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Messages - walasok

Quote from: dj.pauL on 24/07/12, 21:55

Dijamin pasti balik lagi,selain makanan nya enak2,lokasinya homy banget..

enak nih.. bisa main dart juga.. hahaha

jadi keinget.. kalo sports bar gitu gw suka Sportsman Bar di Blok M.. Harga yaa standar jakarta lah.. Yang recommended di sini selain ngebir adalah pork pizza nya.. enak banget hahahaha

lokasinya si sportsman bar ini di seberangnya top gun ;D
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 25/07/12, 09:11

As the performance aspect becomes predominant, a paradigm shift is underway. Crowds used to come see DJs for a musical journey. Now they expect to hear specific songs and furthermore, they want to see a show.

::) ;D
Quote from: 7 on 24/07/12, 15:34
Main-main lah ke tempat i lagi tek. Selesai renovasi yak hehehe 8)

yang di deket kuburan itu ya dra? :D

Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 24/07/12, 15:37
di G5 ;D

sambil nongkrong di pinggir kali ya pur.. ;D
share yuk tempat favorit lo kalo ngebir di mana.. apa yang enak di situ, harganya berapa..

kalo gw di jakarta paling di De Hooi di daerah Pondok Indah, suasananya irish bar gitu.. banyak foreignernya tapi sekarang sih banyak local people juga, harga draught bintang segelas 35rb..

kalo di jogja sukanya ke Bintang Cafe di Sosrowijayan, suasananya mirip sama bar-bar yang di legian atau poppies.. tempatnya nyante, banyak bulenya, harganya bintang botol besar kalo ga salah 35rb..

what's your favorite spot? :)
ooh gitar.. jreeenggg

hahahaha the good old gloomy days
serius chris? kenapa??

waduhh.. i love your works, gonna miss them a lot.. :(
katanya mau jadi Swedish Trance Mafia.. ;D
pritikiuuuwww imaaann.. ;D
traktir ya yab abis itu
19/06/12, 21:40
jerman nih gw yakin juaranya..
Main Talk / Re: EDM THESE DAYS
19/06/12, 21:38
anjinqqq.. tipe-x jadi boyband?? wtf??


i'm not gonna press the play button, sayang bandwith sayang bandwith... ;D
suka gw dengerin mixtape nya luthfi.. selera lo mewah sobb *bgs*

abis ini donlot punya angga deh :D
Main Talk / Re: EDM THESE DAYS
19/06/12, 20:26
another good article actually.. apakah edm akan bernasib sama seperti musik ska beberapa tahun yang lalu? ketika booming secara cepat, diperas habis-habisan; dan dibiarkan mati..


the Wall Street rag makes the worrying prediction that, "as EDM and its related events continue to grow, an audience may be developing that wants nothing more than predictable, middling entertainment."

"I won't mention any names, but I've been listening to a lot of mainstage sets from these new DJs and I found the first hour of their sets is unbelievable. They play two, three minutes of every track and it goes absolutely crazy. But after an hour, they've played all their hits and you see the crowd just going flat," Armin told ITM.

"I don't know. It's a big debate. I was brought up in the days of Sasha & Digweed, Carl Cox, Judge Jules, Paul Oakenfold: these huge sets that build and build. I guess people don't have the patience for that anymore. We live for the quick fix... I try to lure people into something more beautiful than just that quick fix of all the big hits. I don't want to be a jukebox at a festival."

"That's why we ended up with Guetta, Afrojack and all that shit. It's because we just didn't take people with us. We decided we'd be completely underground, and completely cool. It's created a situation where mass appeal went elsewhere."
Quote from: Archie on 19/06/12, 11:16
mau yg gede gitu apa yg biasa aja yon?? yg biasa aja sih Gedung Arsip boljug.. biasa dipake buat kawinan sik, cuma kalo dibikin yg minimalis seru2an sih lucuk.. sebenernya sih dibikin kaya model2 yang dulu tuh di kota tua taun 2010 proyeknya British council, museum fatahillah dibikin 3d visual mapping itu sih ok juga.. tempat besar, akses ga susah2 banget..

Kalo mau yang di luar kota sedikit.. umm waktu gw sma sih gw pernah cabut ke kota air namanya kayanya deket2 puncak deh, cuma gw ga tau, masih ada tempatnya atau ngga.. hihi.. maklum, udah lama ga pake putih abu - abu :p.. tempatnya sih lucu.. dingin2 gimanaa gitu.. jadi inget 777 hihihi

the legendary 777!! ;D
jadi definisi event yang sukses itu apa sebenernya?
kalo saran gw sih jangan kebanyakan agenda.. yang penting fokus kepada beberapa hal, misalnya swap meeting & workshop..

gw cuma takut kalo kebanyakan agenda malah ga dapet poin-poin yang diharapkan dari kegiatan tersebut..

imho lho ini.. :D
bisa bisa lompat dari kapal nih hahahaha
kangen nih sama rave yg kaya dulu..

it's all about the music.

ga ada yang complain sama cuaca, sama tempatnya yang jauh, sama apa pun lah itu.. hahahaha
Main Talk / Re: EDM THESE DAYS
24/05/12, 13:05
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 22/05/12, 09:28
gimana kalo ini http://www.mixmag.net/words/news/guetta-reckons-that-staying-underground-killed-dance-music

What has happened in the music industry? Business happened. The goal is to make money. Most people start off real and then become this bubble gum pop artist to start to appeal to a bigger demographic. Ever wonder why everyone always says 'yeah I like so and so but his/her stuff isn't as good as when they first came out'. There is a reason for that. Money and the labels that basically own the artists now control the artist, the music and the image. taken from the link below

Quote from: Ucil on 22/05/12, 08:33

Some more reading material guys....

Enjoy  :)
ayolah.. futsal aja apa? hahaha tetep.. :P

si Bedjo itu juga di karawaci..
"just because i'm tellin' you this story, doesn't mean i'm alive at the end of it"

sadiiisss.. mari kita nontoonn