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Messages - dizzylicious

Web Links / Re: Game GodTower
23/03/07, 20:54
ho oh...hauhauhauha..........................

tar aja deh bulan depan br dinaekin...

klo engga pasang line tlv baru...hahahaha...................
tar saya usulin sama yg bikin thread ini...

sapa tau aja dia berminat bikin thread voting...hehhee......
hehe...seminggu full tuh latiha gue sebelum menjelang hari H hauhauha,,,,
reva oh reva...haha naon sih ah!!

boricua jd kontra ama buzina neh?? hehehehehe.... ;D ;D ;D
Bandung / Re: RVLX = SMU
23/03/07, 20:47
gara2 elo tuh mbo...

dulu gue pas buka rvlx gila recent postny game god tower semua,,
jd kan penasaran liat...eh pas udah nyobain...gila gokil geeeeellllaaaa nih tekateki!!! hehehe,,,,
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower
23/03/07, 20:45
ahuahahuah....salah mikir nih otak gue...

crosshair?? kaya di game RPG aja ada croshair hauhaua.......

huahuaa,.,,let see...belon2 gue belon nemu...hmmm....

googling lg dah...

temen gue yg unlimited lg dibogor nih....hauhaua........
Bandung / Re: Dj Dan Wanita
23/03/07, 20:44
Quote from: kiky on 23/03/07, 14:44

hehe... kalau in my opinion.. first impression sudah pasti pas lagi on the deck donk.. and the charisma sticks on after that.. no matter whether he is on the deck or not..  :) betul gak??  :P

hauhaua...jd klo gue on the deck lo dr bali mesti ke bdg yaaa...sapatau aja aura dan kharisma gue keluar...tru lo nempel deh...hauhauahuaha..... :P :P :P ;D ;D ;D
wow...emang gokil abeeetttt nih DJ ANGGA evilution !!!
tiap jumat malem jam 10 ampe jam 12

ada acaranya mezzo tunes @ oz disccoland...!! hehe..
hauhua...gatau tuh,,,ada tanggungan kali di dago...hehehe...


eh boy suksess yaa buat tar malem...disccolabs vs 1st house... ;)
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower
23/03/07, 20:30
sgs lv 12 nya udah lanjut??? hahuahuhaua...


mbo lv 40 mesti googling kode negara nih keknya...hauhaua.........

ribet yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....hehuehue,,,,,,

gila lo ampe ketiduran depan kompi gtu...heuhuehe....
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower
23/03/07, 14:50

dah beres kuliah lo??
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower
23/03/07, 14:48
Quote from: si mbo on 23/03/07, 04:58

dhan, kalo jam segini yang aktif anakĀ² bandung ye....

Recent posts nya semuanya bandung....


huahuha...iya sob rata2 mulai OL jam 1 malem trus ampe pagiii...hehhee.....

Quote from: si mbo on 23/03/07, 06:13
sekalian Hint buat tktq level 3..

kalo besar - kecil
kalo panas - dingin

kalo analog??? apa hayo.....??

hauhaua....gw 15 detik ga kepikiran trus gw ke god tower lg deh...hehhee....
tp abis dr god tower maen tqtq dificultnya more easy yaa...hehehe...
analaog yaaaaaaaa digital...hehehe.........
@bles the child

ide bagus tuh...hehehhehehehe...............
voting gtu yaaaaaaaaaaaa...hauhauhauhauha........


ghehehehe....stuju teng lah...!! tp wasit sih suka liat aja...hehehe...banyak matanya wasit teh!
hauauah itu yg update jg becandaaaaaa kaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! ! ! ! !
Bandung / Re: Dj tanpa alat
23/03/07, 14:28
Quote from: dizzylicious on 22/03/07, 05:16
Quote from: shemantion on 22/03/07, 03:55

yg penting jangan ngaku ngaku jadi dj aja kaya si dhani(lu ga usah mancing mancing gw deh gw ga pernah usil sama lu dan gw ga mau lu usilin ok ..masing masing aja deh dhan)

kapan gue ngaku2????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????#$#@$#??????????????????????@#$@#$#???????????????????????????????????????????@#$@#$????????????????????????????????@#$@#$????????????????????????????????????????????@#$@#$????????????????????????????????????????????????????????@#$@#?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????@#$@#?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????@#$@#$???????????????????????
kok gtu sih lo dah dibilang becanda...???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tah ribut eta!!!!!
Quote from: Retroblazt on 23/03/07, 05:41
Hari ini Global Gathering di amareeeee....

Ada Erick Sahl...... amareee yookkk semuanyaaaaa....

mantaaaaabbbbbbbbbbb...so misjah di cancel nih ??
apanya jack yg di cancel??? dj misjah nya di cancel ???
Bandung / Re: RVLX = SMU
23/03/07, 14:10

kaga2 itu ANAGRAM hehehe....
hauhauhuaa....obrolinnya di web links aja yuuuuuu...hehehehe,,,,

pacaran ama atas gue nih...hauhauhauha.........


becanda gti becanda,....!!
Bandung / Re: Dj Dan Wanita
23/03/07, 14:06

klo udah turun dr deck to engga sebelon naik ke deck tetep mempesona ga boss??

apa pas on the deck nya aja dia mempesona ??? hehhehehe... :D
Quote from: Retroblazt on 23/03/07, 04:31
Quote from: dizzylicious on 22/03/07, 19:12
gw mah cocok gosipnya....
...hauahuahuaha.......... *piss*
apa sih ah suka sok deket gitu.......pengen "ikutan dong" yaaa kayak punny

haha ya udah...!! hehehe..
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower
23/03/07, 05:49
hauhauha lv 3 tqtq.com mentok gue mboooooo....hehehhe...

besar kecil
panas dingin


cluenya analog....

hehhe....gw masukin ke jam analog ga bisa ;D