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Messages - sendyoke

Disk Jockey / Re: About Altuna?
11/12/07, 19:07
Quote from: osvaldo on 11/12/07, 09:36
two words for udin..BERBAKAT dan LENDIR... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ngomong2... itu di foto... yg paling kanan pake baju putih rambut panjang siapa? mbak kunti ya? hiiii serem,,, kabur ah.......
Disk Jockey / Re: Classic Disco
11/12/07, 18:58
saya suka....
The legend is back.....

beneran neh?
Kalo denger lagu ini jd inget jaman ke Stardust... Adam Jagwani cs joget di DJ Booth yg bisa muter terus naek ke atas....


Enga ah.... kalian semua soalnya laki-laki NAKAL ! ! !

:D :D :D
Seperti biasa.... krn gue lagi males ngetik.. yah gue cuma bisa bilang

ck ck ck......

huahahahahahahaha... (ketawa ngakak sampe rebah2an di atas aspal)

Congrats DEWA...
Krn gue enga bisa dateng nonton (emang enga mau juga lagian :D ) and gue lagi males ngetik yg aneh2... jd gue cuma bisa bilang

CK CK CK.........

Gue cuma bisa bilang,

ck ck ck.........

Leng geleng geleng

Gut manggut manggut

;D ;D ;D (?) ::) :-[
DJ Nico TOS dulu dong....

Ck ck ck.....

andai aku bisa kasih masukan...

;D  8)  :P  *piss*  *tepuktangan*  *bgs*
Thanks for the share.....

Comment menyusul....
Halah,,,,, temen gue mau pergi tuh.... cuma bela2in mau liat Eddie Halliwell

Buset buset buset......

cuma satu kata .... eh dua kata deh..... AMPUN DJ.......
ck ck ck.....

enga tau mau komen apaan :D
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 26/11/07, 14:16
dj deny mantapp... manis di awal2..makin mengayun dan disikat sampe pada betah ga mau pulang hehehe...
bakalan dipanggil lagi nih ;D *piss*

@joey: thx yah minumannya, apa namanya? waikiki? enak enak hehehe

Waduh...duit masuk lagi dong ke kantong.... TEBEL.com

Disk Jockey / Re: About Altuna?
26/11/07, 14:23
CAPE Deh........

ck ck ck........

Aya aya wa'e.......
ck ck ck...........
Ckckck..... gokil deh......  8) 8) 8)

Sampe ketemu di Jogja (Ngeledek mode ON)  ;D

Naga2nya masih perawan yah buat Jogja? ckckck.... mudah2an sampe berdarah deh di Jogja  ;D

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
*piss* *piss* *piss*
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Keren Chris.....  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Soundnya nendang banget....

Ditunggu parcelnya yg full version  ;D

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
 :'( :'( :'(

Foto jagoan gue enga dipasang disana

:'( :'( :'(

Kecewa kecewa kecewa

:'( :'( :'(

Biarpun dia enga lolos.... tp biar ceng-li pasang dong fotonya

:'( :'( :'(

*piss* *piss* *piss* :-* :-* :-*
Congratsbuat semi finalist.....  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Sayang banget jagoan gue enga tembus ke babak selanjutnya  :-X :-\ ::)
No matter what..... Gue tetep SUPPORT DJ AWIE ALCOHOL  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Itu Headphone apa yg elo pake?  :-* *piss*

Rapidsharenya yg manteb maksud'e  ;D ;D ;D

Thanks Ricco
Quote from: DJ Deny on 25/10/07, 12:43

...Controversially, big-name American DJs Christopher Lawrence and DJ Dan were also at the centre of the investigation, both having shared the same marketing manager! "In both their cases, a script was used to bypass our security system. Not only did we get multiple votes from the same IP address, but we got multiple votes from multiple IP addresses — in other words, we received in excess of 50 votes from the same IP address on over 20 occasions."

If you ever wondered how DJ Dan managed to take the #5 spot as the world's most popular house DJ, then you wouldn't be the first. But both him and Lawrence have strongly denied any involvement in vote rigging.

Dan told DJ Mag that he takes the matter very seriously. "My assistant and I confronted my former marketing manager via telephone. He strongly denied any wrongdoing, but had no credible explanation for the improper voting. Christopher Lawrence, who used the same marketing person this year, reported similar voting problems. When I discovered the common link was our marketing person, I immediately terminated him." [/b]

...Ternyata dimana mana sama aja..unbelievable,ckckck :-\

Ini soal C yah koko Deny? :D :D :D

pis pis pis

BTW.... Armin sama Tiesto denger2 jd berenang ke laut :D :D :D