wah.. manteb bro..
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - titosimon #726
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Finally i got reach beatport top 100.. thanks for the support guys..13/04/08, 16:06
wah.. manteb bro..
Music / Re: Tydi - Kopi Susu (Electronic Elements/Armada)13/04/08, 15:59
coba yg armada releasenya pake label yg bandung.. pas lah..
Yogyakarta / Re: Happy Birthday to BUDI SEPUTRO13/04/08, 12:47
happy bday om budi..
all the best.. GBU always.. #729
Bali / Re: .: PARANOIA DANCE SESSION - Bali Edition :.10/04/08, 15:02
itu foto prewed yg design flyer sebenernya
wah.. dirilisi bonzai.. congrats yah brou
Surabaya / Re: Pre-Party TIESTO Elements Of Life World Tour 2008 -- 11 April 2008 @ V608/04/08, 14:52
@acid029 : wah.. coba bisa ikut.. klo gitu ketemu di bali saja..
Pre-Party TIESTO Elements Of Life World Tour 2008
Friday, April 11 2008 Vertical Six Club & Lounge) featuring: REDY Istara-1945MF / Surabaya (Redy will be perform live with TIESTO at Double Six) JOEVAN Acid-1945MF / Yogyakarta HENDRA Istara / Surabaya TITO SIMON Soundscape Records / Surabaya Visual by Public Space / Surabaya Introducing our new 1945MF Surabaya family: MC PUTRI 1945MF / Surabaya Organized by ISTARA Entertainment * TIESTO Elements Of Life World Tour 2008.. April 22 2008 @ DoubleSix Bali #736
Surabaya / Re: REBORN AMBITIONS, 11thApril 08 @ redboXX!08/04/08, 13:17
cihuyy.. reborn..
dj raborn remon hehe.. #738
Main Talk / Re: Lagi trendnya nih Blocking Sites08/04/08, 11:49
@walasok : akhirnya bisa balikin ke inggris.. di settingnya pilih australia ajah.. (tapi nyari yg mana settingnya setengah mati jo.. hehe )
Bali / Re: Remy Irwan at 66 | BIG BASH # 4 - Fri, April 18 '0808/04/08, 11:43
bagaimana klo ke warung italy di jl kunti bang ? mmhhh...
klo niat kita ke nuri's ubud.. ato nasi pedas sama teh botol dingin.. mmhhh.. #740
Bali / Re: Remy Irwan at 66 | BIG BASH # 4 - Fri, April 18 '0807/04/08, 17:08
wah.. kok gak ada bang.. YM lagi agak2 eror nih..
Surabaya / Re: .: PARANOIA DANCE SESSION Goes To Bali :.07/04/08, 17:03
siap.. nakal deh kita.. hihihi..
Main Talk / Re: Lagi trendnya nih Blocking Sites07/04/08, 15:01
myspace gw kok jadi bahasa spanyol gitu yah..
Videos / Re: infamous indonesian rock 'n roll back in the 60's !!!! (a must see video)06/04/08, 19:19
band ini asalanya dari surabaya.. mereka akhirnya pindah ke belanda dan besar di sana..
band ini juga salah satu yg mengilhami jim morrison (the who).. tielmans brother sudah ada sebelum era jimmy hendrix.. jadi bisa dibilang rockabilly salah satu roots nya emang dari surabaya #747
REDMA 2008 / Re: REDMA 2008 YOGYAKARTA RESULT...06/04/08, 19:08
wah.. congrats rhino & hugos..
Bali / Re: kapan nih RVLX cariin moderator Bali ????04/04/08, 18:06
sing sabar yo es.. wakakakakk...
Surabaya / Re: DOMESTIC DEPARTURE present Tito Simon Ableton Live Set at V6..Wed,Apr 2nd 200804/04/08, 17:11
@7 : tengkyuu.. iyah nih.. nanti klo ke jkt dikabarin
@discoterror : mareeeee.... Paranoia Dance Sessions Goes to Bali.. huhu... |