aaaaaaaaahh..gimana sih lo..?masa ga turun2..!!apa mulai2 tertular virus itu ya..?hauhauhauhauhauah
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Visual Jockey / Re: Workshop VJ yuk?15/01/07, 09:18
aaaaaaaaahh..gimana sih lo..?masa ga turun2..!!apa mulai2 tertular virus itu ya..?hauhauhauhauhauah
Visual Jockey / Re: EDIROL CG-8 COMING SOON12/01/07, 17:24
bawa MR.T nanti ketabrak kereta lagi...?hauhauahuhaua...relep aduk ah...
Visual Jockey / Re: EDIROL CG-8 COMING SOON12/01/07, 17:13
iiihhh..niang...kok anda brutal sekali sih...gue kan cemen,penakut...jgn ngomong2 carok ah..
Disk Jockey / Re: Apa pendapat u ttg Live DJ Ronijoni12/01/07, 14:23
yg satu labelnya M1/43....yg satu labelnya JUNKO...MEWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
Jakarta Events / Re: Christopher Lawrence Indonesia gigs Januari 2007...12/01/07, 10:41
hahahahhaha...intrik2 biar postingan nambah...hahahaha....
Jakarta Events / Re: Christopher Lawrence Indonesia gigs Januari 2007...12/01/07, 10:31
gue mau dong mba!!
Visual Jockey / Re: EDIROL CG-8 COMING SOON11/01/07, 17:40
hahahahahaha...satu meja..?hahahahahaha...gue nyela berarti gue sayang sama elu..hahahahahahaha...
Disk Jockey / Re: Apa pendapat u ttg Live DJ Ronijoni11/01/07, 15:45
gue piliih RINO JINO = paling kenceng.....
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?11/01/07, 12:06
hahahaha...kembalinya paketan yg hilang...
Music / Re: LET'S CRY TOGETHER11/01/07, 12:01
Down through the dark trees
You came to save me You're so ugly and you're so beautiful You're like no one on Earth could be Take me home Let me be the one All of my life I've been waiting For you I wanna be the one that you take home Let me be the one 'Cause I'm so lonely Take me home With you No one on Earth knows me like you do..... gimana..?agak-agak kenal nih sm lirik yg diatas...HUAHUAHAUHAUHAUHU #738
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?11/01/07, 09:57
@niang: IIIIIIIIIIIIII...tapi doyaaaaaannnn
Disk Jockey / Re: do u know dj chris m???10/01/07, 19:43
do u know DJ CHRIS M....PASTEEEEEEE I KNOOOOWWW....siapa sih yg ga tau...?
Disk Jockey / Re: do u know dj chris m???10/01/07, 19:14
iih..perbincangan DJ2 kondang jakarta nih...seputar wine & minuman....
Jakarta Events / Re: ACHTUNG!!! TIEFSCHWARZ @ EMBASSY JAKARTA10/01/07, 16:55
ah..tiefschwarz itu apa sih..?*nguber breakthrough nyampah of the year...*
Main Talk / Re: ?????--> HOW ABOUT DJ EDIE INNERLIGHT 4 HOURS LIVE SET<--?????10/01/07, 10:35
4 jam sih kurang ja...10 jam aja gue pernah dengerin kok setnya innerlight...
On the Air & Media / Re: DANCETERIA | VINYLS - the saturday journey09/01/07, 18:57
salah lo chris...rekamannya lupa gue taro mana..!!
Jakarta Events / Re: Christopher Lawrence Indonesia gigs Januari 2007...09/01/07, 14:46
wah gue juga speechless nih ada EDM ICON dateng....
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?09/01/07, 11:52
@niang: office session sudah bisa dimulai lagiii...!!!!!
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?09/01/07, 11:48
jangan sedih dong...walaupun bodoh tapi penuh arti....huahauhaahhauahuh
Visual Jockey / Re: your memorable gig??08/01/07, 16:49Quote from: NewReaL on 07/01/07, 04:45 emang gue tinggal kemana sih sooobb...? hahahahahaha....balik2 keringetan ya gue..? #750
Visual Jockey / Re: Penyebab VJ Lokal gak semaju DJ Lokal..08/01/07, 16:28
gue mau maen band aja deh...