wah lg kobam suruh mikir beginian...
lv 40 besok aja deh...hauhuahuaha.......
lv 40 besok aja deh...hauhuahuaha.......
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - dizzylicious #701
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower23/03/07, 05:48
wah lg kobam suruh mikir beginian...
lv 40 besok aja deh...hauhuahuaha....... #702
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower23/03/07, 05:19
ayo2 lv 19...
gudluck dude!! 19 sih cape mata,,,,hehehe.,,,, klo di tqtq.com sih lv 2 nya,,,,hehehehe,.,, #703
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower23/03/07, 04:51
gw kasih hint yaa,,,, yg warnanya ada 2 sama... huruf O ama hurf U huehueh,,,, #704
Bandung / Re: RVLX = SMU23/03/07, 04:49Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 22/03/07, 19:34 hauhaua..bukan sob...itu artinya look shapes...hehehe.... huruf I, menara eifel, golden gate, helipad , minum susu, ama where's he dead!! next level deh!! hauhuahauhauhuahauhauhauahuahuahuahuahauhauhauha....................................!! #705
Bandung / Re: pendapat lo tentang amare skarang?23/03/07, 04:37
hauauhauah,,,,tp repot juga yaa kayanya ngurusin gl nya si mba2 itu...
@discomate cobain deh jaga di ticketing...hehhee....puyeng keny yaaa...hehe #706
Bandung / Re: FAVOURITE CLUB DI BANDUNG23/03/07, 04:34
@kikie 1st
makannya ke bdg dong!! hehehehe,... @sheman hauahuahauhauhuaha... #707
Bandung / Re: buzina di skors 7 hari... :)23/03/07, 04:31
hauhaha...ga gosip ga seruuu...hehehehe.....
Bandung / Re: BDG DANCE MUSIC NEWS!!23/03/07, 03:59
huaha..iya dhie....
tp acara td malem kok ga di posting...hhehehee.... biar tau gituuuu...hihihihihi... #709
Bandung / Re: PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF (RVLX BANDUNG..)23/03/07, 03:56Quote from: adhie on 22/03/07, 21:21 baca dong bosss...kan tar minggu mau diomongin pas putsal (pake "P") tea!! hehehehe... #710
Bandung / Re: MEZZO TUNES NOW IN BANDUNG!!!23/03/07, 03:55
soalnya avatarnya kaya lambang rnb..hehhe...maaf2... lagian kan cuma sekedar informasi... #711
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 21:20
gw off yaa....
tar jam 4 pagi abis pulang party br lanjut lagi...heheheheh.... si mbo juga bs membantu tuh.. selamat memutar otak... #712
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 21:18
hjauihauhua....pencet shift 5 kali sob.......hehehehe...... #713
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 21:17
cobain aja www.godtower.com
baca rulesnya yg bisa di baca.. terus login deh...hehe.. semcaam teka teki gtu deeehh...heheh...seru loh!! #715
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 21:06
itu gambar apa tuh ??? trus ada 5 biji.... cari aja di keyboard yg gambarnya kek gtu...!! hehehe,.,,, #717
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 20:28
o ama a jangan ketuker bosssssssssssss... tuh ada hint nya tuh,,,, ditas... hauhuaha....... #718
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 20:09
siap..siap......haummm meraung...hehhee.... si mbo gatau dah lewat gatau belon tuh lv 43 gw sih br 38...hehe... #719
bukan ga bisa berkata2 sob...'
kan elo duluan yg posting....woi...bla..bla..bla... ah aneh ah...lieur... #720
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 19:47
hint aja hint...
lv 30 lo klik mata naganya... trus diatas huruf OCEAN ada angka lo klik terus.. nah udah gtu lo perhatiin diatas O paling kecil angka berpa paling gede angka berapa... nah rentangnya itu tar dr O ditambahin..hhehe.. gudluck #721
Bandung / Re: KITA MAEN BOLA LAGI YUUK !!!!22/03/07, 19:17Quote from: mongki on 22/03/07, 18:04 loh klo gw nonjokin dia baru ga sportiff... tapi klo ngegabret pake bola mah wajar atuh... namanya juga maen bolaaaaaa....!!! ya ga cing?? #722
Bandung / Re: RVLX = SMU22/03/07, 19:14Quote from: ...Jimprut... on 22/03/07, 18:37 si thread ini kan emang ditujukan untuk nambah postingan.. khusus di thread ini!! hehehhe... asdhuiagdyuguealkasuidgasydasdahuisdasduiasy51423562146341256312ajdaud%$#%$#$#%#%$ #$#%$#%$&^$#21jhasird5631%$#$%#5712UY#$%a#54S1I624E5AS56eSAO452321%$#45% ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? #723
gw mah cocok gosipnya.... tandem ama ateng...hauahuahuaha.......... #724
Bandung / Re: MEZZO TUNES NOW IN BANDUNG!!!22/03/07, 19:11
belon kok belon telat... cuman instruktur djnya gada yg rnb... jd klo 10 track list elo rnb susah deh....hehehhee..... #725
Web Links / Re: Game GodTower22/03/07, 18:52
emang aga ngerjain nih lv 10.. peer gilaa... hehhee... pkonya inget kode negara..jadi ambil negaranya aja yaaa....heheh... mbo lv 38 ???? hint please...hihihihi... |