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Messages - ICAL BH

good luck ber...
jangan lupa bawa semprotan yah ;)
@ room507:

gak ada kerusakan sama sekali sob...
@ room507:

secepatnya gw upload deh sob...
@ room507:

gpp bgt sob...
oh gak di jakarta...
kalo di jakarta bisa sekalian gw anterin aja sih alias sekalian ongkos anter gt harganya ;)
@ room507:

blum sempet upload nih ;)
nanti kalo sempet langsung gw upload deh...
btw, tertarik mau beli?
bisa sekalian nonton bola dan minuman nya murah2 ;)
Dijual Pionner DJM 300s plus Hard Case nya second...
masih bagus bgt / mulus... Rp.2.500.000,-
ical - 08151876243
Quote from: rome on 19/05/08, 16:25
@ ical : wah cal kita masuk infotemenint.. ;D

di tanyain lo ama hendro..hahahahahhaaha....katanya bokis mulu ;D

kata hendro lo mau se dus cuman selalu lembaran doang gt...
sebel loh dia... huahahahhaa...
sampai nanti malem yah ;)
now we are five....
selamat begabung mike ;)


Basement House
"Jackin'The House
Friday 30th May 2008
@ Willow, 10pm onwards

Music by:
Anggarez (Basement House)
Gerhan (Quirk it)
Micko (360 Ent)
introducing our new member
Mike Wowor (Basement House)

Visual by:
Dazed Visualab

Free JELLY SHOT for everyone...

Get limited PROMO COMPILATION #003
mixed by Mike Wowor...

Ravelex.net, Jakartaspot.com, OZdiscoland, Suave, Sounds of Gili, Dazed.

Yokunanta 2nd floor
Permata Senayan Blok E16/17
Jl.Tentara Pelajar (Arteri road behind Mulia Hotel)
Jakarta Selatan 12210, Indonesia

@ JakClubbers_Media:

wah asik mau diliput...
makasih yah ;)
@ rome:

setuju...  hendro pakabar rome  ;)
@ JakClubbers_Media:

thanks bgt yah foto2 nya...
seru kan tempatnya...
tracklist nya sob kalo boleh?
@ randybotak:

thanks yah... siap ran nanti gw coba dengerin deh ;)
mandy sama rub n tug seru...

Basement House
"Jackin'The House"
Friday 30th May 2008
@ Willow, 10pm onwards

Music by:
Anggarez (Basement House)
Gerhan (Quirk it)
Micko (360 Ent)
introducing our new member
Mike Wowor (Basement House)

Visual by:
Dazed Visualab

Free JELLY SHOT for everyone...

Get limited PROMO COMPILATION #003
mixed by Mike Wowor...

Ravelex.net, Jakartaspot.com, OZdiscoland, Suave, Sounds of Gili, Dazed.

Yokunanta 2nd floor
Permata Senayan Blok E16/17
Jl.Tentara Pelajar (Arteri road behind Mulia Hotel)
Jakarta Selatan 12210, Indonesia
teman2 kalo bisa dtg yah :)
makasih yah...

Indo-France Present
"Stephane magoutier (France)"
Wed 21th May 2008 @ Forbiden Citi

Steph Mag (Senshimix Records)
Indra7  (Microchip)
Ical  (Basement House)

Stephane magoutier had been played as a DJ  for 20 years in U.S.A, Asia and all Europe.
He was a resident DJ for more than 10 years and  he is the one owner of a record label call "Senshimix Records", he's style of music is techno/tech house/progressive house

For more info about Stephane magoutier

It's Ladies night... so free welcome drink from ladies ;)

Special Host:
Ravelex members, Basement House, Microchip, 4th Sector, Small Wonders, Black Out

please be there guys ;)

Drink promo:
Baby jack daniels 375 ml Rp.250.000++ (include mixer)
Jack daniels, jose cuervo, absolute blue Rp.500.000++ (include mixer)
Chivas regal, JW black label Rp.600.000++ (include mixer)

21+ no short, sandal, drugs, outside drink

Forbiden Citi:
Jl. Wijaya I no.55 Kebayoran Baru Jak-Sel
congrats yah sob...
berhasil melawati set 9 jam nya ;)
sorry yah gak bisa dtg kemarin...
@ dedoSixteen:

ayo dong do rayu2...
biar bisa diputerin di House FM, hehehhehe...