...

Overall menyenangkan sekali semalam... thx to om bul2 4 the drink... alus tapi nendang... huhauahauaua...

Mudah2an bisa gabung pas destination-nya... ;)...
track classicnya : traffic, adagio for string, lethal industry... malah yang aq harapin dimaenin ga dimaenin seperti everything, somewhere inside... openingnya sama persis kaya di Tiesto World Tour@ Copenhagen... Narator Cowok dihantam ama lagu Ten Sec. Before Sunrise... (thx ya pet.. ;) )

in the dark-nya yg dimainin versinya dirty south

paling gokil visual n lighting jockeynya 1 org lagi... *bgs*... 
Happy anniversary Synan Recording... Sukses buat Marquee... ;)
@bulebali : iya lupa juga... hehehe... saya di dkt soundmixer omm.., sayang ga bersua qta... penuh sesak sie di 66... hehehe... next time ya omm... ;)

@titosimon : udah ketemu cd-nya om tits? see u ntar mlm ya... ;)

@eric NRG : wuihh... enaknya menang lotere... hehehehe
Little Report :
MyRoom mantabbb.. sayang ga ketemu ama Baim Wong... :P... kenalan ma Dimas Cungkring, n DJ   Lanang (nice 2 meet u guys)  seru bgt malam itu, walau sempet takut masuk angin di lantai 4 myroom tapi suasananya gokil... diawali set housy ala Eric NRG n then diterusin ama tech n prognya ramon... wisman n wisdom pada jejogedan... di lantai 3 Om Tito juga mantabb.. flownya pelan tapi pasti diiringi minuman yg tiada habis...hehehhe... abis ramon selesai maen semua pada kumpul di lantai 3 nie lumayan sejuk ber AC nie, lengkap deh malam itu : discoterror as our organizer ;) , abang Irwan (saya sempet mampir bang ke 66, tp ga sempet nyapa...hehehe), dj dewa n girlfriend, superbakrie, mrs. titosimon yg lg ultah...;)... seru deh malam itu... myroom kelar lgsg pada lanjut ke 66...

Btw After Partynya di J Curvee Wine Bar juga seru bgt apalagi lanjutannya jam 8 pagiii.... huahauauhaa... 

Great Nite, Great Party, Great Friends......  it's nice 2 share that night with all of u, guys... ;)

@ discoterror : thx y... mesti bikin lagi bro... :)

@ superbakrie : thx juga untukmu... salam untuk degan ijo... kekekekekkkkk....

huihhh... sadizzz... line up-nya *bgs* ... pasti mampir om adri... ;) 
Sukses 2008 Redma Final Party... ;)
Quote from: dhAnty on 16/04/08, 15:52
Quote from: joey_30 on 16/04/08, 15:47
@dhanty : aq dateng dhan... tp yg di bali... hehehehe... ketemu sana ya... :P

:-\ :-\

sombong lo, gk pernah maen ke jkt...

kapan2 deh ke jkt... tp situ sekali maen2 dunk ke sby... ;)
@eric NRG : kan nebeng om eric ke balinya... hehehehe.. :P

@zephir : yuk yak yuk... ketemu di myroom ya... ;)
@dhanty : aq dateng dhan... tp yg di bali... hehehehe... ketemu sana ya... :P
support guys... maaf ga bs hadir... sukses ya...  *tepuktangan*
wah dewa di bali... bisa ketemu qta nie kayanya... hehehehe... mampir ahh... ;)
Huihhh... , mantabbb...

@black : simpenin vibrate ringnya dunkk... kakakakakkkkk...
i'm coming... ;)... yuk yg pada jenuh, ikutan ke bali refreshing with Paranoia Dance Session... sekalian yg mau extend buat tiesto... kikikkikikkkk... :P
@mustenergic : ikut ke bali juga dunkk... hehehe... Paranoia Dance Session + Tiesto-an, piye? ;)