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Messages - HDM

@didi: HDM project artinya House of Dance Music darling..... syang dirimu ga main pada hari yg sama.....
@kc: reuni abis!!!!! That's why I can't wait for this saturday.......
Justice League Unlimited

Delizious Devina = Storm
Milinka = Poison Ivy
Alda = Cat Woman
lex D mc = Joker
@dree: ga main di x2 dulu.... sebelum mulai main ada fashion show nya dulu...... gw lagi jadi poison ivy, semua pada pakai kostum, jadi di buat ada fashion show, hrs hadir disitu, terus gw main ditengah2, main DJ nya..... jadi baru bisa escape after I spin there...... main terakhir yach..... tku darling...
vibe blue: masih ada another day n another gig kan.... ntar kita ketemuan lagi kok.....

Support for everyone..... gw main terakhir aja yaa......
oiya.... mau lagi donk cd n signature nya..... wish you all the best ya rom..... Salut!!!!!
hiks hiks..... ga bisa ikutan main lagi....... ada gig tempat lain..... pasti seru nih eventnya.... miss to spin with u guys......
Support!!! Have to listen to it.....
Gd luck for tonite guys..... give the best shots ever!!!!

Do you guys want to see Poison Ivy (Batman movie), Storm (Xmen movie), and Cat Woman running around messing and beating up the night????
Joker (Batman movie) will be there to Heat it up all night long......

Come to X2, Saturday, Dec 22nd,  2007!!!!!!


Performances by:
@-Poison Ivy-@
@Cat Woman-@

Supporting performances by:
@-ND White-@

Who are the real faces behind those characters??????
Can you guess????

Wait for the next info!!!!!


Hi Guys, Let's Dance with us....


Milinka (HDM / 1945MF)
Kono (Spincah
Dee (7/24)

Please put on your dancing shoes and shiny outfit......

HOST: Twailla, Flash, Buni, Deniez, Jessica FHM, 7/24 crew, grinroof 80
Happy birthday my dear fiend..... support for your 7 hours set!!!!!
@redja: cepat bgt reply nya jack..... kita liat saja nanti apakah semarang semeriah di bali.... kagen juga nih sama lo...... Have things to tell nih.... seru!!!!  :P
@redja: aduh dja...... cinta bgt deh gw sama elo.... belum sampai bali dah di telnin, sampai bali ditemenin..... sampai gw culik kemana2, pre party dulu hihhihihi......   enak ya kalau diculik sama gw.....???? t ;D ;D ;D Tgl 1 temenin lagi ya disemarang....., tgl 8 juga balk ke semarang lagi. Pokonya be prepare!!!!!   *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
@dree: bener nih... gw lgi mau jalan ke pure....

@dj 3j4: dah atu kan g listny apa..?
@didjeri: datang ga mlm ini..? ato lo masih au nge wine di ciputat??

@robin: ya mereka mutar lah... kan menghibur para tamu.... lo juga mutar ya.... mutar di dekat meja dj, batuin twailla dounk...

@buni: ga enak kali jasi pemain film... ga pernah on time.... nuggu seharian.... mendingan dj..... cuma 2 jam. Dah mulai jadi banci tampil juga ya..??

@sabotage: yg mana sih ni orgnya?

@ipod: nggak lah... ga ada cek n ricek..... ntar pada males kali....

@im Nu: g list dah ada di msg elo ya.. tolong dibaca  ;)

@dj 3j4: siap!!!! gpp kan ketemuan lagi....
btw... nama gw dah ga pakai miz lagi..... just 'MILINKA'

Bali yuuukkkkk.... its time for me to have a holiday after spinning that long at k7.......


MILINKA (House of Dance Music)

Sarturday, November 24th

Resident DJs: Lanang, Sofyant

Fire Show by: Orange Production

After successfully spinning for 24 Hours on November 18 in Jakarta, MIZ MILINKA will conquer Bali with her super stylish look and massive tracks! Dress Up and Dance, Be part of the Female Conqueror to the World of Dance Music!

Check out: //www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=7349475372
@icanagoesdjam: anjrit!!!!! di dalam gelap, diluar terang....... makan nasgor jam 5 pagi.... langsung abis.... lapar gila... gd job man!!!! bagus tuh pas pengambilan yg di ibiza....
Happy happy anniversary....
yuukkkk rame2 liat kota jakarta dr lt 35 menara imperium.... mutar 360 derajat loh..... kalo ga lantainya yg muter.... ya orangnya yg  muter....  ;D its gd for hide n seek  ;D ga ketemu2

Friday 23rd November


MC: Twailla aka ochi

Resident DJs: Martin K, Agung, Kotot

Fashion Show by: BENTEN
The Supermodel Dancer
Fire Performer

Host: Betrand, Eva anindita, Ratu Felisha, Andi Soraya, Putri Patricia, Sarah Wijayanto, Sarah Azhari, Alex Tian, Sheny Andrea, Prissilla


congratulations ya naro..... support!!!!!