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Messages - 1945MF

"A People write comments at her web"

DJ-ing since his return from London around fifteen years ago, Indonesian DJ and music producer stage-named DJ Romy is presently one of the house DJs that set the barometer in Indonesia's clubscene. After several EPs and albums throughout the years, the DJ have just released his latest single's video clip on last 29th December 2007. The single is titled "Unity in Diversity" which is presumably adapted from the phrase "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", the nation's motto.

what we should do is to have these differences blend us together in perfect harmony like beautiful spectrum of the rainbow - DJ ROMY

Concerning the single, ovation has been given to DJ Romy for being able to regard his music as a social responsibility. Nevertheless, DJ Romy is not exactly Bono or Paul McCartney serenading in Uganda–he is still prone to endure criticism. After midnight hedonism in Indonesia has been and always be considered a taboo in the eyes of the seemingly mannered and conservative nationalists, and even if DJ Romy receives criticism for using the phrase, it's more likely referring to the lifestyle his music is associated with and he chose as a medium. Especially knowing that DJ Romy inherits the name of his grandfather, Soekarno, who is also the nation's first president.

The vid clip director itself had done his best to capture the aura of Indonesia's metropolitan clubscene. The animation and lighting effect is beautifully atmospheric as expected, hence it wouldn't be too surprising if DJ Romy selected Rizal Mantovani as the director. Well done for the execution; as of concept, obviously people could get the wrong idea. When associating Jakarta's clubbers (as target demographic) and the concept of "Unity in Diversity", the most logical option would be to expose common Jakartans itself, since the streets of Jakarta are already paved by a mixture of ethnicities and cultures both traditional and modern ones. Instead, most parts of the clip parades a crowd of Jakarta's telly celebrities jazzin' it up in style and in stardom attitude. Nothing new.

On one side it is depicting the life of the glamour as it goes deeper and darker than its laser-lit surface; on the other it's merely flaunting celebrity figures partying in dramatic slow motion. However, on the sunshine side of things, this might be one of DJ Romy's contribution in getting the scene into commercial mainstream. As for everything else, let's assume it as part of the candy eye.

Aside from the clip's this-or-that analogy, Unity in Diversity itself is achievable at any state, not by silenced conformity but by understanding that each person has each colour of the rainbow–even in the darkest night in town.

Enjoy it. The music, that is. And the ever diversed Indonesia.
Di tunggu next song... Cheers..
bentar ya jooo... yg lafayette aja blm sempet2 nih.. cheers..
Thanks joo.. Designnya by Tragic Labs.. Any input for the album? cheers...
Pak Tua... he he sikattt
iya.. gue dah complain ke mereka.. thanks rico..
any comments on the tracklist.. anyone hear the album?
Aminnn... thank you guys...
Thanks for the input..

Emang conceptnya gak mau berat2... Clip ini cuma mengceritakan kejadian2 lucu di club..
For your info clip ini di rekam pakai kamera film yg biasanya buat layar lebar dan gak pake video..
Bisa dibedain qualitty nya kok..
mungkin kalo mas heru tau isi clip ini itu temen2 saya semua featuringnya. dr mulai DJ , Celebrity , Models ,Artist dll.. dan bukan di club beneran pd malam hari... ini semua shooting dan ada adegan2 per person..

So its just a virtualy fun at the club..
So u can imagine that..

Nanti videoklip ke dua gue bikin yg ada cerita nya.. yg lebih berat..


Quote from: kirei on 08/01/08, 12:40
hi.. buat semuanya. ada yang tau contact person Dj riri, Dj boim dan Dj romi gak..
kalo ada yang tau bisa tolong bantuin aku..? thanks ya

Hi.. u can contact my manager to 0818721945 Firman..



Remixes,Productions,Mixing,Mastering@1945MF Studio's
Protools & Logic Pro

1945MF / Audio Expression / Sound Scape

Cilandak V no 10
Jkt 12430
Jakarta Selatan

London Address:
The Loft
65 Hanger Lane

YM   :  romy_hrs
MSN :  romy_hrs
AIM  :  DJRomy1945MF
Skype:  romy_hrs

check out my release at:
wah get well sooon... duh luka bakar... cepet sembuhhhhh...
akhirnya ada yg ngerti juga release itu susah..ha ha.. rahasianya work hard.. get better sounds !
siaaaap... c u friday roy..
minggu depan Insya Allah masuk MTV & V Channel dll..

Groove Garcia & Del Horno -BALI (Andrea Bertolini  Remix)- Khazuma Recordings

Groove Garcia & Del Horno -BALI (DJ Romy  Remix)- Khazuma Recordings

Groove Garcia & Del Horno -BALI (Original mix)- Khazuma Recordings
he he he.. kl mau cepet ke Disc Tarra aja.. ada kok..
thank you joo.. see at MTV , V Channel ya minggu depan.. cheers