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Messages - stereoDUB

Quote from: lazydog | rico on 07/12/07, 01:19
weysss rendeee potonya... sedih liatnya, ultah kiss taon lalu tuh... disaat masih kurus .. tu baju kaos da ga muat hahhaha...

di Sinar plaza neh jadinya... suatapppp... keren keren.. mengingatkan jaman muda nan trendy masa lalu... perlu i datang pake sepatu doc.marteen n kmeja planel kotak2 hahaahha

iya ko...
pake aja doc mart kau kalo masih ada! hahaha.... ato nggak celana alien garis2 pun boleh... oiya, lupa aku minta ijin make foto.. permisi ya om... hehehe...
15 . 12 . 07 @ pelataran parkir sinar plaza, Medan.

The annual event, KISS FM Birthday Bash this year takes place at Sinar Plaza Parking Area. Why there?? Back in the 90's this shopping mall is the most happening mall in town. most of the youth-even from out of town- go there. Nowadays it gets forgotten, unable to compete with the other sophisticated, stylish, and more modern mall. That makes the goverment and the owner planning to build the new megablock at sinar plaza's location. crash it down and build the new one at that spot. the building will go down somewhere between feb-apr '08. So, we plan to held a celebration here this december. Not to celebrate the crashing-destroying-blowing- sinar plaza.. But to bring back the good 'ol days... where you used to hangout there at that time. go on a date. see the movies in Empire 21. having dinner at Fountain Cafe. bought a doll or presents at Art Station. buy novel or magz at Pustaka Obor. or just meet Ipan Gimbal @ Texas  :P.
This is your last chance... Bring Back The Memories!!!

Held on 15th dec 07, this event considers of different area.

some performers are... Ras Muhammad (Reggae Dancehall, Jkt), Dj Cza (Turntablism from Ahli Fiqir / Stylustiks, K.L MY), Joe Flizzow (HipHop Artist from Too Phat, K.L MY), DJ Rico (Monohouse), DJ Nio (e.n.d), S.P.R, Fingerprint, SuperWonderland, Cherrycola, etc.
main stage performer starts at 01pm till drop!

event held in this area are Futsal Schoolcup Competition and 3on3 Competition. Students from local highschool will compete and fight for their school pride, and of course a lot of cash!
sports event starts at 9am, until 6pm

brings you the Celica 07's king nominee from Auto Black Through and other full modified cars! for bikers we bring you freestyle matic scooter. and parts bazaar from local modification shop. low price guaranted!

with japanesse style carnival, some of the Harajuku's games brought here! Duck of The Ring, Koi! Koi!, Crazee Trampouline, Paintball Can Shoot!, etc.

bombing is art! we mean, wall bombing! 20+ local bomb squad will compete and show their bombing skills to bring home 10 million of cash!

consists of 20+ tenants from many youth-related products, from banking company, telecommunication, healthcare, cigarette, sports product, etc.

in case you gets hungry, there's a foodcourt-designed food bazaar from local wellknowned tenants such as kebab, burgers and fries, hot dogs, ice creams, and of course many kind of nasi!
at night this area also transform to a wide-spreaded mini bar! hydrating you to party all night long!

be there... or be dead!!!  ;D

This annual event is brought to you by 105 KISS FM The Hottest Hits in Medan!
15 . 12 . 07 @ pelataran parkir sinar plaza, Medan.

The annual event, KISS FM Birthday Bash this year takes place at Sinar Plaza Parking Area. Why there?? Back in the 90's this shopping mall is the most happening mall in town. most of the youth-even from out of town- go there. Nowadays it gets forgotten, unable to compete with the other sophisticated, stylish, and more modern mall. That makes the goverment and the owner planning to build the new megablock at sinar plaza's location. crash it down and build the new one at that spot. the building will go down somewhere between feb-apr '08. So, we plan to held a celebration here this december. Not to celebrate the crashing-destroying-blowing- sinar plaza.. But to bring back the good 'ol days... where you used to hangout there at that time. go on a date. see the movies in Empire 21. having dinner at Fountain Cafe. bought a doll or presents at Art Station. buy novel or magz at Pustaka Obor. or just meet Ipan Gimbal @ Texas  :P.
This is your last chance... Bring Back The Memories!!!

