Quote from: jesi on 17/12/07, 21:08
woowwww.... serem ahhh takuttt.. se devil apa sih jadi penasaran
Hehehehe...Devil yg ini ngga gigit kok...
Ready on Feb 2008 Guys....wait for our Dreams Come True on Feb 2008
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - djepie #701
Disk Jockey / Re: Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near You17/12/07, 21:15Quote from: jesi on 17/12/07, 21:08 Hehehehe...Devil yg ini ngga gigit kok... Ready on Feb 2008 Guys....wait for our Dreams Come True on Feb 2008 #702
Disk Jockey / Re: Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near17/12/07, 21:09 #703
Disk Jockey / Re: Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near17/12/07, 21:06Mohon Supportnya guys...girls too... #704
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: "May The Trance Be With You" -DJ Rome Extended Mix-13/12/07, 19:07
WADAW,.....Kakak Adik forumnya atas bawah !!! Canggih Track List nya adek gue khan !!!! CAYO LAH ROME !!!!
Semarang / Re: DREAM HOUSE FEAT DJ.REMY IRWAN SAT Dec,8th 2k709/12/07, 19:37
Waghh...abang....Featuring Dream House.............. ( gue pikir DreamHouse ).....beda spasi doang ya bang...FULL SUPPORT BUAT BANG REMY......BANG CAPSA....sama BANG GAPLE........
Mantrrraaaaaaaaaappppp !!!!! Hayo semarang !!!Jangan Katro bin Ndeso ntar di sobek2 !!!! #708
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: FOR SALE!! PIONEER CDJ 100's + MIXER NUMARK DM 2050 MULUS!!07/12/07, 16:23 #709
HEINEKEN THIRST SENSES 2007 / Re: Congratulation to all 12 VJs07/12/07, 01:26The reason your name Dreamotion is : PEOPLE MOVES ON THEIR DREAMS !!! BECAUSE OF YOUR MOTIONS.... GOT IT !!! Live The Dreams Guys !!!! Epie DreamHouse #710
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: Pioneer CDJ dan DJM Kredit29/11/07, 09:38
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / JUAL MOBIL26/11/07, 14:42Toyota Alphard Type G Warna SILVER thn 2005.BPKB duplikat. Harga 365jt Nego.
Honda Odissey 2.3 (Jepang) thn 02 Hitam. Harga 170jt(Nego). Suzuki Katana warna biru thn 2003. Harga 52.5 jt ( Nego ) Hub: 9885 1313 ( SMS 24 JAM ) #713
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Jual Mobil Bekas Berkualitas13/11/07, 23:18
Toyota Alphard Type G Warna Hitam thn 2005.BPKB duplikat. Harga 350jt Nego.
Mazda E2000 thn 98 manual sky blue 47.5jt nego.Honda Odissey 2.3 (Jepang) thn 02 Black Mika.Harga 175jt(Nego). Hub: 93377879 / 71068528 #714
Clubs / Venues / The Best Club in The World ????03/11/07, 16:44
Guys, cuma iseng2 aja nih.....mau tanya2 berhadiah
U guys yang udah pernah ( ciehhh... pake u guys !!! ) clubing sampe ke luar negri yang jaoh2 tuh.....Club apa sih menurut kalian yang paling bagus, gokil, keren, unforgettable, memorable deh pokoknya......... and kalo club2 itu di buka di jakarta, CLUB APA ??? thx guys,,,, just looking for informations...... Be a Dreamer DreamHouse #715
Jakarta Events / Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!01/11/07, 19:43
GOKIL.....BIS nya tingkat ya pak ????
KREJI ---- KREJI !!!!! FULL SUPPORT !!!!!!!! #716
Jakarta Events / Re: 7/24 All Stars01/11/07, 19:42
(skip mode ON) kok ada muka gue sih di flyers ???? (?)owww....gue masuk 7/24 ya ? HAUHUAHUAHUAHAUHA
Support guys !!!! Gokil, dah 3 tahun aja ya.....masih pada nete ngga ? hauhuauhahahuha........ #717
Jakarta Events / Re: 1945MF & POINT Present`MONDAY`Moonlight To Daylight 10-09-2007. @ CENTRO Jakarta01/10/07, 01:06Quote from: didi 1945mf on 29/09/07, 07:39 Diiii..gambarnya bikin gue mual.......( Gue hamil ya ????? ) #718
Jakarta Events / Re: bimo,mamit,joevan - 27 oct @ embassy,ykt01/10/07, 01:05Quote from: Dree_ on 28/09/07, 18:14 Dree....insyaffff...bulan puasa masih aja kewec2 yg lo kejar !!!! Huahuhauhahauuhaha.....Kucing GARONG apa Guru Garong lo ???? Wakakakkakaka #719
Jakarta Events / Re: 1945MF & POINT Present`MONDAY`Moonlight To Daylight 10-09-2007. @ CENTRO Jakarta19/09/07, 00:54Quote from: Debon on 13/09/07, 15:43 Weitsss...kok gue di samain sama PAK GURU ????? #721
Label / Event Organizing / Re: 1945 Music Factory10/09/07, 02:00
1945MF = " Underground "
KEEP THAT WAY BRO !!!!! Thank's For all The Support for us !!!! #722
Jakarta Events / Re: 1945MF & POINT Present`MONDAY`Moonlight To Daylight 10-09-2007. @ CENTRO Jak10/09/07, 01:58Quote from: DIMDOK on 06/09/07, 20:06Quote from: Bone on 06/09/07, 19:03 Wah...kayaknya gue tau nih tempat traktiran di ITC......buruan tuh !!!sebelum puasa ! Pas puasa Bunganya udah ngga mekar lagi......IKUTAN DONG KALO KESANA !!! WAKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAA......( Om Dokter beredarnya jauh nih....... ) GUYS....DATENG YA !!!CLOSING NIH !!!! #723
Jakarta Events / Re: 1945MF & POINT Present`MONDAY`Moonlight To Daylight 10-09-2007. @ CENTRO Jak08/09/07, 23:17
Guys.....gue roaming nih.....what is "Guru" title for Dree ?????
Jakarta Events / Re: 1945MF & POINT Present`MONDAY`Moonlight To Daylight 10-09-2007. @ CENTRO Jak08/09/07, 23:13Quote from: Debon on 06/09/07, 14:10 Kurang kuat sob alasannya...mending bilang lagi dateng bulan, ngga bisa masuk kantor mules...... #725
Jakarta Events / Re: DreamHouse present "Risk Taker",Wednesday,September 5 2007 @Vertigo08/09/07, 23:10
Thx ya yang udah sempet dateng.......