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Messages - bimzkee

hehehe tunggu flyersnya aja

mid july kok sayang...
centro tgl 11? hehehehe
promosi deh gue
siap do... udah pulang aja dulu lo.. hehehe :P

yoi tuh ... pa hendra mau gak ya kolaborasi sama kite? secara dia drummer kan tu
Jack House!!! ehehe minumnya murah... tapi gelep bgt yee...

yahh iya sih... ujung2nya ada aja ya ngaruhnya ke club scene...
thanks brother junn heheheh....
bener yaaa...
bohong.. deden gosip... saya anak baik2 kok.. hihihihi :P
mau liat foto deden gondrong gak? haeuheuahuaehuae
thank u soob... datang juga dunk.. ;)
ck ck ck knapa bos? ;)

ada masukan mungkin?
junz suka main dimana ni? bole dong anak2 rvlx sekali2 di undang ngeliat dj junz perform .. ;)
pasti do... thanks 4 u support ya, ada yg nelfon gue tadi dr angk lo utk ngerahin pasukan hehehe...

remember guys, this event is not only for daha alumnis, it is open for EVERYONE, we, DAHA 82 alumnis & communities, will be your host!!

ure one of our host... arent u? ehehehehe

Supported by Electrosoul, 1945 MF and Spinach Records.

Fix line up will be released soon..

wahh boleh nih secara gue adalah penghuni Qbar, salt kadang2, warehouse jaman baru2 dateng hehhehe..

dateng ahh ;)
Calling all party people,


its all for U, hosted by US

DAHA 82 Alumni & Communities

All Daha's DJs, VJ, and Hosts  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
waduh.. ada apa ni?
hahaha who said that idealism can not match business..

SHUT UP alhamdulillah pelan2 match the business kok... 

jadi sebenernya menurut gue tinggal gimana meramunya aja...

emang gak bakal sih bisa se gokil mainstream...
hmm oke so far count me in
yes, but unfortunately gue belum mencicipi kenyamanannya nih ehehhee...
nabung dulu sooob...

ayo dong jadinya kapan nih?
yoi ndra setuju gue... bawa aja cd2 yang bisa di maenin di semua jam... and u'll be safe...
lagian skrg cd case muatnya kan segambreng... masa ga cukup ? hehehehe


as a so-called public figure, yah memang seorang dj tuh dituntut harus selalu keliatan bagus dalam bermain, penampilan, attitude. But again, totality in Musicality is the most important sih menurut gue hehehe...

selain masalah majuin EDM di indonesia tapi masalah policy juga sob,

sekarang misalnya ada org dari beatport main2 ke forum kita eh ternyata lagu2 yang di ambil dari mereka dijual kembali disini, dan RVLX di tuntut dan harus bubar karena tuntutan itu.. siapa yg mau nanggung? ;)

hopefuly u guys all understand the point of this rule.

presented to you all music lovers by

Electrosoul & Sound Syndicated

please come and support us!

love ya all....
iya dah mantap...
tapi udah 9 halaman nih... mudah2an sebelum jadi 10 halaman udah ada realisasinya dah....

asik aja dah ;)
kelakuan member baru emang deh... hehehe... cape de
but ever u guys wondering... that is business??

so can we match IDEALISM vs BUSINESS?

hehehe... just another thought