Held on 15th dec 07, this event considers of different area.

some performers are... Ras Muhammad (Reggae Dancehall, Jkt), Dj Cza (Turntablism from Ahli Fiqir / Stylustiks, K.L MY), Joe Flizzow (HipHop Artist from Too Phat, K.L MY), DJ Rico (Monohouse), DJ Nio (e.n.d), S.P.R, Fingerprint, SuperWonderland, Cherrycola, etc.
main stage performer starts at 01pm till drop!

event held in this area are Futsal Schoolcup Competition and 3on3 Competition. Students from local highschool will compete and fight for their school pride, and of course a lot of cash!
sports event starts at 9am, until 6pm

brings you the Celica 07's king nominee from Auto Black Through and other full modified cars! for bikers we bring you freestyle matic scooter. and parts bazaar from local modification shop. low price guaranted!

with japanesse style carnival, some of the Harajuku's games brought here! Duck of The Ring, Koi! Koi!, Crazee Trampouline, Paintball Can Shoot!, etc.

bombing is art! we mean, wall bombing! 20+ local bomb squad will compete and show their bombing skills to bring home 10 million of cash!

consists of 20+ tenants from many youth-related products, from banking company, telecommunication, healthcare, cigarette, sports product, etc.

in case you gets hungry, there's a foodcourt-designed food bazaar from local wellknowned tenants such as kebab, burgers and fries, hot dogs, ice creams, and of course many kind of nasi!
at night this area also transform to a wide-spreaded mini bar! hydrating you to party all night long!

be there... or be dead!!!  ;D

This annual event is brought to you by 105 KISS FM The Hottest Hits in Medan!
Quote from: lazydog | rico on 13/11/07, 20:41
haha.. finally, ternyata bukan gw aja yg kena syndrom sakit pinggang.. its happen to all of us yahh sukurlah, berarti bukan gw aja yg tulangnya ga bener hhihihi..

pijat? kalau after gig, gw suka suru kakak ato cewe gw injakin punggung, gw tiduran di ambal/karpet empuk, dan doi naik ke punggung gw jalan2.. kreteekk kretekkk kreteetekeeekk tu punggung.,. makk nyoosssss lahhh hehe

sepertinya paling penting adalah olahraga, masi bingung skrg mo olah raga apa,.. im not good in sport-games.. mau mulai fitness lagi susaah bener hehe.. pulang kerja enaknya pulang tidurr hehe..

@mr din: yup.. tu la tujuan gw, mo jaga badan. .cari tips lagi biar bisa bertahan untuk kedepannya hehe.. soalnya melihat pola hidup gw skrg, gw ga yakin masih sanggup nge-DJ lagi 10 taon ke depan hehe..

lanjut guyss...

since 03' tiap jum'at ama sabtu malam pasti tung tak tung tung! hehe... selesainya jam 5an, lgsg siaran 3jam!! mdh2an sampe skrg blm ada keluhan bos..

tips biar fit:
- biar nggak flu, minum jgn pake es! pure liquor aja... viva jose cuervo! *tepuktangan* hehehe... ato kalo nggak suka, minum yg laen minta campurannya yg dingin. coke, or whatever.. soalnya kita kan nggak pernah tau, itu aer buat es-nya dimasak apa enggak, ntar atit eyyut lagi... *piss*
- olahraga rutin pastinya. ayo la co, futsal nggak mau tennis aja kita? hihi..
- banyakin istirahat aja kyknya..
- satu lagi, sakit pinggang bukan cuma karena pegal lo... watch your kidney dude!
- biasanya seberat apapun, minum aja banyak2 aer putih. kalo bisa sampe bolak balik pipis. it's the most safest, effective detox on the planet!!! (sori, agak2 kurang percaya ama minuman2 yg kbrnya bisa nge-detox) baru tidur... believe it or not, aku pernah ngabisin stgh galon aqua. aer udh naek ampe ke leher! bolak balik pipis entah brp belas kali! tapi bsknya, nggak ada dikit pun efek2 hungover... try it!
back in '04 kalo nggak salah pertama kali ke std... kesan pertama, wicked! gila! pertama kali dicekokin, 1/4...1/2...1... akhirnya 2! langsung berikrar, say no to alcohol! hahaha... lupa tuh hari apa, tapi kalo nggak salah ada satu temen yg bareng kesana tiba2 cabut, ada UTS katanya! kayaknya udah pagi deh... tapi nggak tau pasti jam brp. eh, nggak brp lama doi balik! kucing, ujian2  tinggi, trus balik lagi!! masuk jum'at malem, keluar minggu sore deh kayaknya...

terakhir kesana lupa tgl berapa, tapi kalo nggak salah deket2 JakMov'06. beuh... udah turun kasta kayaknya tu naga, udah jadi ular kadut! banyak mas2 yg kayaknya nggak pernah tau deodoran kali.. bau nya udah kayak pertempuran gitu deh... sengit!!! ditipu edeb lagi! bagus2, mbah mu! oiya, waktu didpn ada yg nawarin jd bodyguard gt. ktnya soal tarif cincay lah... eh, ampe dalem dikasi duit disuruh cari "cemilan" malah ilang nggak balik2!


pengalaman buruk!
Listen to:

Dance O'Holic
It's All About Dance

every Saturday 09.00 b.b.w.i
@ 105 Kiss FM The Hottest Hits In Medan
house, progressive, techno, tribal, trance, etc.

Click www.kissfm-medan.com for internet streaming!

Local DJ's are encouraged to send your mixtape. We'll listen, play it, and even scheduled an On-Air Live Interview session if we think you're cool enough!

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