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Messages - drwe

Music / Re: HIP HOP ?
05/02/08, 16:24
i juz read this topic....seru banget pros and cons nya...well the main point is i hope we can stay peace in one love for our dance music industry.....personally, MY SOUL IS HIPHOP BUT I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC.....and for me, there's nothing wrong with that coz both of them influence my taste of music....and i like other genres as well...

.....represent yourself and always respect each other.....

+peace out+
i've voted.....thank you for paman gober....voting is the best way...

hope we can stay peace in one love for our dance music industry...mau genre apapun juga....

wah sweru nih...gw pake topeng tukul ah...hehehehhe

full support bwt cleopatra....

"burn the crowd with the mic, MC B"..hehehehe

peace and love
360 ent...congrats and welcome ya guys.....i know this is going to be a great party...fo sho....

i'll be there to support u guys...

-peace and love-
aseeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk....saya hadir ahhhhhhhh....
paman gober...waktu itu pas nomination session, gw sempet posting bwt mc of the year, tp ko gada gt gw liat..mungkin smpet eror kali yah...hehehe.. gw tau skr dah ga ngaruh, but i voted for pdouble, mc q, ditter, flash...i hope they're in the nomination...last thing i wanna say, for all my frenz that has supported me, i thank you very much...im honoured and overwhelmed...i never see myself with that kind of recognition...thank you thank you thank you....and bwt tim ravelex, thank sooo much...sukses yaaahh!!! me full support!!ekekekekkk

peace and love...

sampai jumpa di lantai dansa berikutnya...yiukkkk mareeee
wah...thanks bgt buat juice and are...its an honour for me...i'll c u guys there...pastinya...

peace out.....
makin rame nih keluarga kita...hehehehe...banyak anak banyak rejeki.....eh, banyak dije banyak rejeki...amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn.....hahahhahahaha....


Congratulations ya guys...sampai jumpa di lantai dansa berikutnya...

peace out
@ didi
HDM tuh House of Dance Music dear.....ekekekekekek...kalo ga salah sih...hehehehe

@ dree
86 gak tuh harim?? gokil nih ngesetnya....hahahaha...(saksikanlah LEGENDA PAK GURU pada malam ini)hahahahaha.....peace bro...

@ vibe blue
ke bandung....seru nih kayaknya....

jangan ampe ketinggalan lagi ya soooob...hehehe...peace...

disain lo mantaaaafffffhhhhh.....
one word for MARCO V, MARVELOUS!!!!

his set was amazingly rich in genre..very creatif in setting the flow..fast handed DJ..stage permancenya juga seru..and he stayed at 134bpm...canggih!!!...and i think he was exited playing that nite, coz di rundownnya dia main dari jam 2 sampe jam 4...tapi dia maen ampe jam 5...mantaaaaaaapppp!!!!!.....orang nya gak sombong and critical as a person...BIG APPLAUSE for MARCO V....
mas winky.....mas erick......hahahahahaha...hahahahahaaaa
sampai jumpa di lantai dansa....

from 1945MF
siap...pasti dateng...

congrats for future10!!!!!


peace out
mas dedy...lagi berenang...hahahahaha...kemarin..hahahhaaha....gokilll......

congratulations for RUMUS!!!!!!

ah dateng ah...
@ dree : lu gila lu...hahahahaha...

@ sepet : ntar kalo ada siswinya pak guru yang nemenin, ntar lo minta sengaja ditinggal lagih....wekekekekekekeke....peace....
@deathstarr :

Galluswarte-Unit still rocking on!!! gonna invite  my roomate...bist morgen, bro!!!
burn the crowd with the sound of MC STARR.....

"...i'm a beat.....i'm a rocker.......... - Westbamm playing in galluswarte's special editions"
Quote from: Dekra on 15/11/07, 17:51
JUICE DJ QUEST 2007 FINALS SESSION :  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

SAT, 17 NOV 2007

- DJ DENNY JARIOVA (finalist) *tepuktangan*
- DJ MALIKI (finalist) *tepuktangan*
- DJ SIX (finalist) *tepuktangan*
- DJ PANJI (finalist) *tepuktangan*


- MC DRWE (1945 MF)

be there, will be a lot of free merchandise, and cellphone doorprize....  ;D ;D


congratulations to all finalists...and the simifinalists; keep up the good work, brothers....

@ DJ denny : canggih...u ruled your crowd last nite!!!....

@ DJ maliki : handal banget sob...

@ DJ six : anda berani!!!! mantap!!! represent who you are, bro!!

@ DJ Panji : good trance!!! bikin manager lo sibuk yah...hehehe...peace...

GOOD LUCK GUYS...and see you this saturday...

peace out...
Happy Birthday CENTRO!!!!!

crowdnya pasti seru banget nih.....

SIAP!!!!....Lets move it, move it!!!!

ga kebalik tuh???kalo lo yang maen di depan lo cewe nggemesin??

siswi2 pak guru....

hahahaha....peace bro...
Milinka.....FuLL support!!!....ternyata pas di Balcony ngomongin ini...hehehe...FULL SUPPORT!!!..

Gw kelas subuh nih...hehehehe...c u there yah....

-Big Love-
Quote from: d.to on 13/11/07, 23:45
he..what's up drwe..long time no see..
iyalah kita jarang ketemu,tour terus nihh..
take care ya bro..we'll support you for Best Mc Paranoia awards yahh
keep rockin' the mic...
see u when i see You  *piss* *piss* *piss* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

im good bro..how bout u?? thanks bgt for the support...mampir2lah klo gw ngemc...intinya sampai jumpa di lantai dansa berikutnya.......siap!!!
siap!!!!...mohon disiapkan absensi atas nama saya...full support for my hero friends...hahaha..

@ Ready & Vasha : Burn them with your combined double skills..

@ Blonky : Absen gw no satu di depan dije booth...FULL SUPPORT!!!!

@ Marquee & Ditter : Cheers mate...and viel gluck!!!!

just trance the night away.......
@ synan recordings

thanks a lot buat support nya...doain aja ya..hehehe...kapan kita futsal lagi???hehehe

Peace out
thank you so much for nominating me..i'm honoured...FULL SUPPORT FOR PARANOIA AWARDS...

best regards for paranoia team....
