dari kmarin dicari2 akhirnya nemu jugak! thx ngo!
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Videos / Re: Video: Deadmau5 @ MTV Video Music Awards VMA 201017/09/10, 16:33
dari kmarin dicari2 akhirnya nemu jugak! thx ngo!
Movie / Re: EDM: Electronic Dance MOVIES16/09/10, 03:55
hai cuk.. salcuk.. salah cukur.. *aposehhh
Videos / Re: Sasha's V_rtek Live Video Show vs Contakt15/09/10, 17:06
vj sama ligthing engineer nya sama kali brot..
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: CORNER DUB live Part -1 : Sixteen ( Dafkaf inc) Mixtape15/09/10, 16:10
sekolahan tuh sama asdos dedo, jadi bisa bedain mana drum n bass & dubstep..
Jakarta Events / Re: SOULWAX 'Live in Concert'09/09/10, 19:42Quote from: Discomfort on 08/09/10, 12:14yang boneng lo ang? #734
Main Talk / Re: Regenerasi09/09/10, 17:58
regenerasi apa, local scene? local scene yang mana?
jb ya, just wanna humbly share a few of my thoughts, hehe. kalo menurut gua sih regenerasi dari segi talents jelas uda keliatan kok, ya tergantung lo liatnya dari sisi mana. mau liat yang cuman main di club gede? yang cuman pada bolak balik masuk tv? gua personally sih ngeliat smakin kesini smakin banyak regenerasi kok. kalo dulu (around 90s until mid 2000's) mostly people cuman tau imor naro abang anton achdiyat rim blablabla and some more of our local legends (respect!) di scene underground. but heloh, look it now.. we got plenty! menurut gua skarang malah uda banyak djs baru di scene kita yang gak kalah keren kok dari those old heroes (that still kickin'!), makin banyak djs yang gak cuman maenin musik yang " itu2 melulu", more variety in sounds, styles, fresh attitudes. gak usa disebutin namanya lah, tapi coba ceki2 nama2 baru talent baru local kita dari 2005 - 2010 (dan sebagian yang sebenernya uda lama juga tapi) jarang main di club besar (atau ada sebagian yang malah ditolak) hanya karena kagak maenin musik yang hip dan trendy, but hell, ya kalo emang itu policy club tersebut yaudahlah. mau bilang apa? tapi beneran deh, mereka gak kalah keren daripada yang biasa main di club2 besar melulu, akhirnya mereka malah bikin acara sendiri2 di tempat2 baru yang gak gitu gede, pake konsep macem2, ngebangun scene with their own style yang sebenernya malah itu ngasih refreshment lebih ke scene kita. apa bukan regenerasi tuh? spirit of the underground perhaps? not until it got known as "cool" for the media. cliche. kesimpulannya, buat gua scene kita dari segi talents skarang uda evolve kok. gak usa dilebih2in lah kesannya stuck banget and hopeless atau gimana. keep optimist, the thing is lo mau liat regenerasi yang mana? per whole-scale underground scene? atau per-yang itu itu aje? jelas mandek lah. discover something outside your box, and you'll see there are so many young talented local djs/vjs/whatever indonesian performers around.. buat gua yang lebih krusial dan kudu secepatnya regenerasi tuh the "big bussiness players" in this dance industry. doesn't mean to be cocky or anything but we need some new, fresh, crazy bussiness runners in this scene with new bigger perspective & ideas to blend in.. just few of my cents, peace. #735
Bali events / Re: PARADISE IN BALI @ GWK(Lotus Pond) 14 & 15 NOV 201008/09/10, 02:27
gue bokek ngeheeeeeeeeeeeee
Live Performances / Re: Setup Live Soulwax08/09/10, 02:19Quote from: club2club on 06/09/10, 19:15Quote from: Tiga on 05/09/10, 19:55 kenalin nih temen gua, ade, temen ngadu cupang nye stephen dari bocah.. #737
Gears and Technology / Re: new gadget today08/09/10, 01:51
nice thread! mau share juga apa gitu tapi besok aja harini nyimak dulu..
Music / Re: Songs You Are Listening To, Rite Now..07/09/10, 18:12
Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke (Afro Acid Mix)
huge! #739
REDMA 2010 / Re: How's Redma 2010 ?07/09/10, 14:53Quote from: dedoSixteen on 06/09/10, 18:24iya nih, biar penasaran katanya.. bhahaha..Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 06/09/10, 18:02 #741
REDMA 2010 / Re: How's Redma 2010 ?06/09/10, 18:02
yon, live act/group or duo, production / remixes of the year uda gada ya kategori nya?
Main Talk / Re: Reshuffle Moderator...03/09/10, 19:11Quote from: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 03/09/10, 10:57bagi! #743
Trance / Re: My Life According to Above & Beyond!03/09/10, 19:08
always got a heart for above & beyond and oceanlab..
Main Talk / Re: Reshuffle Moderator...03/09/10, 01:42Quote from: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 02/09/10, 20:59bcanda tom, jangan marah dong?Quote from: Dekra on 02/09/10, 17:26Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 02/09/10, 16:52Asliiii, jam terbang mah lewat sama intensitas... hahahaha...Quote from: Debon on 02/09/10, 14:37tohar uda proper kok bon buat di "situ". beneran lebih proper dari gua malah.. #745
Jakarta Events / Re: SOULWAX 'Live in Concert'02/09/10, 18:51Quote from: 360. on 27/08/10, 19:04 soulwax is a kickass avant-garde group that I listen to when I'm on E, it make me mumbles about anything weird to everyone, that's why they make the song E talking.. to represent people like me lol. hope that will do, mister 360. hahahahaha. #746
Main Talk / Re: Reshuffle Moderator...02/09/10, 18:41Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 02/09/10, 18:34 lo gila kali ya? #747
Main Talk / Re: Reshuffle Moderator...02/09/10, 16:52Quote from: Debon on 02/09/10, 14:37tohar uda proper kok bon buat di "situ". beneran lebih proper dari gua malah.. #748
REDMA 2010 / Re: How's Redma 2010 ?02/09/10, 16:10Quote from: phuture89 on 02/09/10, 08:55eh, bagi dong.. #749
REDMA 2010 / Re: How's Redma 2010 ?02/09/10, 05:09
longlive indonesian scene kali maksud lo jo?
Main Talk / Re: Reshuffle Moderator...02/09/10, 01:52
inget, ada yang gak perlu disebut2, anggep aja illuminati..
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